Company Parameters
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System Tab -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters
The settings in this utility are company wide and can be used to customize the rental software to your firm's specific requirements.
Many of the options apply to documents, billing, taxing, inventory, posting, or security.
This utility can be accessed from the "Company & Divisions" parameters on the System tab of the Configure System Settings.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the System - Company Parameters in order to access this table.
To navigate through the options click Tab on the keyboard to move to the first enabled option in the next section on the screen.
These parameters apply to all Divisions or stores in the company.
The settings that are controlled by individual Division can be accessed in Division Parameters.
Note: Because any changes to the Company Parameters and the Division Parameters can require file and process changes in the software, these two utilities cannot be accessed at the same time. A warning that the "Company Information is currently locked" is displayed when one or the other is in use.
A window is provided on each subject to access the tunable parameters for the company including:
Company Document Parameters Company Setup Parameters
Reservation Parameters Inventory Parameters
Contract Parameters Rate Parameters
Invoice Parameters Billing Parameters
Estimate and W.O. Parameters Daily Close Parameters
Quotation Parameters Taxing Parameters
Posting Parameters
General Company Parameters Security Parameters
Software Integration Customer Forms
Miscellaneous Parameters Label Form Mappings
Texada Parameters Lexicon Setup
Custom Parameters
Click ACCEPT to accept all changes to the parameters in each of the windows.
Click CANCEL to cancel any changes to the parameters.
Note: Any changes made to any parameters, with the exception of Software Integration, will not be applied until the Company Parameters are accepted.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Company Parameters screen include:
•Search Feature:
Click the SEARCH button to locate a feature or setting in the Company Parameters or the Division Parameters as outlined in Search Company/Division Parameters.
Topic Keyword: GLCN90 (3821)