Print Maintenance Work Orders
Work Order Menu -> Maintenance Scheduling -> Maintenance Work Orders -> Print Maintenance Work Orders
This program is similar to Print Work Orders but also provides a date selection range, and LINUX systems can print the Work Orders to location printers as determined in Check List Printers.
Work Orders are sorted by Ship to City, then by W.O.#, to enable easy distribution to the service staff.
This re-print Maintenance Work Orders utility respects the forms control print format defined for Print Work Orders as setup for TX_WOWH10.RPT in Customer Forms, only if the Respect Check List Printers options is not selected.
The prompts are:
•Type ALL to include all divisions in the edit list.
•To view products for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office, or enter a specific division code, or select one from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select several specific divisions or divisions by accounting region to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Select one of the following:
•Select Current if the Work Order is open or outstanding.
•Select History if the Work Order has been invoiced.
Leave this field blank for all Work Orders, or enter the first W.O. number to print, or select it from the Estimate/Work Order Search window.
Leave this field blank for all Work Orders, or enter the ending W.O. number to print, or select it from the window.
Accept today's date or enter the starting date for the W.O. selection range.
Accept today's date or enter the ending date for the W.O. selection range.
This feature does not apply to Windows systems.
Uncheck this box to print to the printer selected for this workstation.
A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
For LINUX systems, check this box to print the Work Orders to the location printers setup in Check List Printers.
Note: When Maintenance Work Orders are printed using the Respect Check List Printers feature they do not respect the Crystal print format, or server-side PDF printing, or emailing.
This field is only enabled if Respect Check List Printers is not selected and when the "Use Contact Document Emailing" feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
Uncheck this box to print the document instead of emailing it.
Check this box to email the selected Work Orders to the appropriate contacts flagged in the Contact Information for the customer/site.
•If the document is emailed it will not be printed as well.
•If a single document is to be emailed the Compose Email pop-up is triggered that can be customized, or the operator can Cancel out to print the document instead of emailing.
•If a range of documents are emailed, any documents in the selection range that were not emailed (i.e. there are no valid contact addresses flagged to receive a W.O.) are printed instead.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the documents, or CANCEL to abort.
Print Format Option:
The option to re-print the document in the Standard format, or print using Crystal or Jasper forms is provided if Customer Forms has been activated and setup for this division, with the option to "Prompt Format On Reprint".
Document Reprint Log:
When the orders are emailed or printed a Document Reprint Log is generated listing the documents with the actions and recipients.
Topic Keyword: WRPH14