Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Maintain Invoice XML Transaction#

Utilities Menu -> XML Data Exports -> XML Maintenance -> Maintain Invoice XML Trx#

This utility can be used to assign an invoice to an existing XML transaction batch, or to move an Invoice from one XML transaction batch to another.

The prompts are:


Enter the invoice number or select it from the Invoice Search window.
 To be eligible, the invoice must be posted to History (IHIH).


If the invoice is already included in a XML transaction, the transaction number displays.

To assign the invoice to a different XML transaction, enter a valid XML Transaction number for IHIH, or select one from the Select XML Transaction# window.


Click ACCEPT to proceed or CANCEL to abort the export.


This prompt only appears if the XML transaction number was blanked out or left blank, and the flag in Company Daily Close Parameters has been set to automatically generate XML export files for invoices.

Click YES to include this invoice in the queue that is scheduled to be exported with IHIH, the next time Daily Close 2 is run.
 Click NO to leave this invoice out of any XML export IHIH file.

If any changes are made to the contents of XML export transactions, an audit record is generated for XMLEXP that can be viewed in Delete Log.

Topic Keyword: XMLEXP6