Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual


Inventory Control Menu -> Inventory Inquiry -> Barcodes

Multiple barcodes may be defined for both Sales Inventory and Rental Inventory.

Barcodes may be used in all of the entry programs such as Contracts, Counter Worksheet, Invoices, Order Entry, Work Orders, etc. When a scanner reads the barcode for a product, the corresponding product number is substituted on the document.

Because barcodes can also be used to identify or enter products manually or via scanner on a document, the barcode cannot be the same as any other product number in the system.

A flag in the "Barcode Parameters" settings of the Company Inventory Parameters can be activated, causing a barcode to be automatically generated for any product newly added to the inventory file.

Topic Keyword: RSRQ50Q (3725)