Company Security Parameters
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Security Parameters
The tunable company wide Security Parameters can be accessed from the window in the Company Parameters.
Clerk Settings
Uncheck this box to skip the clerk prompt in Contracts, Rental Return, Reservations, Rental Quotes, Miscellaneous Invoices, Work Orders, Estimates, and Cash Drawers.
The clerk code will default to the operator code who signed into Texada SRM on that session.
Check this box to prompt for the Clerk in each document, deposit, and Cash Drawer.
Invoice Clerk prompt and Cash Drawer for the invoice can be controlled by the Prompt For Clerk On Invoice Payment Details flag below.
Note: Point Of Sale Invoices are excluded.
To prompt for clerk in Point Of Sale Invoices set the divisional flag in the Divisional Invoice Parameters.
If Prompt For Clerk is set, the following two security features can also be applied:
Check this box to prompt the operator for his sign in password as setup in Operators each time he enters his Clerk Code to further verify the clerk's identification.
Three attempts to enter the correct password are allowed before the operator is refused access.
Uncheck this box to skip password confirmation of the Clerk Code.
Note: When the external 'Authentication' feature is enabled in the Texada Support Parameters any "Password" requirement is ignored.
Check this box to prompt for a clerk code in any Invoice Payment detail window when payment is added, changed, or deleted, and for the Cash Drawers on an invoice.
Uncheck this box to skip the clerk code prompt in the Invoice Payment.
The clerk code prints on the transfer.
Uncheck this box to skip the clerk prompt in Inventory Transfers and in the Internal Transfer Console.
The clerk code will default to the operator code currently signed into Texada SRM for that session.
Check this box to prompt for the Clerk Code on the Inventory (1-step) and Internal (2-step) transfer utilities using the Prompt for Operator window.
If the option to Prompt For Clerk on Inventory/Internal Transfer is activated, the additional option to prompt for the clerk's password is provided for further security identification, as follows:
Check this box to prompt the operator for his sign in password using the Password Required window each time he enters his Clerk Code.
Uncheck this box to skip the password confirmation of the Clerk Code.
Note: When the external 'Authentication' feature is enabled in the Texada Support Parameters any "Password" requirement is ignored.
Check this box to prompt the operator for a Clerk Code when an existing reservation is accessed.
A Note can also be entered about the nature of the changes being made to the reservation.
The clerk code and the notes are tracked in Clerk Document Access Login the Security Reports.
Uncheck this box to skip the clerk prompt when changes to an existing reservation are made.
Check this box to prompt the operator for a Clerk Code when an existing contract is accessed.
A Note can also be entered about the nature of the changes being made to the contract.
The clerk code and the notes are tracked in Clerk Document Access Login the Security Reports.
Uncheck this box to skip the clerk prompt when changes to an existing contract are made.
Check this box to prompt the operator for a Clerk Code when an existing quote is accessed.
A Note can also be entered about the nature of the changes being made to the quote.
The clerk code and the notes for the Quote are tracked in Clerk Document Access Login the Security Reports.
Uncheck this box to skip the clerk prompt when changes to an existing rental quote are made.
Clerk update on Convert Quote to Invoice, Contract or Reservation
If the prompt for Clerk accessing Rental Quotes is not enabled the Clerk from the source quote will automatically be transferred to the resulting document when the quote is converted to an Invoice, Contract or Reservation.
If the prompt for Clerk accessing Rental Quotes is activated and a Clerk is captured in the Clerk Confirmation pop-up window when the Quote is converted, this clerk code is updated on both the source Quote and the resulting Invoice, Contract or Reservation.
Note: The Clerk code is only written to the Clerk Document Access Login for the resulting documents if the new document is reviewed.
Uncheck this box to skip the clerk prompt when the customer's credit information is changed.
The clerk code will default to the operator code who signed into Texada SRM on that session.
Check this box to prompt for the Clerk when the customer's 'Credit Rating' or 'Credit Limit' is changed in the Customer Credit Information window of Customer Information, or in Log Collection Calls.
