Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Estimate and W.O. Parameters
The tunable Estimate and W.O. Parameters can be accessed from the window in the Company Parameters.
The following company wide settings are used in Work Order Estimates and/or in Work Orders.
Document Settings
This feature provides the ability to compare the original Estimate totals with the completed Work Order billing totals prior to generating the W.O. Invoice. This comparison only applies when a Work Order that was converted from an existing Estimate that has not yet been deleted, is being closed out to an W.O. Invoice.
If the totals do not match, a warning is displayed and the Work Order must be adjusted to match the Estimate before the invoice can be generated. Conversely, if the W.O. is actually correct, it can only be converted to an invoice if the source Estimate has been deleted.
Check this box to activate this comparison of the document totals when Work Orders converted from an existing Estimate are invoiced.
The printed invoice matches the original estimate, and is actually a copy of the estimate but the document is labelled an INVOICE.
Uncheck this box to skip the Estimate/Work Order billing comparison.
Note: This processing is not easily compatible if the automatic EPA and SS services are used, as these services work on a percentage as defined in Environmental Protection Act/Shop Supplies that could make discrepancies difficult to reconcile.
The same sales part may be used and listed multiple times on the W.O. or on the Estimate.
Check this box to activate a check for any sales parts that are listed on multiple separate detail lines in Work Order Estimates, in Work Orders, and in Fast-Track Work Order Parts.
A warning about any multiple detail lines is triggered when the operator exits the Parts window in document entry.
This is an alert only, and does not prevent multiple product details on the document.
Uncheck this box to omit this check and the warning.
This parameter applies only to Non-Bulk Rental Equipment.
When a W.O. for service on a Non-Bulk product is being created or converted from Work Order Estimates, a listing of any open Work Orders already existing for that equipment is displayed, providing the ability to drill down to view the W.O. header, details, and totals as outlined in View Document Information.
Check this box to allow multiple Work Orders for all equipment.
Uncheck this box to prevent a new W.O. from being created for a Non-Bulk product if an open Work Order already exists.
Note: This flag does not prevent a Credit W.O. from being created in Create Credit Work Order.
Uncheck this box if individual W.O. details do not need to be assigned, or comments tracked by Repair Code.
Check this box to provide the ability to assign an optional repair code in the Rep field on each labor, parts, services, and comments record, in Work Orders and Work Orders Parts.
The repair code must be a valid code in Repair/Maintenance Codes.
The Work Order Comments window will then be sorted by repair code, with a window to view and maintain comments by repair code as outlined in W.O. Comments by Repair Code.
Repair History Inquiries/Reports will provide cost breakdowns by Repair Code in the inquiries and reports.
Check this box to warn and prevent a Work Order from being closed out to a repair or to an invoice, if any parts are still Back Ordered on the W.O.
This processing also prevents a W.O. from being converted to a repair or to an invoice, if there are any items with an outstanding balance on a Purchase Order referencing that W.O. number.
A warning is generated to the operator listing the P.O. numbers with the relevant parts, and the W.O. cannot be closed until the items on the P.O. are received, or the reference to the W.O.# is removed in Purchase Orders.
The ability to issue parts on a W.O. at receiving can be activated by the Add Parts to Work Order in Warehouse flag in the Inventory Parameters.
Uncheck this box to allow Work Orders to be closed even if there are sales parts that are still Back Ordered or outstanding on a P.O.
Any Back Ordered parts are NOT billed on the invoice, as they were not actually used.
When an invoice is created directly from an Estimate or from a W.O. this parameter can be set to suppress the display of the resulting the invoice.
This setting applies only to customers flagged as On Account customers in Customer Information.
Check this box to prevent Invoice details including the products, services, and payment information, from being displayed when an Estimate or a W.O. is closed and an On Account W.O. Invoice is created.
When the invoice details are suppressed, the feature to automatically print any unprinted On Account invoices should be activated in the Daily Close, as controlled by division in the Print Invoices in Daily Close setting in the Divisional Invoice Parameters.
Uncheck this box to always display the W.O. invoice details, even though they cannot be changed.
Note: Cash customer invoices will always be displayed as payment information needs to be entered.
Service charges for EPA (Environmental Protection Act) and SS (Shop Supplies) can be setup to calculate as a percent of the labor charges by division.
The Charge Work Order Labor Services feature can be activated by Texada Support in the "General Settings" of the Support Application Parameters.
Window to setup the service codes as outlined in Environmental Protection Act/Shop Supplies.
Check this box to provide the option for a Work Order to be automatically closed as a repair in Fast Track Work Order Labor.
Activating this processing provides the ability to close a Work Order as a repair using Close Internal Work Order when labor is logged in Fast Track Work Order Labor under the following conditions:
1.W.O. is for a valid rental product setup in Rental Inventory.
This does not apply to Sales products serviced on a W.O.
2.The Status Code assigned to the product is flagged to allow rental.
The option to update this status is provided in Fast Track Work Order Labor.
3.A valid Repair Charge Code is defined for the Rental Product Class of the rental product being serviced.
Only the costs of parts used on the repair are expensed to this account, as labor is expensed through wages, and outside costs and services through A/P invoicing.
4.The operator has role permission to Auto Close.
If all of this criteria is NOT met, then the W.O. will not be closed and the labour will just be added to the open Work Order, and the Status Code will only be changed if the new status does "not allow rent".
Note: This processing respects the Prevent Invoicing Of Work Orders With Parts On Back Order control as explained above.
Uncheck this box if Work Orders should never be automatically closed as internal repairs from the Fast Track Work Order Labor utility, and the W.O. must always be closed manually in Work Orders to a repair, to an addition, or to an invoice.
