Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Contract Delivery/Pickup

Counter Menu -> Contract / Counter Worksheet -> Additional window -> Delivery/Pickup window -> Contract Delivery/Pickup

This window is suppressed if delivery/pickup services are billed on the Delivery and/or Pickup Tickets instead of the source document, as activated in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters.


Uncheck this box if the customer is picking up the equipment.

 If the Enable Will Call Delivery feature is activated for the division in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters, and Delivery is No then when the document header is completed the operator will be prompted to Add this Will Call to Dispatch?.
 If a "Will Call" is generated then when the Contract or Reservation is completed an email is automatically sent to the address defined for the division to alert staff of the customer's requirement, and the document will be included in the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch with a status of WCALL.

Check this box if the equipment is to be delivered.
 The contract will appear on Delivery / Pickup Report and Delivery/Pickup Dispatch.

This field defaults per the division setting defined in Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters, where a default Service Code can also be assigned.
 If the default for the Division is left blank, then there is no default and the operator is forced to confirm the Delivery flag.


This Service Code controls the billing for the delivery, and can be over-typed in Add mode, if required. A window is provided to select from the existing Service Codes.

In the "Additional Info" window in Customer Information customers can be assigned a specific delivery service code and can be identified to receive special Delivery charges by Group or Freight Price Code.
 Customer rates over-ride the division or general group delivery rates.

When a document is flagged for delivery, a Delivery Ticket can be generated in the Document Totals screen after the equipment has been selected on the Contract, if the feature is activated in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters.

Changing Service on Document in Change mode:
 On Quotes and Reservations, the 'Service Code' can NOT be changed in Change mode if the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters to Add Service on Ticket is No as those services will have already been added to the document when it was first created.
 On Contracts, the 'Service Code' can never be changed in Change mode as various delivery transactions may have already occurred and/or services already added to the document using those service codes.

Custom Delivery Charge
 If the Service Code selected for Delivery is designated as 'Type $', this code over-rides any "auto" assigned delivery including the 'Type D' ranked charges, to allow a customized service charge amount to be manually entered for special delivery situations, such as distance to the customer site, as outlined in the Custom Delivery/Pickup Charge pop-up window.


This is similar to the Delivery prompt above.

Uncheck this box if the customer is returning the equipment.

Check this box if the equipment is to be picked up.
 The contract will appear on Delivery / Pickup Report.

A default can be setup for the division, in Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters and a default Service Code can also be assigned.
 If the default for the Division is left blank, then there is no default and the operator is forced to confirm the Pickup flag.


This Service Code controls the billing for the pickup, and can be over-typed in Add mode, if required. A window is provided to select from the existing Service Codes.

Changing Service on Document in Change mode:
 On Quotes and Reservations, the 'Service Code' can NOT be changed in Change mode if the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters to Add Service on Ticket is No as those services will have already been added to the document when it was first created.
 On Contracts, the 'Service Code' can never be changed in Change mode as various pickup transactions may have already occurred and/or services already added to the document using those service codes.

Custom Pickup Charge
 If the Service Code selected for the Pickup is designated as 'Type $', this code over-rides any "auto" assigned pickup including the 'Type D' ranked charges, to allow a customized service charge amount to be manually entered for special pickup situations, as outlined in the Custom Delivery/Pickup Charge pop-up window.

Topic Keyword: RSRQ04R (3710)