Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

W.O. Print Confirmation

Work Order Menu -> Work Orders Details -> PRINT button -> W.O. Print Confirmation

Select one of the document print options or click CANCEL to exit the Print Confirmation screen.

Select Work Order to output a copy of the Work Order.
 This is useful if the Shop Supervisor wants to check the billing before the invoice is finalized.

When a Work Order with split billing is printed, the distribution for each labor and parts detail is printed on a second detail line.
 A Split Billing Summary also prints on a separate page for that W.O. This summary can be helpful when reconciling Warranty Claims.


This prompt is triggered if the Work Order is to service a Maintenance Schedule record and there are W.O. Service Instructions associated with the maintenance.

The W.O. can also be printed later from Print Work Orders.

Select Parts Requisition to print out a list of parts from the Work Order, that have been ordered but not yet issued.
 The Part #, description, and the Previous Quantity Back Ordered (quantity needed on W.O. but not yet issued) are listed, with space to record Current Qty Issued (actual quantities in stock available to be issued) and the New Qty B/O (quantity still not filled on W.O.).
 This Requisition List can be used by the stock room to check and record quantities of parts available in stock.
 The W.O. can then be re-accessed and the quantities issued can be update.

The Requisition can also be printed from Print Work Order Parts Requisition.

Topic Keyword: WOWH01V (3755)