Contract Services
Counter Menu -> Counter Worksheet Details/Contract Details -> Contract Summary and Totals -> Services window -> Contract Services
Any services previously selected to be charged on this document are displayed.
These can be modified as required and additional services can be charged.
Some service charges can be setup to bill automatically such as Re-stocking Fees, EPA fees, and product or Group related charges. These services can be a flat rate or can be based on a percent of the amount charged for the associated product.
Charges for the auto-added services can be adjusted on the contract in the Auto Service Code Override window.
Refer to Services for more details on this feature.
When a new document is being created, a flag in the Company Contract Parameters controls the default of how the list of services is displayed.
•If this option is activated, all applicable service codes for this document type automatically display in this Service window.
The service records can then be modified as required for the document.
•If this option is not activated, then each service to be included, must be selected from the look-up window and added manually.
Note: If any services have already been automatically added to the document, such as special charges associated with a rental or sales product as defined by the Group or Product Class, then they will always be displayed and additional services must be added manually.
To select services, the prompts are:
The services will display in sequence number order.
Enter the Service Code as setup in Service Codes.
Only services applicable to this document type are listed in the Service Search window.
Delivery / Pickup Services Codes:
This Delivery And Pickup Service Codes on Document window is only triggered if Delivery and/or Pickup was not selected on the document header, and a product on the document belongs to a Group with Type D associated Delivery/Pickup services, and the operator manually enters a Type D ranked Service Code in the document Summary screen Services window.
The Contract services are also updated by Delivery and Pickup Tickets for Type D ranked services when the Delivery/Pickup service is charged by the ticket instead of the Contract as activated in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters.
The description of the service will display on the screen, as it will print on the contract.
Typical examples are DELIVERY, FUEL.
This field automatically displays one of the following values:
•This field is 'Blank' if this is a standard Service that was manually added to the document.
The window on this field to access the Auto Service Code Override is not available as this is not a system auto-added service.
•'Yes' is displayed if this is an auto-added service or a service associated with a product or Group.
These auto-added services can be billed as a flat rate or can be based on a percent of the amount charged for the product.
Refer to Services for more details on this feature.
The Auto Service Code Override window on this field provides the ability to modify the auto-added Service calculation on this document.
•'Override' is displayed if this is an auto-added service and the service rate has been changed on this Contract in the Auto Service Code Override window.
If the service has been set in Service Codes to prompt for quantity, then fill in the quantity applicable for this service.
The default quantity is 1. Partial amounts may be entered such as 1.75.
This field is not active for services that are not billed per unit.
When a service does not 'prompt for a quantity', the quantity field is left blank on the printed form including invoices, contracts, reservations, quotes and Work Orders.
A window is provided in Change mode to view any P.O. links to order this service, as outlined in Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview.
Enter the charge each for this service.
If there is a standard rate or fee for this service, the amount can be setup to default from Service Codes.
The Extended Amount = QTY * EACH, except where the quantity is blank.
If the quantity is blank, the charge Each equals the Extended.
Enter any notes or comments related to this service.
Check this box to print these notes on the document with the service description.
Uncheck this box to suppress printing these notes on the document.
Expanded Record
Click EXP/CON button to access the tax codes on each service.
Purchase Order Information window:
If the Service Codes enter on this detail line is flagged to allow a Purchase Order to be created directly from the contract, the Purchase Order Information window is triggered.
Note: To create a P.O. for a Service on the Contract, the service must be added to the Contract manually, and not just selected from the List Contract Services checkbox screen configured in the Company Contract Parameters.
Click CANCEL to close this window if a P.O. should not be created to order this product or service at this time, or enter the P.O. information as outlined in Purchase Order Information.
Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details on this feature.
When finished, click ACCEPT to exit the Services window.
Update Zero Quantity Service Action:
If there are any services on this contract with a zero quantity on exiting the Services window a prompt is triggered to alert the operator and to provide the option to update the billing quantity to one and to re-open the Service details.
Over-ride Security:
If a service is changed or deleted from a document a reason code may be required as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code controlled by the SS types defined in Override Type Permissions.
Topic Keyword: RSCH03 (3689)