If Prompt For Clerk Changing Customer Credit is set, the following security feature can also be applied:
Check this box to prompt the operator for his sign in password as setup in Operators, after the Clerk Code is entered to further verify the clerk's identification.
Three attempts to enter the correct password are allowed before the operator is refused access.
The 'Note' field in the Clerk Information pop-up is then mandatory and is output on the Override Report.
Uncheck this box to skip password confirmation of the Clerk Code.
Note: When the external 'Authentication' feature is enabled in the Texada Support Parameters any "Password" requirement is ignored.
Customer Account Control
Insurance information can be stored for each customer in the Additional Information window in Customer Information.
This flag can be set to display the customer's insurance information on the screen when entering Counter Worksheet, Contracts, Reservations, Quotations, Convert Reservation To Contract, and Convert Quotations To Contracts.
This does not apply to Cash customers.
Check this box to display insurance information on the screen for each On Account customer when entering or converting contracts.
If the insurance has expired, the operator must click OK to acknowledge before continuing.
If changes to the insurance information are required, they must be made in Customer Information.
Uncheck this box to suppress the insurance information window when creating contracts.
Uncheck this box to include all unpaid invoices regardless of date, as outstanding in the Credit Check made against the customer's Credit Limit set for each customer in Customer Information.
Check this box so that the Credit Check only considers invoices up to and including the day of the Credit Check.
Any future dated posted or unposted invoices do not impact the Credit Limit requirements as of that day.
Select one of the following actions:
•Select N for No to prevent a document from being created for any customer whose Credit Limit has been reached or exceeded.
This processing applies company-wide to contracts, reservations, invoices, sales orders, and leases.
The warning is triggered in Rental Return and Bill a Single Contract, but the billing is not prevented as the customer needs to be billed for equipment rented.
This restriction does not apply to invoices entered in A/R Invoices, or to Estimate and Work Order functions.
Note: The Allow Activity over-ride flags are disabled in the Credit Rating table as they do not apply.
•Select Q for Quotes Only to allow the operator to continue to create a Quotation or a Sales Approval Quote but not other counter documents, when that customer is over his 'Credit Limit' according to the Allow Activity over-ride flag set for the Credit Rating assigned to the customer in Customer Credit Information.
A warning will display on the screen, but permission to complete or prevent the transaction from being entered is controlled by the Credit Rating assigned.
•Select Y for Yes to allow the operator to continue to create a counter document for a customer who is over his 'Credit Limit', dependent on the Allow Activity over-ride flag set for the Credit Rating assigned to the customer in Customer Credit Information.
A warning will display on the screen, but permission to complete or prevent the transaction from being entered is controlled by the Credit Rating assigned.
This prompt only applies if Continue Document On Failed Credit Check is NOT allowed or is only allowed on Quotes.
It can then be used to allow a buffer period before the customer is stopped from doing business on a rental document, by setting a limit on how much the credit limit can be exceeded before the customer is actually cut-off.
Enter the percent of the customer's Credit Limit by which the customer can go over his limit, before he is prevented from doing further business with your firm.
e.g. 15% of his Credit Limit would be entered as 15
Each rental product can carry an optional Replacement Cost value in Rental Inventory.
By tracking this cost at the time a Contract is created, the total replacement value of designated rental equipment that a customer has out on rent at any one time can be tallied.
Only rental equipment that has a Replacement Cost value set, and is in a Product Class that is flagged to be included in the Rental Value Limit in Rental Product Classes is included in the value total calculated at Contract entry.
In the Credit Information window for each customer in Customer Information, a customer can be allowed an "unlimited" Rental Value Total or a Rental Value Limit can be set that is checked in Contract entry and when source documents are converted to the Contract.
Check this box to allow the customer who is over his Rental Value Limit to continue to rent value controlled equipment.
