Company Invoice Parameters
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Invoice Parameters
The tunable Invoice Parameters can be accessed from the window in the Company Parameters.
Some of these settings also apply to other documents.
Print Settings
When printing standard contracts, reservations, quotes, invoices, order invoices and picking tickets, there are two addresses which print out.
The first address is the Bill To address (customer paying for it), and the second is the Ship To address (site receiving the goods, or where the items will be used).
This field provides the ability to customize the Bill To wording used on legacy print programs and on many custom print programs.
Accept the words BILL TO: or type in preferred alternative verbiage to print on the document.
As explained in the Text for Bill To field above, alternative words can be substituted to print on the standard contracts, reservations, quotes, invoices, order invoices and picking tickets, to indicate where the items should be sent or used.
This field provides the ability to customize the Ship To wording used on legacy print programs and on many custom print programs.
Accept SHIP TO: or type in alternative verbiage.
This field only applies if Enable Alternate Language has been activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
Enter the Alternate Language equivalent in French/Spanish/etc. in place of the English words BILL TO: that should print on legacy format contracts, invoices, reservations, and quotes, for customers identified as using the Alternative Language.
This field only applies if Enable Alternate Language has been activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
Enter the Alternate Language equivalent in French/Spanish/etc. in place of the English words SHIP TO: that should print on legacy format contracts, invoices, reservations, and quotes, for customers identified as using the Alternative Language.
This prompt controls the number of invoice and return slip copies that are printed.
This facilitates use of a laser printer to print the invoices from Miscellaneous Invoices, and the Rental Return. Since most lasers make only 1 copy at a time, the number of copies required can be set here.
Enter or select one of the following option from the drop-down list:
•Type A (Account Only) if more than one copy of the invoice is required to be printed for On Account Customers ONLY.
•Type C (Cash Only) if more than one copy of just the Cash Customer invoices is required to be printed.
•Type N (No) if only 1 printed copy of the invoice is required.
•Type Y (YES) if more than one printed copy of the invoice is required, for BOTH Cash and On Account customers.
Note: This option does not apply when invoices are printed from the Print Invoices option, nor does it apply when using Forms Control, as the print document quantity is controlled in the Document/Forms Mapping setup for Crystal forms, and the number of copies to print for Jasper forms can be set for each pdf document at the time of printing.
This field only applies if Multiple Copies of Invoices are to be printed.
Enter the number of copies to be printed of each standard invoice and return slip.
e.g. Type 2 if the invoice needs to be printed.
This prompt controls the default document division filter in the Print Invoices selection screen, but it can always be over-typed for each print job as required.
Check this box if your firm usually prints batches of invoices from all divisions.
Uncheck this box if your firm usually prints invoices separately by division.
This prompt controls the default for printing the Safety Notes on the Invoice detail lines as is done on the rental documents including Quotes/Reservations/Contracts.
Check this box if your firm wishes the default to be that 'Safety Notes' do print on line items on the Invoices.
Uncheck this box if your firm does not regularly print 'Safety Notes' on invoices.
Note: This is a default and can be over-ridden at the customer level for specific customers in the Additional Customer Information.
Document Settings
The Cash only status for a customer is assigned in the Customer Information by leaving the On Account box unchecked.
Conversely if the On Account box is checked then this customer may charge invoices against his account.
Sometimes a customer who has been assigned a CASH status, is "Cash Short" and is unable to pay for an invoice at that time, and needs to be allowed to charge a one time invoice on his account.
This parameter controls how your firm handles Cash customers who are "Cash Short".
Enter or select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
•Type H (Allow Hold or On Account) to open a window at the time of the invoice, giving the operator the choice of allowing the customer to charge the invoice on his account, or to put the Invoice On Hold to prevent it from posting in the Daily Close until a payment method can be determined.
oIf the invoice is not put On Hold, then Resulting Actions for a Cash Short Invoice as explained below, apply.
oIf the invoice is put On Hold to wait for payment, the Bad Risk record is not generated and the invoice is flagged not to post in the Daily Close. The Hold flag on the invoice can be released in Hold/Release Current Invoices when payment is made.
If the invoice is released and payment is still not made by the Cash customer then the "Cash Short" invoice actions will apply.
Note: If the Cash invoice cannot be put On Hold, then the feature to Email a Request for Payment from Invoice Totals and Services or from the Sales Order Invoice Totals and Services is disabled.
•Type N (No) if your firm does NOT want to allow a CASH customer to be able to charge an invoice to his account, even when he is "Cash Short".
•Type Y (Yes) to allow a CASH customer to charge On Account when he is "Cash Short".
Resulting Actions for "Cash Short" Invoice:
When a CASH Customer is permitted to charge a "Cash Short" invoice the following occurs:
oThe Print Statements flag in the Customer Information is automatically set so that a Statement will be printed at month end.
oUnless the invoice is a credit invoice, a record for this customer is also written to the Bad Risk Customers so that a warning "CUSTOMER HAS A CASH SHORT INVOICE" displays on the screen for future Contracts and Invoices.
The warning will continue to be generated for the customer until the record is deleted from Bad Risk Customers.
oThe Customer Next Call Date is set to the date of the Cash Short Invoice, in Log Collection Calls, to remind the collection clerk about this customer.