Check this box if a Work Order Location Transfer generated from Texada Web Dispatch should also change the Division on the W.O. to the "Owning Division" of the non-bulk asset being serviced, to ensure the service billing is charged to the asset "Owning Division".
Uncheck this box if the W.O. division should not be changed when a Location Transfer is created from Texada Web Dispatch.
Refer to Logistics for more details on this Transfer feature.
Check this box if a Work Order Location Transfer generated from Texada Web Dispatch should throw an error and prevent the transfer if the quantity at the current "From" location (RSIL) is not one (1) for the non-bulk rental product.
Uncheck this box if the current location quantity should not be checked when a Location Transfer is created from Texada Web Dispatch.
This parameter activates the Inventory Transfer option to also transfer all open eligible Work Orders for non-bulk rental products on the transfer, to the receiving Location of the Inventory Transfer by updating the W.O. location.
•When non-bulk rental equipment are shipped from Ship Internal Transfers and from Ship Internal Transfers by P.O., any Work Orders associated with the non-bulk rental assets on the transfer are checked for eligibility to be transferred.
This can be useful to allow the branch manager to unassign the Mechanic or complete the work to allow the W.O. and the asset to be transferred.
A warning log is generated when Work Orders can not be transferred and then the non-bulk products remain on the Transfer as not shipped, if:
oThe Work Order has been assigned to a Mechanic in Texada Web/Mobile.
oThere are parts or labour lines on the Work Order.
•When this processing is activated a prompt in the 'Confirmation Screen' when the Receive Internal Branch Transfers details are accepted to also "Transfer WO's of non-bulk rentals where possible?".
When this transfer Work Order option is selected, the Location on all open eligible Work Orders for non-bulk rental products on the transfer will be updated to match the receiving Location of the Inventory Transfer.
A warning log is generated and Work Orders will not be transferred if:
oThe Work Order has been completed in Texada Web/Mobile though it has not yet been billed in SRM.
oThe Work Order has been assigned to a Mechanic in Texada Web/Mobile.
oThe product being transferred and on the W.O. is a bulk product.
oThe Work Order already has Parts, Labor or Services added from the original Location.
oThe Work Order is partially completed.
oThe Work Order is not at the Asset's current location.
Note: The Location is updated on the W.O. by the transfer, but the Division on the Work Order does not change.
Check this box to display the "Transfer WO's of non-bulk rentals where possible?" option on the 'Confirmation Screen' when the Receive Internal Branch Transfers are accepted.
Uncheck this box if this transfer Work Orders option should not be provided.
This parameter applies to third-party service work and changes the W.O. start Date in the Work Order header to a 'Required Date" when the work should be completed. It also activates two additional dates in the header to track when the asset is shipped out to a third party service for repair with the external "Date Out" field and uses the external "Date In" to track when the asset is returned.
These dates are reflected on the spreadsheet output of the Work Order Report and the Work Order Detail Report.
Check this box if your firm uses a third-party to service equipment on Work Orders and the external date out and date due back should be captured on the W.O.
Uncheck this box if your firm does not track dates for third-party service. The two external dates are then suppressed on the W.O. header and on the reports.
An "External Repair Customer” can be setup in Customer Information and assigned here to allow a Contract to be created for this “External Repair Customer” which can be used to track when assets are sent out to external repair shops for service work.
When the “External Repair Customer” is assigned in Contracts entry or in Convert Reservation to a Contract in SRM or on an API, any Status Code on non-bulk rental and any flag that prevents rental is ignored.
To avoid irrelevant warnings and restrictions using the "External Repair Customer” set this special customer up in Customer Information as On Account, no Rental Limit, no Credit Limit, 100% Rental Discount, 100% Trade Discount, no Statement output, no PO required, no Damage Waiver requirement, no limiting Credit Rating, no Tax (NTX), and Ignore Auto Service = ALL.
When the service is completed and the equipment is returned, the contract for the “External Repair Customer” can be closed through one of the following Rental Return options:
•Rental Returns
If the “External Repair Customer” is setup for 100% Rental Discount and the equipment being serviced allows rental discount, there should be no charges at Rental Return. If there are charges at Rental Return, then these would need to be overridden to zero as no billing should be generated to this customer.
•Return Operator Time Charge Equipment
The contract for the serviced equipment could be closed through the Operator Time Charge Return (RSOT15) which returns the product, closes the contract and does not create an invoice.
Note: Kits, SSL, Availability checking and Over-booking still apply on Contract entry and will need to be handled on a case by case basis if the equipment requires external service.
Convert Settings
When an Estimate is converted to a Work Order in Work Order Estimates or Clone Estimate, the option is provided to delete the original estimate.
Check this box to always default this prompt to delete the estimate.
This can be over-typed as required.
If the estimate is deleted, the Invoice per Estimate Processing cannot be used, and the deleted Estimate does not appear in any estimate history inquiry information.
Uncheck this box to default this prompt to save the estimate.
This can be over-typed as required.
Note: Any Estimate that is converted directly to an Invoice from Work Order Estimates is always automatically deleted without prompting.
Check this box so that when an Estimate is converted to a W.O. any labor on the estimate is NOT converted to the W.O., and any parts to be used are converted but are assigned a status of quantity Back Ordered.
Uncheck this box so that when an Estimate is converted to a W.O. the labor is converted, and any parts are converted to the W.O. as committed as long as there is sufficient quantity.
When the parts are converted to the W.O. as committed, if the part has insufficient quantities to meet the requirements a warning is triggered and the parts are backordered.
Note: This parameter does not apply when the Estimate is converted directly to a W.O. Invoice instead of to a Work Order.
Click OK to accept the settings and exit the Estimate and W.O. Parameters window.
Note: Any changes made to these parameters will not be applied until the Company Parameters are accepted.
Topic Keyword: GLCN90J (3827)