A warning will display on the screen with the value of rental equipment on this contract, the value of all rental equipment the customer currently has out that is value controlled, and the customer's Rental Value Limit, but this will not prevent the transaction from being entered.
A window is provided in the warning to view the details of the Rental Equipment included in this Rental Value count.
The contract #, product #, description, quantity, and equipment value is displayed.
Click EXP/CON to view the replacement value per unit on rent to this customer.
Uncheck this box to prevent value controlled equipment from being rented on a Contract for a customer whose Rental Value Limit has been reached or exceeded.
This processing only applies to contracts.
This prompt only applies if Add Products On Failed Rental Value Limit Check is not checked so that value controlled equipment can not be added to a Contract for customers who have reached their Rental Value Limit.
It can then be used to set a buffer value allowed before the customer is actually cut-off.
Enter the percent of the customer's Rental Value Limit by which the customer can go over his limit, before he is prevented from renting any value controlled equipment.
e.g. 15% of his Rental Value Limit would be entered as 15
Check this box to include unposted A/R invoices in the following invoice listings and inquiries:
•Customer Account Inquiry - for Unpaid display option only
•Contracts - on Credit Rating check
Uncheck this box to always include only the posted invoices in these invoice listings.
There are two types of comments maintained for each customer, including Customer Notes and Collection Comments.
Both types of notes are accessible from the utility to Log Collection Calls.
This parameter only controls whether existing Customer Notes details that were created in Customer Information and in Log Collection Calls, can also be deleted or modified at a later date in the customer information entry screens.
•Select A (Add Only) from the drop-down list to only allow operators to add new Customer Notes in Customer Information and in Log Collection Calls.
Existing comments can then never be changed or deleted.
•Select F (Full Access) from the drop-down list to allow operators complete access to add, change, or delete Customer Notes in Customer Information and in also Log Collection Calls.
Note: This parameter does not apply to the customer Collection Comments.
This parameter controls the access to notes and comments in the inquiries screens including:
- Whether Customer Notes can be viewed and updated in the customer inquiries screens.
- Whether Collection Comments can be viewed at all in the inquiries screens.
Note: Collection Comments can be made viewable in several places but can only ever be updated in Log Collection Calls.
•Select A (Add Only) from the drop-down list to only allow operators to Add new Customer Notes in Customer Inquiry and Customer Account Inquiry.
Existing notes can not be changed or deleted.
Collection Comments can be viewed only.
•Select F (Full Access) from the drop-down list to allow operators complete access to add new Customer Notes or change/modify/delete existing Customer Notes in Customer Inquiry and Customer Account Inquiry.
Collection Comments can be viewed only.
•Select N (No Access) from the drop-down list to restrict operators from viewing any Customer Notes or Collection Comments, in Customer Inquiry and Customer Account Inquiry.
•Select V (View Only) from the drop-down list to allow Customer Notes and Collection Comments to be view only in Customer Inquiry and Customer Account Inquiry.
Note: Further access security to Customer Notes and Collection Comments can be controlled by the Operators role permission as defined in the "Miscellaneous" window of Security Role Permissions.
Override/Logging Settings
Check this box to force staff to provide a reason when they override critical customer data and revenue generating values on products and documents, such as Credit Limits, Rental Rates, Sale Prices, discounts, etc.
The reason codes can be setup in Override Reason Codes with up to 4 valid Types of reasons as established in Override Types.
Note: Overrides of a critical area will NOT prompt for a Reason Code if there are no valid codes setup in Override Reason Codes with an Override Type to cover that "area".
For more information on this security feature refer to Override Security Overview.
Uncheck this box if operators should not be prompted for a reasons on overrides of any data.
Any override changes are tracked and with or without a reason and can be reviewed on Print Override Report.
This is a company-wide parameter that controls the ability to over-ride rental rates and rental dollar amounts and meter rates on rental documents including Quote/Reservation/Contract.
This does not apply to rates on the Counter Worksheet because rates are all recalculated when the worksheet is converted.
