Customer Credit Limit
Counter Menu / Order Entry Menu -> Customer Documents -> Customer Credit Limit
This credit limit warning pop-up window is triggered if the customer has been assigned a Credit Limit dollar amount in Customer Information and the customer's account balance exceeds the credit limit allowed.
The information includes:
The customer's Credit Limit is displayed as defined for the customer in the Customer Credit Information window.
The customer's current outstanding Account Balance is displayed.
A setting in the Company Security Parameters controls whether unposted invoices are also included in this accounting total.
A window on the Account Balance field provides access to view the customer's outstanding Account and aging details as of the current date, as outlined in View Current Account Information.
The Percent that the account has exceeded the limit is displayed, only if a company wide value has been set in the 'Allowable Percentage Over Credit Limit' field in the Company Security Parameters.
The customer's Credit Rating and description is displayed as defined for the customer in the Customer Credit Information window.
Click OK to acknowledge the credit warning.
Prevent Further Business at Credit Limit:
The Continue Document on Failed Credit Check flag in the Company Security Parameters controls whether a document can be created for a customer if the customer's Credit Limit has been reached or exceeded. This Credit Check restriction can be set on all documents, or only on quotes.
A company-wide buffer can be set on Credit Checks in the Company Security Parameters allowing a customer to exceed his limit by a percent of his Credit Limit before the customer is actually cut-off from doing business.
An audit record automatically notes which clerk overrode the limit, and prints this out on Print Override Report so follow-up action can then be taken.
This abort on failed Credit Check processing applies to contracts, reservations, invoices, quotes, sales orders, and leases.
The warning is triggered in Rental Return and Bill a Single Contract, but the billing is not prevented as the customer needs to be billed for equipment rented.
It does not apply to invoices entered in A/R Invoices, or to Estimate and Work Order functions.
If this feature is not activated, the Credit Limit warning still displays on the screen, but this will not prevent the transaction from being entered.
Topic Keyword: ARCRCHK (3684)