Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Company Contract Parameters

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Contract Parameters

The tunable company wide Contract Parameters can be accessed from the window in the Company Parameters.
 The company wide parameters that impact Contracts and some of the other rental documents are provided on separate tabs including:

Printing tab:


This parameter applies only to printing the contract in the standard format from the counter at the time it is created or modified as outlined in Contract Summary and Totals.
 It does not apply when a range of contracts are printed from the Print Contracts option.

Uncheck this box if only 1 copy of the contract is required to print.

Check this box if more than one copy of the printed contract is required.


This field only applies if multiple contract copies are required and are printed in the standard format.

Enter the number of copies of the contract to print at the counter.
 e.g. Enter 2 to print the contract twice.

Note: If forms control is used to print the document, the number of copies to print for Crystal forms can be set by division in Customer Forms Document Mapping, and the number of copies to print for Jasper forms can be set for each pdf document at the time of printing.


Uncheck this box to suppress printing the customer's Driver's License number on the contract.
 Check this box to print the customer's Driver's License number below the Ship To and Delivery information on the Contract.


oIn contract and reservation entry there are prompts to request Delivery and Pickup.
 This parameter controls whether a Delivery / Pickup comment is automatically added to be printed on the contract, and reservation document.

oThis flag also includes whether the 'Charges on Pickups:' and 'Charges on Deliveries:" Yes/No note on the Delivery or Pickup ticket header is printed as activated by the two Add Service on Ticket flags in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters.

Check this box to cause the Delivery and/or Pickup note to print on the contract or reservation after the Ship To address and to cause the Charges on ticket indication notes to print on Delivery an Pickup Ticket headers.

Note: The wording for both types of notes can be modified for standard documents and Crystal Forms in the Document Field Labels table.
 For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.

Uncheck this box if your firm does not require the delivery/pickup note or charges on tickets to be printed on the document headers.


This parameter impacts the comments automatically added on contracts, invoices, rental & sale quotes, and reservations.
 The discount comment applies when there is a sales or rental discount percentage on the contract\invoice\quote\reservation header.

When the comments window opens, the discount information being given to the customer on this document is displayed, and will be printed on the document, after the address information and before the products print.

Check this box if the discount comment should be printed on a contract or invoice when the customer gets a discount.
 This makes it clear to the customer that they did receive their discount.

Uncheck this box if your firm does not want the discount comment to print on the contract or invoice.
 This may be more suitable to firms that do heavy discounting on a regular basis.

The Print flag can always be changed in the Document Comments window, to prevent the comment from printing on that document.


Check this box to identify any products exempt from GST in Tax Code 1 (including records where Tax Code 1 is not GST), with an asterisk on the printed contract, invoice, and other documents.
 Your firm's tax company number must also be entered by division in the G.S.T. Number field in Divisions.

Uncheck this box to suppress the asterisk that identifies these GST tax exempt products.

Note: This print asterisk option is de-activated automatically if one of the Vertex or Avalara Tax software features is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters.


Uncheck this box if only 1 printed copy of the delivery/pickup ticket is required.

Check this box if more than one copy of the printed ticket is required.


This field only applies if multiple ticket copies are required and are printed in the standard format.

Enter the number of copies to be printed of each ticket.

Note: If forms control is used to print the document, the number of copies to print for Crystal forms can be set by division in Customer Forms Document Mapping, and the number of copies to print for Jasper forms can be set for each pdf document at the time of printing.

Documents tab:


Uncheck this box to prevent the Last Contract window from displaying in the contract header.

Check this box to display the Last Contract # for the customer in the contract header.
 Windows are provided to drill down to the details of the last contract, or to view information about all of the customer's contracts as outlined in View Document Information.


Select one of the two methods for calculating Damage Waiver fees on rental documents:

oClick Standard to base the DW calculation on the discounted rental amount charged to the customer, and define the tunable parameters in the Damage Waiver Parameters window.


With the Standard calculation option, window to view and setup the Loss and Damage Waiver controls for your company as outlined in the Company Standard Waiver Settings window.

Note: The Standard DW processing is mandatory if the Vertex Tax Software processing feature is activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.

oClick Alternate to base the DW calculation on either a base limit, the pre-discounted gross rental charges, or the net rental charges, and define the tunable parameters in the Damage Waiver Parameters window.
 This option is only available with the Standard Tax method as set in the Company Taxing Parameters.