When this is activated, each division can select to trigger the Rental Rates window in contract entry by setting the Prompt for Rates in Contracts in the Division Rate Parameters.
When rate over-rides are not allowed any rate adjustments at document entry must be done through the discount process.
Check this box to allow rates and meter rates to be over-ridden at document entry in the Rental Rates window, applying only to that document. This does not change the rates in the product file rate structure.
This means any previous billings of the product on this document will be adjusted to bill at this new rate.
The changes to the rates apply only to that document.
•On Unbilled rental items the updated rates apply as of the original Out date.
•On Billed rental products any previous billings are unchanged and the updated rates only apply to future billings as of the Last Billed date.
A 'Rate Adjustment' value is maintained on the contract detail line to ensure subsequent billings are calculated correctly.
Note: When the Prompt for Rates in Contracts is also enabled at the division level in the Division Rate Parameters then this 'allow override' parameter is automatically checked and cannot be changed.
Uncheck this box to prevent operators from over-riding rental rates or rate charges in rental documents.
The divisional option to Prompt for Rates in Contracts will be disabled in the Division Rate Parameters as rates cannot be changed.
Discounts can be given to adjust rates on documents.
Field Access Security in Security Role Permissions can then be used to further restrict the ability to change the discount value, as required for individual operators.
This parameter does not apply to changing rate charges on Point Of Sale Invoices and on Miscellaneous Invoices, unless the rental product on the invoice is the result of a contract billing, such as cycle billing or rental return.
Rate changes are also not allowed on the Contract detail if the Contract is currently in a Cycle Billing Edit run. If Rates need to be changed on a Contract in the Cycle Billing Edit list all contracts can be released by clicking on the CLEAR EDIT button in the Cycle Billing Edit screen. The Cycle Billing Edit would then need to be re-run to re-select the updated Contracts.
Note: If the Post Discounts to the G/L feature is activated in Company Posting Parameters, this option to change rates is disabled.
This parameter is only applicable when the Allow Override Of Rental Rates option is checked.
Then when a rate is over-ridden for a metered product on a rental document, this parameter controls whether the Over-Time charge for meter usage can also be updated for the corresponding rate level.
Check this box to prompt the operator whether to update the meter O/T charge by the same ratio as the rental rate, after a rental rate for a metered rental item is changed on a document.
Uncheck this box to prevent the meter charge from ever being changed when the rental rate is changed on the document.
Most firms expect Quantity * Price Each = Extended Amount.
Uncheck this box to prevent operators from over-riding the Extended Amount value for Sales items on counter documents.
The ability to restrict operators from over-riding the Unit Price can be set at the Class level in the Additional Options of the Sales Product Classes.
Check this box to allow your Counter staff to override the Extended Amount on Sales items in Quotes, and Contract entry, Rental Returns and Invoicing.
Any override will be tracked with Print Override Report.
Changing the Extended Amount may be necessary where a Discount percentage does not yield the "Special Deal" amount.
e.g. An item may sell for $0.43 each or 3 for $1.00 - where the user had to over-type the Extended Amount with $1.00 to achieve the "Special Deal" price.
Note: If the ability to override extended on sales parts is allowed, the Sales discounts setup in Customer Discount Programs are disabled, but Rental discounts will still be applied.
This processing can be used track the sale of merchandise when the revenue margin is less than a defined percent.
Enter the Margin Percent.
If this field is left blank than nothing is logged.
When a sale price is entered on a document and the margin is less than the defined Margin Percent, an audit record is written for Override Type 'MO'- Margin Override.
No Reason code or Password is required, unless the Reason Code and/or Password Security features are also activated.
The Margin Override audit log can be printed from Print Override Report for Type 'MO'.
The Margin calculation:
(Price Each after Disc - Product Average Cost) / Price Each after Disc * 100
Note: The "Price Each after Discount" value used in the calculation, includes any currency exchange rate.
