Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Taxes Charged

Counter Menu -> Counter Worksheet Details/Contract Details -> Contract Summary and Totals -> Taxes

This window displays the tax summary by tax code for this document.


The taxes will display in sequence number order.


The tax codes e.g. GST/PST/SST which apply to this contract will appear.

 The ability to change, add, deleted the Tax Codes on the document is controlled by operator permission setup in Security Role Permissions.
 Once the tax amounts have been calculated, the ability to change the tax codes in this window on the document is only enabled regardless of role permission, if your firm has also allowed document totals to be changed as defined in the Company Taxing Parameters.


The description for this tax code appears, such as SALES TAX, STATE TAX.


This is the contract amount on which the tax has been calculated.


The tax rate is the sales tax percentage applicable to this contract.
 If the rate is incorrect, it must be changed in Tax Codes.


This is the total amount of tax charged on this contract. The tax is determined by the Tax Codes on each product, and the Tax Codes on each Service. When the invoice is made, the Tax Codes on each product and each Service are carried forward from the Contract.

 The ability to change the dollar amounts calculated for taxes on the document is controlled by the Prevent Change To Document Tax Totals as set in the Company Taxing Parameters.
 If the taxes are incorrect, and the operator is unable to change the tax totals return to the document details and change the specific products and services on the document to correct the tax amounts, in the expanded detail records.

Topic Keyword: RSCT01 (3679)