With the Alternate calculation option, window to view and setup the rates and tax information for your company as outlined in the Company Alternate Waiver Settings window.

Note: Any Company DW rates will be over-ridden by divisional DW rates, if rates are setup in the Divisional Contract Parameters.


Check this box to show a product as available when it is past the expected Due Back Date of that contract, even if it is still out on a contract.
 This allows a product to be put out on a second contract if the Date Out on the second contract is dated after the expected Due Back date of the same product still out on an earlier contract.

Uncheck this box to show products as not available until they have actually been returned on the contract.


This feature is automatically activated and cannot be de-activated if the Enhanced Off Rental processing has been activated in Support Application Parameters that allows for partial billing on off rental time.
 For details on customizable settings for the Off Rentals by Contract feature refer to Off Rent Tunable Parameters.

Check this box to cause the Counter Worksheet, Contracts, Reservations, and Rental Quotes, to prompt whether Off Rental time will be permitted on any rental equipment on the specific document, after the header information is entered on the document.

oIf Off Rental is to be allowed, the Allow Off Rental window opens to flag valid reason codes for this document.
 The reason codes will print on the document and only these codes will be permitted if the contract is put Off Rent in Off Rentals by Contract.

oIf Off Rental is NOT to be allow on this document, the comment NO OFF RENTALS ALLOWED prints on the document, and Off Rental time will NOT be permitted from Off Rentals by Contract.

Note: Reasons codes can be added to a document in the Set Document Off Rental Reason Codes utility.

Uncheck this box to suppress this prompt in the document.
 No reference to Off Rentals prints on the documents, and Off Rentals can always be generated from Off Rentals by Contract.


Check this box to display the complete list of services applicable to contracts, in the Services window when a new contract is created.

Uncheck this box to leave the Services window empty on a new contract. Services can then be added manually.

Note: If any services have already been automatically added to the document, then they will always be displayed and additional services must be added manually.


This parameter applies to the detailed contract search as outlined in Contract Search.

Enter or select one of the following from the drop-down list:

Type O (Open) to set the default to list only contracts that are still open in the selection list.
 Type C (Closed) to set the default for the selection list to include only contracts that have been closed.
 Type B (Both) to set the default to always include open and closed contracts in the selection list.

The default value can always be over-typed in the contract selection window when required.


Uncheck this box so that any product exchange made in Exchange by Contract or in Exchanges By Customer requires that the new product must be in the same Product Class as the exchanged product.

Check this box to allow product exchanges between Product Classes.

Note: When exchanging a product with one from a different class, both Rental Product Classes must have the same Billing Type, e.g. Bill 28 Days or Monthly, and must have the same O/T Meter Charge Method.
 This is to ensure that any cycle billing and rental return charges are maintained consistently.

Revenue Distribution Impact from Exchange:
 The exchange history will be tracked, so that any subsequent billing will split the revenue fairly between the new product and the original product in the monthly product history, according to the actual time used.
 However the G/L revenue posting is all made to the Revenue Account determined by the Rental Product Class of the final part# listed on the invoice.

Note: If the products are from different Product Classes with different Revenue Accounts, a manual journal entry can be entered to transfer the appropriate revenue.


The following settings apply specifically to the Counter Worksheet.


Check this box so that when a product or group is selected on the contract or reservation worksheet, it is immediately booked and immediately shows as unavailable on the bookings inquiry.
 Bookings do not apply to quotation worksheets.

Uncheck this box to not actually book the product or group until the worksheet is converted to a Contract or Reservation.


Check this box to immediately prompt to complete the document conversion to a contract, reservation or quote when an existing saved counter worksheet is reloaded.
 The document type cannot be changed from the original worksheet type of C, R or Q.

Uncheck this box to open an existing counter worksheet at the product detail screen where the worksheet type of C, R or Q is displayed beside the worksheet number.


Check this box to prompt for services whenever a counter worksheet is saved.
 This flag also controls whether service charges associated with a product as defined by the Group, Rental Product Class or Sales Product Class, are added when a worksheet is saved.

Uncheck this box to suppress services when saving a worksheet if your firm does not want the services added until the counter worksheet is converted to a document.


Check this box to prompt for any deposit amounts taken whenever a contract or reservation worksheet is saved.
 Uncheck this box to suppress this feature if your firm does not take deposits on counter worksheet documents.