Check this box to write an audit trail record tracking each Contract product detail, Saved Counter Worksheet product detail, Invoice product detail, and W.O. detail that is deleted, in the deletion log that can be viewed in Delete Log.
Uncheck this box if a record is not required in the deletion log to track each deleted product detail on a contract, worksheet, W.O., and invoice.
When a deposit is taken on a Contract or a Sales Order it is usually held until the equipment is returned or the items are shipped.
The deposit is then refunded or applied against the resulting invoices generated from Rental Return, Bill Sales Order, or Cycle Bill A Single Contract.
This Security Parameter can be set to control whether the operator has the ability to change the amount of the deposit used against a Rental Return Invoice, a Sales Order Invoice, or an invoice generated from Cycle Bill A Single Contract.
The security control settings include:
•Type N (No) if no change is allowed, and the deposit amount must be accepted as displayed.
•Type O (Open) to allow a change to the deposit amount only on Contracts or Orders that remain open, such as on partial returns, partially filled orders, or cycle-billed contracts.
•Type Y (Yes) to provide full access allowing operators to over-ride any deposit amounts used.
This parameter can be used to control whether the customer on the contract can be changed once there are any rental items, or any billing of sales or rental items, or any services manually added to that contract.
The security control options include:
•Type N (No) to prevent the ability to change the customer on a contract once there are items added to that contract.
•Type P (Same Parent Only) to allow the customer to be changed only to the parent account or to another child of the same parent, once items are added to the contract.
•Type Y (Yes) if there should be no restriction on changing the customer on a contract.
Location Override Settings
Window to access the following company wide over-ride controls:
When products are not available at a location, a warning is displayed on the screen.
This parameter does not apply to Reservations, but does include Sales Orders, Work Orders, and Order Invoices.
The security control settings include:
•Enter L (Location) to allow override on a Contract or on an Invoice if none are available, but if a quantity is assigned to the current document location.
This means that quantities can be added to a document if a quantity exists for the location (RSIL) of the document, even though that quantity may already be committed ( e.g. on rent, on W.O. etc).
•Type N (No) to prevent the operator from entering a quantity when none is available, on a Contract, Worksheet, or product exchange.
On a Work Order or convert Estimate to a Work Order, the quantity becomes back-ordered.
On Invoices, a product can be rented, but cannot be sold when none is available at that location.
The conversion utilities Convert Quotation To Reservation, Convert Quotation To Contract, Convert Reservation To Contract and Convert Estimate to Invoice generate a warning when items are overbooked and prevent the operator from proceeding with the quote/reservation/estimate conversion for those dates.
On Convert Reservation To Contract the following warning error is thrown if the non-bulk rental product is at a different location: “Product# XXXXXX is not in your store and will not be added to the contract.”
•Type Y (Yes) to allow quantity to be entered on a Contract, Invoice, Worksheet, Sales Orders, Order Invoices or product exchange, even if none is available at the location.
This flag setup also allows non-bulk rental products with a status of O "Out on Contract" or F "Off-Rent" to be transferred to a new location on an Internal Branch Transfer.
The Product/Group Bookings Report can be use to report on over-booked products.
Refer to Kit/SSL Enforces Document Location Override Restrictions for Kit and Suggested Sales List override controls.
Uncheck this box to prevent a product quantity from being put on a reservation, if none are available at that location according to the product requirements information.
Check this box to allow staff to override product quantities on the reservation, after being warned that insufficient quantities are available.
Override is always allowed on Portal requests that are submitted from a Presentation Theme that has been configured to Auto Convert To Document and the quantity availability must be dealt when the reservation or quote is converted.
Note: When quantity overrides are not allowed on Reservations then the Region Reservation Fulfillment feature can be used to control over-bookings by finding and transferring available product quantity automatically from other locations in the Default Inventory Region to fill the Reservation for selected products.
Refer to Regional Reservation Processing in the Divisional Inventory Parameters for more information on this feature.
This option only applies if Allow Overrides On Location Quantities for Reservations is activated.
