Select XML Transaction#
Search window -> XML Transaction# field -> Select XML Transaction#
This window can be used to search for and select from existing XML Transaction files.
Search Results:
The XML transaction numbers are listed with the operator, date and time of creation.
Each transaction represents an XML data file listing all the field values for that posting batch.
The transaction list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the column heading.
Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.
Batch Details:
To drill down to the details of an XML transaction file, click on the record to highlight it and click the DETAILS button at the bottom of the screen.
The data list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the column heading.
Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.
The resulting transaction window lists the information associated with the type of file as follows:
•Detail Invoice XML Transactions:
When this selection window is accessed from Export Invoices or Maintain Invoice XML Transaction#, the details of the selected XML Transaction include all the invoice numbers in that IHIH transaction file with the Billing names and the Invoice dates.
The total number of invoices included in this export file is displayed.
Click on an invoice record to highlight it and click the DETAILS button to drill down to the details of a specific invoice in the View Document Information utility.
•Detail GL XML Transactions:
When this selection window is accessed from Export G/L Transactions or Maintain GL XML Transaction#, the details of the selected XML Transaction include all the GL transaction numbers in that GLGL transaction file, with the GL Account #, Division, Date, Source, amount Debited or Credited, Account description, Tax code and description, Reference, Details, Customer or Vendor number and name, Posting Reference, Operator, Product number and description, Job Event and Function name.
•Detail A/P Invoice XML Transactions:
When this selection window is accessed from Export A/P Invoices or Maintain A/P Invoice XML Transaction#, the details of the selected XML Transaction include all the A/P invoices in this APAP transaction file, with Vendor #, Name, Posting Date, Invoice #, and Original Amount.
•Detail A/R Invoice XML Transactions:
When this selection window is accessed from Export A/R Invoices or Maintain A/R Invoice XML Transaction#, the details of the selected XML Transaction include all the A/R invoices and Finance Charges in this ARAR transaction file, with Customer #, Name, Document Date, Type of document, document #, and Original Amount.
•Detail P.O. XML Transactions:
When this selection window is accessed from Export Purchase Orders or Maintain P.O. XML Transaction#, the details of the selected XML Transaction include the Purchase Orders in this INPH transaction file, with Vendor Name, and Date.
Click on a P.O. record to highlight it and click the DETAILS button to drill down to the details of a specific Purchase Order in the View Document Information utility.
To select an XML Transaction, double click on the record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.
Topic Keyword: XMLEXP1