Check this box to apply a document mask whenever a contract, reservation or quote worksheet is saved.

oThe mask for non-ops-by-division companies is "WNNNNNNNNN" where the NNNNNNNN respects the Last Used Transactions for RSWH.
 When the worksheet is later converted the resulting document retains that same number changing only the 'W' to a 'C' for Contract, an 'R' for Reservations or a 'Q' for Quotes.

oCompanies that do utilize the ops-by-division feature use the mask "DDDWNNNNN" where DDD is the operator division and NNNNNNNNN respects the Last Used Transactions By Division for the RSWH module.
 The converted documents also apply this mask becoming "DDDCNNNNN" for Contracts, "DDDRNNNNN" for Reservations or "DDDQNNNNN" for Quotes.

If the Worksheet number is over-typed or does not use the mask, the resulting Contract, Reservation or Quote from the convert worksheet do not use the mask either and the default becomes the last used record for the corresponding RSCH, RSRH or RSQH module tracked in Last Used Transactions or Last Used Transactions By Division.

Uncheck this box if the worksheet should be assigned a temporary worksheet number per the next available document number for RSWH, and the convert documents should be assigned the next available RSCH number for Contracts, RSRH number for Reservations or RSQH number for Quotations as tracked in Last Used Transactions or Last Used Transactions By Division.


When a worksheet is created in Texada Web it can be created with just a header and it can be created and never committed.
 This parameter can be used to define how long an "uncommitted" TW worksheet can exist before it is purged by the RSWH07 Automatic Job Scheduler.

Enter the number of minutes before an uncommitted TW worksheet is purged or leave this field blank if uncommitted TW worksheets should never be automatically deleted.
 When a worksheet is purged a record is written to the Delete Log to track the deletion.

Note: The purge timing is based on minutes since the uncommitted worksheet was created which may not be the same as the document date/time.
 The purge feature does not apply to SRM worksheets because saved worksheets are considered committed.


Click OK to accept the settings and exit the Counter Worksheet Parameters window.


An incomplete worksheet for a Contract, Reservation or Quote can be saved in Counter Worksheet and completed at a later time.

Check this box to prompt the operator for the worksheet number.
 Uncheck this box to auto-assign the next available document number for RSWH to the worksheet automatically.

When the worksheet is later converted to a contract, reservation or quote this number will be replaced by the corresponding next available contract, reservation or quote number.


Uncheck this box if no warning is required regarding pending maintenance when Rental Equipment due for maintenance is put on a Contract.

Check this box to alert the operator when Rental Equipment is due for maintenance at the time the equipment is added to a Contract or if the equipment is on a document being converted to a Contract.

 The action can be set on the Repair Maintenance Codes, that is then assigned to the equipment in the Maintenance Schedule, including:

oNo action and no warning.

oBlock the ability to rent the product on the Contract.
 A Buffer period can also be setup for Repair Maintenance Codes to allow the product to be rented if the Due Date plus the Buffer days is less than the days before the Due Back Date.

oWarn the operator but allow rental and display an information message as defined by the Repair Maintenance Codes for that action.
 An over-ride record is written to the Over-Ride Report from Contract Details, Convert Reservation to Contract, Convert Quotations to Contract.


Enter a value to represent the general number of meter units that are used on metered equipment in a single rental day.
 e.g. If a company sets this factor to 8, this is saying that they assume a customer will use an item for 8 units per day.

This count is only used as a factor to estimate when the metered equipment would become due for maintenance service, based on Maintenance Type 4 # of Meter Units and Type 5 Actual Meter Reading scheduling methods, as outlined in Maintenance Due Causing Warn/Block on Rental.

Note: If the operator has Security Role Permission to Allow Override Of Maintenance Block then any Block on the Maintenance Codes will be considered as a Warning instead of a Block, and an over-ride record will be written to the Over-Ride Report.

Refer to Maintenance Due Causing Warn/Block on Rental for details on how pending maintenance warnings are calculated and handled for each of the five Maintenance Schedule Types when the equipment is also scheduled to be rented.

Deposits tab:


This parameter controls the default date assigned to contract deposits taken at the counter when entering new Counter Worksheets, and Contracts.
 The default date can always be over-typed, as required when the deposit is entered.

Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

oLeave this field blank to default the deposit date to the contract date when a new contract is added, but to default the deposit date to today's date when additional deposits are added in Change Mode or in Contract Deposits.

oSelect C to always default the deposit date to the Contract date.

oSelect D to always default the deposit date to today's current Date.

oSelect N so that no date automatically displays, and the clerk must enter the correct date for each deposit.

