Close Maintenance Work Orders
Work Order Menu -> Maintenance Scheduling -> Maintenance Work Orders -> Close Maintenance Work Orders
This utility can be used to identify open Work Orders for a location, and when the service is completed to close them in a batch by converting them to repair history transactions.
It applies only to Work Orders that were created through Create Maintenance Work Orders.
Close Internal Work Orders can also be used to close individual Work Orders.
When the Work Orders are closed the costs of parts used will the print on the Rental Journal Transaction report and post on the next Daily Close 3.
Note: Work Orders that have no labor, parts, services, or comments (other than system generated comments) are deleted and an audit record is written that can be viewed in Delete Log . A Repair transaction is not created.
If the W.O. was created because the item was due per the Maintenance Schedule, and it is now deleted, the Maintenance Schedule is not updated with a service date.
The prompts to generate an edit list in preparation for closing the completed Work Orders to repair transactions are:
•Type ALL to include Work Orders for all locations in the edit list.
•To view products for a single location, leave this field blank for the Head Office, or enter a specific location code, or select one from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select a range of inventory locations to include in the edit list, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Enter the Repair Code that should be assigned to most of the Repair transactions, or select one from the window as set up in Repair/Maintenance Codes.
Repair codes can be changed for specific transactions in the edit screen as required.
Enter the Charge Code that should be assigned to most of the Repair transactions, or select one from the drop-down list as set up in Repair Charge Codes.
Repair codes can be changed for specific transactions in the edit screen as required.
Click ACCEPT to proceed, or CANCEL to abort.
Edit Close Maintenance Work Orders Output Screen
•Any error warnings are displayed explaining why a W.O. could not be closed and a window is provided to drill down to the W.O. details as outlined in View Document Information.
e.g. "Parts are on backorder" or "Zero cost on part"
•In the output screen, W.O. records can be deleted if the service work is not completed and they should not be closed yet.
•Repair and Charge codes can be changed.
•Meter readings can be updated for the W.O. and when appropriate to also update the product file meter reading.
The fields are:
The location that the W.O. will be closed to, displays.
The W.O. number displays.
A window is provided to drill down to the W.O. details as outlined in View Document Information.
The W.O. header date is displayed.
The product number of the equipment being serviced is displayed.
The product description is displayed.
The Meter reading from the W.O. is displayed where applicable.
This can be updated as required.
Expanded Record
Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to expand the record and to view the Repair and Charge Codes.
These can be changed as required.
Finished ?
When the listing Work Orders is verified, click ACCEPT to accept, or CANCEL to abort.
Generate Report Confirmation Screen
Select one of the following:
•Select Process Details to generate the Close Maintenance Work Orders report, listing the Work Orders to be closed by Location, with the Work Order#, Date, Make/Model, Repair Code, Charge Code, Meter, Parts Total, Labor Total, Services Total, W.O. Total, And Cost.
•Select Return to Details to return to the edit screen to make further changes.
•Select Abort Changes to exit the screen without completing any action.
Accept Report Confirmation Screen
Click YES to close the completed Work Orders to repair history, posting parts costs in the next Daily Close 3.
Work Orders with no information will be deleted and an audit record written to Delete Log.
Click NO to abort. The Work Orders will remain open for further processing.
Topic Keyword: WRPH13