Credit Department Email Addresses
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Customer Management Tab -> General Settings -> Credit Department Email
For each Division, list the email addresses of the Credit Department personnel that should be informed when a sale quote is submitted for credit approval in Sale Approval Quotes and also if the submit status is revoked for a sale quote in the Remove Sale Quote Approval utility.
The addresses can be maintained in the Credit Department Email Addresses window on the Customer Management tab of the Configure System Settings.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Customer Management - Credit Department Email in order to access this table.
Notification to the Credit Department can be by Division and/or Company-wide:
Enter the Division or select one from the window, to define email addresses specific to that Division.
Type ALL in the division field to enter email addresses that will be notified for all credit approval quote activity company-wide.
The Division of the Sale Approval Quote is included in the subject of the email.
List the email addresses, or search for and select them from the Email Address Search window.
Refer to Sale Quotes Pending Approval for an overview on this feature.
Topic Keyword: RSVH09 (3691)