Note: This default does not apply to the separate Contract Deposits utility that always default to today's date.

Deposit Calculation For Cash Customers The Deposit Amount required can be a pre-payment of one of the total Estimated Rental Charges for the document, or it can be the total Security Deposits on equipment rented, or it can be the sum of BOTH the Estimated Rental Charges and the Security Deposits.
 This deposit calculation applies to both contracts and reservations.

When the equipment is returned, the Deposit taken is used up against the actual rental charges, with any difference becoming either a balance owing or a refund.

Note: This applies to the Cash Customer (Customer # blank), and also any Customers flagged as not "On Account" in Customer Information.
 This does not apply to "On Account" Customers.

The following two parameters control the deposit calculation:


Check this box to include the Estimated Rental Charge in the default Amount Of Deposit during Contract/Reservation entry.
 The deposit calculation as an estimate of rentals on the document, is based on the Deposit Multiplier% defined in the Division Contract Parameters.

Uncheck this box to exclude Estimated Rental Charge from the default deposit required.


Check this box to include the total of the Security Deposits for the products in the default Amount Of Deposit during Contract/Reservation entry.
 The Security Deposit values must be recorded on each applicable rental item per unit in the Rental Information window of Rental Inventory.

Uncheck this box to exclude the Security Deposits from the default deposit required.

If neither Estimated Rental nor Security Deposit is flagged to be included in the default deposit amount, the deposit will display as zero to force the counter staff to fill in the actual amount received.
 Leaving both these deposits parameters blank also allows the operator to Email for Deposit if the Cash customer is not present to make the payment.

Rental Return tab:


Often sales items will accompany rental items on a contract.
 This parameter controls the "sold" versus "return to stock" default for sales part at the Rental Return.

Check this box to set the sales default on Rental Return to charge for all sales items.
 The sales quantity Out on the contract will become the sales quantity Billed at rental return.
 Any sales item not used can still be returned to your inventory by having counter staff override the quantity Returned.

Uncheck this box if your firm typically does not bill the sales items, but instead has them default to be Returned to your inventory.
 If the sales item is sold and not returned, then your counter staff must input the quantity to be Billed.

Example: Some firms will deliberately send MORE quantity out, than may be required.
 e.g. send 10 pieces of Sandpaper with every Sander.
 Then any sales item not used by the customer can be returned to inventory.


Check this box to default to the FIFO processing as outlined in FIFO Rental Return which identifies all the contracts for a customer for selected products, and lists the contracts by the oldest date out.
 The option to use the standard Rental Return by Contract is still available by clicking on the BY CONTRACT button at the bottom of the FIFO return screen.

Uncheck this box to default to the standard return process by Contract number in Rental Return.
 The option to use FIFO return processing is still available by clicking on the FIFO RETURN button at the bottom of the standard rental return screen.


Check this box to cause any special prices based on quantity sold, to be re-priced according to the special price structure, if the actual quantity sold is reduced on the Rental Return.
 Uncheck this box to cause any special pricing assigned to sales items on the contract, to remain unchanged even if the actual quantity sold is changed on the return.


Exchanges of non-bulk rental equipment on a contract, generated in Exchanges By Customer can be flagged as a Ship Exchange.
 This provides the ability for a customer to request a replacement unit with the promise that the original equipment will be returned to the rental shop by this pre-determined number of days.
 The original equipment is flagged off rent immediately to halt any billing, and then by returning it through Rental Return within this time allowance, all Time-Based discount incentives are carried over to the replacement unit.

If the customer is late returning the original equipment, then the "off rent" status of the original equipment is cancelled and the customer must pay for the full period until it is returned. The replacement equipment is then considered a new rental and any Time-Based discounts accumulated from the original unit are not carried over to the replacement.

Set the number of days allowed on a Ship Exchange from the date/time the exchange is recorded in Exchanges By Customer, before the original equipment coming back to the rental store is considered late.
 Leave this field blank if your firm does not give any Ship Exchange allowance.

The process to recognize when equipment is late back, is active through the "Background Tasks" utility.

Note: Only non-bulk rental equipment with the same rate structure can be exchanged.


When inventory is returned to a different location from the location that it went "Out" from, a transfer can be created to move the inventory quantities and inventory values to the new location.
 This field can be used to set a preferred default for your company, that can be over-typed in the return if required.

