Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Resort Document Details

Counter Menu -> Contract / Counter Worksheet / Reservations Details -> Resort Document Details

Order Entry Menu -> Sales Order Details / Sales Order Invoice Details -> Resort Document Details

The product details can remain in the sequence that they were entered, or they can be re-sorted to display on the screen and to print on the document in a preferred order.
 This is controlled by the Document Detail Sort Sequence in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.
 This pop-up dialogue prompt window can also be suppressed, as determined by the Detail Sort Will Be setting in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.

The pop-up dialogue prompts:


The sort sequence as selected in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters, for this division displays.


Click CANCEL to leave the product details in the same order as they are currently listed.
 Click ACCEPT to re-sort the product details in the preferred sort sequence for this division as defined by the Method field.

Note: The Standard and Crystal forms format print the products in the order selected on the document according to the Document Sort Preference selection.
 Jasper forms is designed to list all Rentals first, followed by Sales, and then Services and Taxes. The Document Sort Preference is applied within the Rentals list and within the Sales list.

Topic Keyword: RSIH03EC (3690)