Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Rental/Sales Discounts

Counter Menu -> Contract / Counter Worksheet -> Additional window -> Rental/Sales Discounts window -> Rental/Sales Discounts

The rental and sale discount percents to be given on the document, default from the values defined in theCustomer Information and/or Customer Site Information.
 The site discount can either replace the customer's discount or be added-to the customer's discount according to the company setting in the Company Billing Parameters.
 If there is a valid Loyalty Plan assigned to the customer, the rental discount from that Loyalty Plan over-rides any Customer/Site Rental discount, but does not impact the Sales discount percent.

The Apply Discounts To Search Results flag in the Company Inventory Parameters controls whether the rental and sales discounts defined on the document header are reflected in the inventory list results from the Inventory Search.

Note: Contract Customer discounts for a Customer Site can be set by Product Class, in Contract Customer Discount.
 These job site discounts take precedent over other product and customer discounts on the contract.

These defaults can be overridden for this specific document as required.


Accept the discount percentage allowed for rental charges on this document as defaulted from the Customer Information / Site Information, or from the Loyalty Plan, or enter a preferred discount percent.
 e.g. 10 for 10%

If a Class is identified in Rental Product Classes to not allow discounts, then any discount will not apply to equipment in the class.

If a discount is entered, the words 10% DISCOUNT ON RENTALS can appear in the Comments window.
 This print option is controlled in the Company Contract Parameters with Print Discount Comment flag.

Discount Exceeds your Allowable Limit:

This warning is triggered if the operator has been assigned a Security Role Permission with a cap on the "Maximum Discount% - Rentals" in the Role Parameters window, and the percent entered as the over-ride exceeds this limit.
 The option to get over-ride approval from an operator with permission to assign this high a discount rate, is provided:

Click NO to abort the discount over-ride and to revert back to the previous discount value (even if the previous value exceeds operator maximum).

Click YES to trigger the Discount Authorization window for over-ride approval.

Note: This discount over-ride control is also applied at the product detail line level.


Enter the discount percentage allowed for sales (including sales of rental equipment) on this contract, as defaulted from the Customer Information / Site Information, or enter a preferred sales discount percent.
 e.g. 10 for 10%

If a Sales part is identified in the Re-order window of Sales Inventory, as Disallow Discounts, then any discount on that sales part will be disregarded.
 The price can still be over-typed on the Contract or the Invoice, if required.

If a discount is entered, the words 10% DISCOUNT ON SALES can appear in the Comments window.
 This print option is controlled in the Company Contract Parameters with Print Discount Comment flag.

Discount Exceeds your Allowable Limit:

This warning is triggered if the operator has been assigned a Security Role Permission with a cap on the "Maximum Discount% - Sales" in the Role Parameters window, and the percent entered as the over-ride exceeds this limit.
 The option to get over-ride approval from an operator with permission to assign this high a discount rate, is provided:

Click NO to abort the discount over-ride and to revert back to the previous discount value (even if the previous value exceeds operator maximum).

Click YES to trigger the Discount Authorization window for over-ride approval.

Note: This discount over-ride control is also applied at the product detail line level.

Note: A flag in the Additional Pop-Up Windows in Divisional Contract Parameters can be set to automatically trigger this Rental/Sales Discounts pop-up window in contract or worksheet entry.

Topic Keyword: RSCH01M (3692)