Prompt for Operator - on Inventory Transfers
Inventory Control Menu -> Internal Branch Transfers -> Internal Transfer Console -> MAINTAIN button -> Internal Branch Transfers -> Prompt for Operator
Inventory Control Menu -> Internal Branch Transfers -> Internal Transfer Console -> SHIP button -> P.O.# / TRANSFER# button -> Ship Internal Transfers by P.O. / Ship Internal Transfers -> Prompt for Operator
Inventory Control Menu -> Internal Branch Transfers -> Internal Transfer Console -> RECEIVE button -> TRANSFER# button -> Receive Internal Transfers -> Prompt for Operator
This pop-up is triggered by the Inventory Transfer actions to capture and track the operator that is processing the inventory transfer information, if the Prompt for Clerk on Inventory/Internal Xfers is activated in the Company Security Parameters.
Accept the operator code currently signed into the session or select one from the drop-down box.
If the Check Operator Password feature is activated in the Company Security Parameters, verification is required by entering the associated password in the Password Required window.
Note: When the external 'Authentication' feature is enabled in the Texada Support Parameters any "Password" requirement is ignored.
Topic Keyword: INDH02I (3812)