Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Export Purchase Orders

Utilities Menu -> XML Data Exports -> Export Purchase Orders

Back Office Menu -> Daily Close Menu -> Daily Close 3 -> Export Purchase Orders

This utility can be used to re-create the XML export of P.O. information, if the parser has failed or the XML files were deleted.
 This utility can also be used to directly generate a new XML export data file for a range of Purchase Orders by vendor and date.

Refer to Company Daily Close Parameters for the directory and parser setup used by the XML Export process with the option to email the resulting XML files to the operator currently signed in.
 The feature to automatically capture and export P.O. information by XML transactions in Daily Close 3, can also be activated in the Company Daily Close Parameters.

This P.O. export is used by the Approval Plus third-party application that can be used to manage product orders, receivings and invoicing.
 With 'Approval Plus' the Negative and Positive Lines on P.O. flag in the "Miscellaneous" window of the Security Role Permissions needs to be unchecked because the P.O.export cannot be processed when both negative and positive quantity product detail lines are included on the same Purchase Order.

Note: When the “Enable PO Approval” feature is activated in the Company Inventory Parameters any Purchase Orders that have not been Approved yet are excluded from the XML output.

The Export Purchase Orders action does NOT write to the View Application Log.

The prompts in this Export P.O. information utility are:


Recreate XML Export file:
 To reproduce an XML file from an existing XML transaction, select the XML transaction from the Select XML Transaction# window.
 If an XML transaction number is selected the other filters for this utility do not apply.

Export New XML file:
 Leave the XML Transaction# field blank, to export a new XML data file for a selection of Purchase Orders, using the selection filters in this utility.


Enter the starting vendor number for the selection range, or select one from the Vendor Search the window.


Enter the ending vendor number for the selection range, or select is from the window.


Accept the default date or enter a starting date for the range of Purchase Orders.


Accept the default date or enter an ending date for the range of Purchase Orders.


Uncheck this box to include all Purchase Orders for eligible vendors in the selected range and export the data to an XML file type INPH.

Note: Because this export file may include P.O. information that has already been exported and has already been assigned an XML transaction number, no change is made to the contents of existing XML transactions when this new composite XML file is created.
 Instead this new XML file will use the naming convention TRS_INPH_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.xml where TRS represents the 3 digit company code, INPH (Inventory Purchase Orders) is the data type, yyyymmdd is the date, and hhmmss is the time of creation.

Check this box to select only Purchase Orders that are NOT already included in a saved XML transaction record.
 The option is then provided to stamp the invoices in this file with an XML transaction#.


This field is only enabled if Only PO's Not Exported has been selected.

Check this box to create an XML transaction for future use, identifying this batch of Purchase Orders as included in this trx file.
 TRS_INPH_000000000000000174316.xml where TRS represents your 3 digit company code, INPH (Inventory Purchase Orders) is the data type, and 00000000000000174316 is the sequential XML transaction number.

Uncheck this box to generate a one time XML export file identified by date/time in its name, but leaving the Purchase Orders unstamped by any XML transaction number.


Check this box to only export Purchase Orders for suppliers flagged for EDI export in the "Additional Information" window of Vendor Information.
 Uncheck this box if there is no restriction on the Purchase Orders to export.


Click ACCEPT to proceed or CANCEL to abort the export.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Export EDI Purchase Orders screen include:

Update Product Cost on Open Purchase Orders:
 Click the REFRESH button to update the any Warehouse Receiving transactions that have been received in Warehouse Receiving but have not been fully invoiced in A/P Invoices, with the current "P.O. Cost" for each product per the source detail line on the associated Purchase Order.

This action is useful as a one-time fix to correct costs on product receiving records.
 Only existing Warehouse Receiving trx for product details where the Cost had been changed on the original P.O. since receiving but before A/P invoicing will be updated.
 Confirmation is required before the changes are listed in the Information Log pop-up.
 A final confirmation is required before the changes are applied.

Note: This button is disabled if the feature to Prompt for Cost in Warehouse is activated in the Company Inventory Parameters.

Topic Keyword: XMLEXP10