Check this box if your firm usually creates & posts Inventory Transfers in Rental Return when inventory is returned to a different location.
 Uncheck this box if your firm usually does not process inventory transfers in Rental Return when inventory is returned to a different location.


When inventory is returned to a different location from the location that it went "Out" from on the Contract, the Rental Return Inventory Transfers screen is triggered to display products that are being moved to a new location, with the option to change the Post flag as outlined in Rental Return.

Check this box to suppress this screen and to just create or not create the transfers based on the Inventory Transfer Default.
 Uncheck this box to display the Rental Return Inventory Transfers screen providing the option to change the 'Post' flag as outlined in Rental Return.


A detailed summary of the charges that are about to be invoiced can be generated before completing the Rental Return, including any charges from an existing invoice if the new invoice is being merged with an existing invoice.
 This feature does not apply to the FIFO Rental Return and is only available with Standard Taxing when activated in the Company Taxing Parameters.

Check this box to trigger the Rental Return - Invoice Summary in the Rental Return prior to generating the invoice.
 Uncheck this box to suppress the Invoice Summary in the Rental Return.

Note: When this feature is activated the TOTALS button is not available from the Confirmation Screen generated after the products to be returned are accepted.


This option is available when "Display Invoice Summary" is checked and can be used to reduce the screens triggered in the Rental Return process flow.

Uncheck this box to always display the full contract billings detail screen in Rental Return.

Check this box to execute the Rental Return skipping the contract billing details screen, and instead immediately display the Rental Return - Invoice Summary.
 This fast track action only occurs when at least one item is selected to be billed (i.e. user did not select "Return All Items = N" in the initial Rental Return screen).
 If corrections are required on the billed products, the option is provided to go back to rental return product details screen from the Rental Return - Invoice Summary, so quantities returned, and billing amounts can be adjusted before invoicing.

Note: In order to ensure Sales Items are billed as sold instead of returned to stock using the Fast Track Return process, set the "Sell Sales Items on Rental Return" flag as explained above.


When equipment being returned is flagged as 'D' Damaged in the Rental Return product details screen, the product can be transferred using Inventory Transfers to a different location to be serviced.

Check this box to trigger the Rental Return - Damaged Inventory in the Rental Return for Damaged Equipment to select the Rental Return Product Code and update the location.
 An Inventory Transfers is automatically generated to move the equipment to the new location for service.

Uncheck this box to suppress the Rental Return - Damaged Inventory in the Rental Return so that a transfer is not created.

Damaged equipment records with or without Transfers are tracked in Contract Damaged Returns.
 The Reverse Rental Return also respects this flag.

Required Document Information
 Certain fields on the document, can be made mandatory for the operator to enter a value at data entry in the following areas in SRM and in Texada Web/Mobile:

 Customer Information - Bill To Postal/Zip only
 Credit Invoices
 Customer Site Information
 Cylinder Invoices
 Counter Worksheet
 Sales Quotations
 Rental Quotations
 Point Of Sale Invoices
 Miscellaneous Invoices
 Sales Orders
 Sales Order Invoices
 Work Orders

The potentially mandatory SRM and Texada Web/Mobile fields include:


This required field applies only to documents and does not apply to Customer Information, Customer Site Information, or Point Of Sale Invoices.
 Whether a site is mandatory or optional on documents for a customer, is controlled by the "Document Site# Must Be Valid" flag set in the Additional Information of each Customer Information record, and this company wide flag applies when the customer specific site required flag is set to Respect Company.
 The options are:

Uncheck this box if a valid site is not required on each document.

Check this box to force staff to enter a valid Customer Site or Global Site in the window on the Ship To field on each document.
 A blank site is not valid.

Customer Sites can be added "on-the-fly" on a document, and stored in Customer Site Information.
 Global Sites can only be added "on-the-fly" on a document, if the feature is activated in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.

Note: If a new Cash customer record is being added "on-the-fly" on a document and a valid Site is mandatory, then a Global Site will have to be selected, or a new site will also have to be added for the new customer.
 The new Site number defaults to 1 and the Site information defaults from the customer address.


Uncheck this box if a Postal Code or Zip code is not required on the Billing address on the document.


Bill To Postal or Zip code can be blank.

If a Ship To Postal or Zip code is Not mandatory either, as set in the next prompt, then any value can be entered.

If a Ship To Postal or Zip code is mandatory as set in the next prompt, then if any value is entered in the Bill To Postal/Zip field, then this mailing code must match the Postal/Zip code format as setup for the customer's currency the Currency Codes.

