Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Field Ticket Billing Invoice

Back Office Menu -> Cycle Billing -> Field Ticket Billing -> Field Ticket Billing Invoice

The invoice number generated for this customer's billing is displayed, with the option to print the invoice, as follows:


If multiple tickets are billed, then a new invoice# is assigned to the merged invoice.
 If a single ticket is billed, then the original invoice# retained.


Check this box to print the invoice now.
 Uncheck this box to skip printing.

The invoice can be printed later from Print Invoices from Batch status.

On the resulting invoice the various source Field Ticket numbers print below each detail and service on the invoice.

The Field Ticket invoices respect the alternate language requirement, and can be output on standard, Crystal or Jasper forms as controlled in Customer Forms.

Topic Keyword: FLTX02B (3759)