Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

List Contracts with Invalid Rates

Utilities Menu -> Counter -> List Contracts with Invalid Rates

Reports Menu -> Automatic Reporting -> Function RSCD73 -> runs List Contracts with Invalid Rates

This utility will print out any contracts that do not have valid rental rates.
 This utility can be accessed from the Utilities menu for Counter operations.

The List Contracts with Invalid Rates Report can also be setup to be run automatically with the results emailed to staff, by setting up RSCD73 with the relevant filters and email addresses in the Automatic Reporting.

All rental products on contracts must have valid rates, in order to calculate the rental charges correctly. If your data was converted, certain items may have been missing the rates prior to conversion. Or the rates may have been missed when the product was first entered. The report will show the contract number, sequence (which detail line on the contract is the problem), the product number and rate code.

To fix the rates, use either Rental Inventory or Update Product Rental Information.
 The rate code on the report is the one that must be fixed, or add new rates if there is no rate code on the report.
 Next, select Contracts, and delete the item from Product Details and then re-add it.
 This ensures that the contract will use the new rates.

Topic Keyword: RSCD73 (3766)