Removing the Bad Risk records generated from a "Cash Short" Invoice:
oIf a payment for a Cash customer is entered in AR Customer Payments or in Counter Customer Payments and there are records logged on the Bad Risk Customers file because of a "Cash-Short" invoice, full payment of all invoices On Account triggers the option to also remove the 'Bad Risk' transaction entries.
oIf a "Cash-Short" current invoice is deleted in Delete A Single Invoice, Reverse a Rental Return, or Reverse a Cycle Billed Invoice, the option is provided to also remove the 'Bad Risk' transaction entries from the Bad Risk Customers file.
oDeleting the Bad Risk record also resets the customer's “Statement Output” flag to “No” and clears the “Date Of Next Call” that was generated from a Cash Short transaction.
oWhen a 'Bad Risk' transaction entry is auto-removed from the Bad Risk Customers file on full payment of the customer's account a record is written to the Delete Log for the corresponding function ARPC01 or ARAR03B.
Note: This "Cash Short" option does not apply to Point Of Sale Invoices.
"Cash Short" option does apply to Cash customers who have Cylinder Transactions where the cylinder container rental is billed through Cycle Billing creating cylinder invoices that are charged on account.
This field only applies if the option to Allow On Account for Cash Customers has been set to Y (Yes) or to H (Allow Hold or On Account), in the previous field.
In the window, select the operator roles that should be allowed to charge On Account for cash customers, as outlined in Assign Security Roles.
If only a single role has permission, the role name displays.
If multiple roles have permission, the number of roles is displayed.
At the counter if the operator is not in one of these roles, he will be prompted for the Password before he can allow a Cash Customer to charge an Invoice On Account.
He or his supervisor will need to enter the password defined in the next field in order to proceed as outlined in Authorization Required.
This field only applies if the option to Allow In Account for Cash Customers has been set to Y (Yes) or to H (Allow Hold or On Account), in the previous field.
Enter the over-ride Password that will permit operators who have do not have permission (i.e. not in a role that allows this process) to allow a Cash Customer to charge an Invoice On Account.
If no password and this field is left blank, only operators with an acceptable role can ever allow a cash customer to charge On Account.
This security role and password are also reflected in Module Passwords for module RSIH03.
Uncheck this box to prevent the invoice total from being rounded.
Check this box to round the invoice total to the nearest acceptable cents as defined in Nearest Interval to Round To.
This is useful for currencies that do not use pennies or other coin denominations.
A service code can be assigned for the difference in the rounded amount. The service code and plus/minus amount prints on the invoice.
Invoice totals can be rounded to one of 5, 10, 25, 50 cents or to the nearest dollar.
Select your firm's preference from the drop-down list.
Enter the service code to post the rounding difference, or select one from the drop-down list.
The service code should be setup in Service Code with tax code NTX and the appropriate Over/Short G/L posting account.
Check this box to display the invoice on the screen as if it were being printed, in Customer Account Inquiry when the operator windows on an invoice number in the document column.
The Customer Information in the Document Details window can still be viewed by clicking the DETAILS button.
Uncheck this box to always display the Customer Information in the Document Details window without printing the invoice on the screen.
Note: The Document Details window is always displayed in an Open Client browser session if Jasper forms are not setup, or when the operator windows on a Payment or Finance Charge type document.
Check this box to post all invoices for customers that are flagged as "On Account" in Customer Information, to the A/R sub-ledger including paid invoices and invoices that net to zero dollars.
Such zero dollar invoices will show as paid in Customer Account Inquiry.
This feature does not apply to customers flagged as "Cash" in Customer Information.
Uncheck this box if Counter, Order, or W.O. invoices with zero amounts owing should not be posted to the customer's A/R account.
Invoices created in A/R Invoices will always post to the A/R sub-ledger.
Note: If the setting in Support Application Parameters relating to posting zero dollar invoices for both Cash and Account customers is active, then this parameter is ignored.
This processing provides the ability to select invoices for a specific customer by ticket number and merge them into a single invoice for billing.
e.g. Engineer does work at several jobs, generating multiple invoices/tickets that need to be billed as a single invoice with engineer’s signature
Note: This processing cannot be activated if your firm controls invoice postings using the Daily Close 1 Approval feature as outlined in Daily Close 1 Approval Codes.
Uncheck this box if your firm does not use Field Tickets, so that Cash and On Account invoices post through the standard Daily Close.
Check this box to activate this processing so that all Invoices require a field ticket to be assigned and on-account invoices must be approved prior to posting.
On Account invoices do NOT post through Daily Close 1, instead they must be approved and billed by customer using Field Ticket Billing.
Billing the selected tickets merges the invoices and immediately posts them into Batch status.
Cash invoices also require a field ticket# but cash invoices are not included in the Field Ticket Billing and do not require approval as payment is already received.
Cash invoices are posted through the standard Daily Close 1.
To use this processing, deposits cannot be used to partially pay an 'On Account' invoice, nor can an invoice be partly 'On Account' and partly paid by any other method.
Note: The Merge Customer/Site Invoice utilities in the Company Billing Parameters are not active when Field Ticket processing is activated.
The Counter, WO, & OE Docs (all except Misc Invoices) include any quantity on a Sales Order (tracked as qty counted ‘On Ord’ in RSIL location table) in the quantity availability checking.
This parameter controls whether to consider ‘On Ord' qty in availability checking for 'Misc Invoices' & 'Point of Sale Invoices' too.
Uncheck this box if 'Misc Invoices' & 'Point of Sale Invoices' should not be stopped from selling a sales part due to quantity currently on a Sales Order.
This means that the quantity count ‘On Ord’ in RSIL location table is not included in the quantity availability checking for Invoices, when that same part would be stopped on any other document because of complete quantity availability checking.
Check this box to force Misc Invoices to use the same quantity availability checking as other documents by also considering any ‘On Ord' qty in the availability checking.
Click OK to accept the settings and exit the Invoice Parameters window.
Note: Any changes made to these parameters will not be applied until the Company Parameters are accepted.
Topic Keyword: GLCN90A (3822)