Generate Equipment Maintenance Edit
Work Order Menu -> Maintenance Scheduling -> Maintenance Work Orders -> Generate Equipment Maintenance Edit
This option can be used to report on Non-Bulk Rental equipment that is due for maintenance service by generating an edit report that can be reviewed and modified in View Maintenance Edit Results before creating the service Work Orders in Create Maintenance Work Orders.
The advantages of this maintenance reporting utility over the manual Print Maintenance Schedule process, include:
•Sets up the listing that is used to automatically create W.O.s for maintenance required.
•Reports on the location of the equipment due for maintenance.
•Considers the job site interval dates for maintenance scheduling.
The prompts to generate the Maintenance Edit report include:
Enter the date for the maintenance service report.
To pre-run the report in advance, enter the future date.
Equipment due for outstanding maintenance up to this date will be reflected in the maintenance edit list.
Note: If this utility is re-run it over-writes any previously generated edit list even if the Work Orders were not created.
If the equipment is currently Out on a Contract, the location specified in this selection parameter refers to the Contract header location.
If the equipment is not on a Contract, the location that is checked is the actual physical location (RSIL) of the equipment.
•Type ALL to include all locations in the report.
•To print the report for a single location, leave this field blank for the Head Office, or enter a specific location code, or select one from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select a range of inventory locations to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Check this box to include all equipment due for maintenance and also to include any job site service intervals that are due according to the days setup in Customer Site Information.
All Non-Bulk rental products on contracts for sites that are flagged in Customer Site Information with a site service interval will be included, if they are not already on an open W.O., or if they are not already due for other Maintenance service.
If there are no maintenance schedules records due, only the Site Interval maintenance scheduling is reported.
Uncheck this box to only include all equipment due for maintenance and to omit job site service scheduling.
Check this box to include schedules for the following 5 maintenance types:
1 - By # Of Rental Days
2 - By # Of Actual Days
3 - By Actual Date
4 - By # Of Meter Units
5 - By Actual Meter Reading
Uncheck this box to generate the maintenance edit report for one specific maintenance type.
Enter the single specific maintenance type or select it from the drop-down list.
Leave this field blank to include all Groups, or enter the starting product Group for the report, or select a starting Group from the Group Search window.
Leave this field blank to include all Groups, or enter the ending product Group for the report, or select an ending Group from the window.
Maintenance schedules can also be generated for products according to group maintenance information setup in Equipment Groups so that any eligible products in that Group that do not yet have an individual Maintenance Schedule record already setup for them in Maintenance Schedule, can be reviewed to determine if service is required according to the general Group schedules.
Individual product Maintenance Schedules are then generated and included in the report.
To be eligible non-bulk products must meet the date/days/meter unit Maintenance Schedule criteria.
If both the Group and the product have Maintenance Schedules, then the Group schedule is ignored and the product schedule applies.
Uncheck this box to exclude Group Maintenance Schedules in the report and to only include products with individual Maintenance Schedule records.
Check this box to generate individual Maintenance Schedules for any eligible products in a Group that utilizes Group Maintenance Schedules, and to include these new Maintenance Schedule records in the report.
Group Maintenance Schedules only apply to rental products that have NO other Maintenance Schedule setup.
Non-bulk Component and Primary items are dependent on each other for rental, but may have separate service requirements.
Select one of the following options to handle the independent service requirements:
•Select Include to include the Primary product if a Power Kit Component is due for maintenance service.
•Select Exclude to exclude the Primary product if the Component is due for service but the Primary product is not.
Because Components cannot be easily serviced independent of the Primary product, the Components will not be reflected on the report until the Primary product is included.
•Select Warn to initiate a warning if Components are due for service when the Primary product is not, but do not include them on this report.
Equipment can be forced onto the maintenance edit report before it is actually due, by entering a variance percent that is applied to the unit measurement for calculating the maintenance due date.
e.g. If a product is due for maintenance in 100 days, and there is a 10% variance entered in this selection field, the product would start showing up on the report at 90 days.
Note: This variance feature does not apply to maintenance types 3 - Actual Date or to 5 - Actual Meter Units.
Check this box to set the default flag to create a Work Order for each product on the maintenance schedule edit report.
Uncheck this box to set the flag NOT to create a Work Order for the products on the maintenance schedule edit report.
The default flag can then be changed on the edit list for specific products in View Maintenance Edit Results as required.
Check this box to include all the non-bulk equipment from the selection range in the maintenance list, including any products not currently out on rent, and suppress the In Store Products List screen.
Uncheck this box to display the In Store Products List before generating the maintenance edit report, to identify any non-bulk equipment currently sitting in your yard that is scheduled for maintenance By Actual Days.
This can be used to identify equipment scheduled By Actual Days maintenance, when it is not currently out on a rental contract, as it may not require service if it has not been used or service may already have been completed at the last rental return.
Note: Whether the equipment is in the yard or out on rent, it will still be listed on the resulting edit list if maintenance is due, but a Work Order does not need to be created if no maintenance is required.
Click ACCEPT to continue or CANCEL to abort.
The In Store Products List is only generated if the option to Include in Store Products in the maintenance edit list, has NOT been selected.
The equipment list can be used to cross check whether equipment currently in the yard really needs service, as the maintenance may no longer be required if it has already been completed at Rental Return or if the equipment is not being used.
The Maintenance Edit output appears as described in View Maintenance Edit Results.
The report can be edit as required before Work Orders are created.
Note: If this utility is re-run it over-writes any previously generated edit list even if the Work Orders have not been generated.
Topic Keyword: WRPH10