Check this box to force staff to enter a valid Postal or Zip code in the Billing address on every document.
 The Postal/Zip code must match the mailing code format as setup for the customer's currency the Currency Codes.

When this processing is active, and new customers are added in Customer Information, the Postal/Zip code must match the format for the company currency defined in Company Information.


Uncheck this box if a Postal Code or Zip code is not required for the Shipping address on the document.

oShip To Postal or Zip code can be blank.

oIf a Bill To Postal or Zip code is Not mandatory either as set in the previous prompt, then any value can be entered.

oIf a Bill To Postal or Zip code is mandatory as set in the previous prompt, then if any value is entered for Ship To Postal/Zip field, then this mailing code must match any one of the Postal/Zip code formats setup in Currency Codes.

Check this box to force staff to enter a valid Postal or Zip code the Shipping address on every document.
 The Postal/Zip code must match any one of the Postal/Zip code formats setup in Currency Codes.


Check this box to ensure that any Ship To city entered on a contract, quote, reservation, order, invoice, site, etc., is a valid city that is registered in City Tax Codes, with the appropriate tax codes.
 A window is provided on the city fields of the Bill To and Ship To addresses in the document, where the valid cities can be reviewed, and a new city can be added. A blank city could be valid if it is included in the City Tax Codes table.

When the City is mandatory, if there is a Prov/State and/or a Postal/ZIP Code associated with the city in the City Tax Codes table then these Province/Postal values will default to the Shipping or Site address when the City is entered on the document.

Uncheck this box if any city can be used in the Ship To address, and it is NOT mandatory to only use cities setup with tax codes in the city file.

Note: This mandatory ship-to city processing is de-activated automatically if one of the Vertex or Avalara Tax software features is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters.


Check this box to ensure that any Bill To city entered on a contract, quote, reservation, order, invoice, site, etc., is a valid city that is registered in City Tax Codes, with the appropriate tax codes.
 A window is provided on the city fields of the Bill To and Ship To addresses in the document, where the valid cities can be reviewed, and a new city can be added. A blank city could be valid if it is included in the City Tax Codes table.

When the City is mandatory, if there is a Prov/State and/or a Postal/ZIP Code associated with the city in the City Tax Codes table then these Province/Postal values will default to the Billing address on the document when the City is entered in the address.

Uncheck this box if any city can be used in the Bill To address, and it is NOT mandatory to only use cities setup with tax codes in the city file.


Check this box to require the operator to enter a Salesman code as setup on Salesman Codes on each document as it is created.
 Blank salesman is not accepted.

Uncheck this box if the Salesman is not mandatory information on documents.


This Document Required Information requirement only applies to Rental documents including Contracts, Worksheets, Reservations, Rental Quotations, Invoices, and also equipment Exchanges.

Check this box to require the operator to select a Name defined with a Status code allowing the named person to rent, as setup in the Name Check List for the customer in Customer Information.
 The selected Name prints in the header of the Reservation or Quote preceded by the text "Requested By:", and in the header of the Contract or Invoice preceded by the text "Picked Up By:".
 This verbiage can be modified in Document Field Labels for standard and Crystal Forms.
 For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.

Uncheck this box if the Name Check List selection is optional on documents.
 The Name Check List selection window will still open on the document header if there are any names in the list for that customer.

 A setting in the "Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters, can be set to allow operators to add additional names in the Name Check List when entering rental documents at the counter.
 If this processing is active, the operator also has the ability to change the Status Code for any name on the list when entering counter documents. Status Codes are setup in Name Check List Status Codes.

Note: The processing that requires a Name to be identified on a document provides the ability to set tight restrictions on who is allowed to reserve and rent equipment.
 This feature may not be useful or compatible if your firm also services "walk in" cash customers, and the processing to create new customer records for cash customers at the counter is also utilized as activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters.


This Document Required Information requirement only applies to counter documents including Contracts, Worksheets, Reservations, Quotations, and Invoices.

Check this box to require the operator to select a Business Source when creating a document.
 Uncheck this box if the Business Source should be an optional field on documents.

The Business Source prints on the spreadsheet output of the Salesman Commission Report when the invoice detail is printed, and a source analysis summary can be printed from Business Source Report.


Click OK to accept the settings and exit the Contract Parameters window.

Note: Any changes made to these parameters will not be applied until the Company Parameters are accepted.

Topic Keyword: GLCN90D (3834)