Check this box to prompt the operator for an override reason code.
Reason codes are setup in Override Reason Codes and are reflected on Print Override Report.
Uncheck this box if no reason is required when quantities are over-ridden.
Refer to Kit/SSL Enforces Document Location Override Restrictions for Kit and Suggested Sales List override controls.
This flag controls whether operators can select products using the Inventory Search to put on a contract from locations other than the location defined on the document header.
Check this box to allow products from other locations to be selected on a contract.
Uncheck this box to require products and Groups to be pulled from the same location as the rental contract.
When this parameter is not checked all products available at locations other than the document location must be transferred first.
This applies to Counter Worksheet, Rental Quotes, Reservations, Contracts, Sales Orders, Invoices, Work Order Estimates, and Work Orders.
Note: The ability to select from other locations using the search window, respects the Allow Overrides On Location Quantities (Excl. Reservations) and the Allow Overrides On Location Quantities For Reservations flags.
This parameter applies when adding Kit and Suggested Sales List items to a document, and the system is configured NOT to Allow Overrides on Location Quantities as set in the two different document type parameters above.
Uncheck this box to proceed, though quantity overrides are not normally allowed on this document type, and add items to a document through a Kit or Suggested Sales List after the availability warning is triggered even if they are overbooked.
i.e. Kit and SSL items are not restricted by quantity over-bookings.
Check this box to respect overbooking restrictions and to prevent adding overbooked items from a Kit or SSL after the availability warning is triggered on the document.
i.e. If the document being entered does not allow over-booking, then Kit and SSL items cannot be overbooked either.
Note: If the document parameters does Allow Overrides on Location Quantities, items from Kits and Suggested Sales Lists always allow over-bookings too regardless of this flag.
Uncheck this box if your firm allows a non-bulk rental product to be included on multiple contracts and worksheets at the same time.
Check this box to only allow a non-bulk rental product to be included on one open contract or worksheet at a time, so when a non-bulk rental that is already on a contract or worksheet is put on another contract or worksheet.
The non-bulk rental must also be at the document's RSIL Location.
One of two warning errors is thrown:
•"Product ### is on Contract/Worksheet ##### and cannot be used."
•"Product ### is not at your location" is displayed if the equipment is at an RSIL location other than the location of the new document.
Note: This parameter takes precedence over other availability settings such as the quantity over-ride.
This flag applies in the following areas:
Contract Details
Counter Worksheet Details & 'Convert Counter Worksheet To Contract' - with a Group
Exchange By Contract
Exchanges By Customer
Convert Reservation to Contract
Convert Quotations to Contract
Note: An exception would be if the product is on a Closed Pickup Ticket for a contract, then it can be added to another contract.
The flag controls whether availability is checked for the quantity available in the Group as a whole.
•Type N (NO) if Group bookings should always be considered even for individual product availability for Rental.
e.g. If there are 4 Compressors, and one is available but the total commitment for the products in the Group is equal to or greater than 4, then Group availability will show that none are available.
•Type S (SALES) if Group over-bookings should not be checked for Sales parts, but should still be checked for Rental products.
•Type Y (YES) if Group over-bookings should not be checked and so should not prevent Sale or Rental of specific products available within the Group.
When Group availability is ignored a time consuming check is removed so depending on the volume of data, product selection on the documents could be much faster.
Note: Availability checking at the product level is controlled by the Check Availability flag in the product Groups.
Uncheck this box to allow operators to change, ship, receive, and delete internal transfers only if the transfer location matches the location assigned to the operator in Operators.
Check this box to allow operators from any location to change, ship, receive, or delete existing internal transfers for other locations, in the Internal Transfer Console actions.
Note: The operator must also have the Prompt for Location flag in Operators set to YES in order to process transfers from other locations, and the location must be included in the Divisional Restricted Views for the operator currently signed into the session.
An off rental is useful for "stopping the rental clock" for equipment on a contract.
