Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Product Equipment Specifications

Inventory Control Menu -> Sales Inventory/Rental Inventory -> Specifications window -> Product Equipment Specifications

Use this window to define Equipment Specifications for the product.
 Multiple lines of information can be recorded. The specifications are viewable during contract entry in the window on the product description field.
 They can also be viewed in Rental Rate/Price Inquiry and Rate Inquiry By Product Class.

Generic Equipment Specifications that are setup and assigned to the Group by code, are copied to a new product when the product is created.
 The Clone Group Information to Products can be used to copy the specification from the Group down to the existing products within that Group, to include the detail descriptions (without the code) in this Product Equipment Specifications window.
 Equipment Specifications may be entered for a product in Update Equipment Specifications.
 Equipment Specifications can also be updated for non-bulk rental products from the Clone Product Info to Existing Product utility.
 Equipment Specifications can be updated for rental and sales products from the Inventory Clean-Up export/import utility.

Serialized Sales Part Specifications:
 Additional multiple lines of product Specifications can be added to individual serialized sales items in the Serial Numbers window, that can be reviewed in all inquiries and when the product is used or sold.

Topic Keyword: RSES03 (3732)