Charges for equipment on a contract end when the off rental date and time are recorded by the counter staff. If this is done as a step prior to the Rental Return that finalizes the billing of the equipment, this parameter can be used to control whether that off rented equipment should be considered ready to rent again.
•Uncheck this box if equipment which is off rented at your firm, is generally not available to be re-rented.
For example, the equipment is no longer in use by the customer at the customer's site, but the equipment has not yet been returned. Since it is currently not in your rental yard, it is considered unavailable for an immediate rental. The equipment may need inspection, or repair before the next rental.
•Check this box if equipment which is off rented at your firm, is generally available to be re-rented.
This would be the case if the customer has returned the equipment to the rental yard, and counter staff used the off rental to stop the billing of the contract. Later, after the equipment has been inspected, the contract would be closed with the Rental Return program, which produces the billing. This applies in firms where the Invoicing staff responsible for the rental rates charged is different from the Rental Yard staff.
Note: If the Indefinite flag is set a contract, then Off Rentals are not shown as available, regardless of this Show Off Rentals As Available setting.
Note: If the option to print the Products Outstanding on the Contract on the invoice is activated from the Divisional Invoice Parameters, any unbilled off rent products will not be included as on the contract as outstanding.
Delivery/Pickup Ticket Availability:
Off rentals that are generated by the Delivery/Pickup Sub-System do NOT show as available during the duration of the ticket regardless of this flag, but once the ticket is closed this flag is respected on the document off-rents.
Check this box to print an 'RTD' Returned status on the cycle billing invoice, for products that have already been put off rent in Off Rentals by Contract.
Uncheck this box to print an 'OFF' Off Rent status on the cycle billing invoice for these products.
This parameter provides the ability to automatically consider products exchanged in Exchange Products On Contracts as returned to the shop, or to allow the option to process an exchange while the equipment is still on site, so that a Confirm Exchange Pickup is required to complete the return.
Uncheck this box to skip the prompt for the returned status in Exchange by Contract and in Exchanges By Customer.
The exchanged product is considered returned and ready to rent or to service, after the exchange is accepted.
Check this box to prompt the operator if the equipment is actually returned or if pickup confirmation is still required in product exchanges.
This parameter applies only to Purchase Order details for ordering inventory items, and does not impact an order for "non-inventory" items on a P.O.
Uncheck this box if the product detail on the P.O. should always post to the Inventory account designated in the corresponding Rental Product Class or Sales Product Class.
Check this box if all operators that have access to entering Purchase Orders should have the ability to change the General Ledger Inventory posting account on a product detail of the P.O., which will over-ride the Inventory account designated in the Product Class and will be used for posting the inventory value on the Accounts Payable Invoice Details.
Note: Operators can be restricted from posting to a control account by role permission as defined in the Document Field Access window of the Security Role Permissions.
Uncheck this box if your firm always orders by Product # or by Group on all Purchase Orders.
Check this box if all operators that have access to entering Purchase Orders should have the ability to order an item on a P.O. that does not have a product number setup in Rental Inventory or Sales Inventory.
The prompt to "Create a Non-Inventory Transaction" is triggered when both the Our Product # and Vendor Product # fields are left blank on a Purchase Order detail, and then the item description, quantity, cost each, division, notes, and eligible GL posting account can be entered.
Note: Only Asset and Expense GL Accounts flagged in the Chart of Accounts to Allow PO, can be entered as a non-inventory item order.
Non-Inventory items ordered on a P.O. are ignored in Warehouse Receiving but are still processed through A/P Invoices by Purchase Order, and the P.O. is automatically "closed" when the non-inventory expense is entered in A/P invoices as the P.O. will never be received.
Note: Operators can be restricted from posting to a control account by role permission as defined in the Document Field Access window of the Security Role Permissions.
Click OK to accept the settings and exit the Security Parameters window.
Note: Any changes made to these parameters will not be applied until the Company Parameters are accepted.
Topic Keyword: GLCN90I (3837)