Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Company Billing Parameters

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Billing Parameters

The tunable company wide Billing Parameters can be accessed from the window in the Company Parameters.

General Settings


Uncheck this box to bill for the calculated rental time on contract billings generated from a Rental Return and from Cycle Billing.
 Check this box to drop the minutes on the billing for Rental Return and Cycle Billing, charging only for the full hours out.


In the Additional Information window of Customer Information, a customer can be flagged to be given one rent free Saturday and/or rent free Sunday, or all free Saturdays and/or all free Sundays.

Uncheck this box if the first free Saturday, Sunday, or weekend, should only apply if the billing period is less than a week.

 This first free weekend only applies if the billing period is less than a full week.
 When the no charge weekend rental is to apply to the first weekend, and the rental billing period extends beyond the 7 day week, then the first weekend "no charge" option no longer applies and the weekend becomes billable.

Check this box if a free Saturday, Sunday, or weekend, should be given in the last weekend of the rental period when the billing period ends in a partial week.

 When the no charge weekend rental is to apply to the last weekend, but the billing period ends evenly with no partial week, then the last weekend "no charge" option no longer applies and the weekend remains part of the billable time.

Note: When the no charge weekend rental is to apply to the last weekend, Cycle Billing still always charges for all weekends because the last weekend has not yet been determined. The Rental Return process will correct and refund for the last free weekend if required.

Rental charges calculated on any entry document such as a Contract, Worksheet, etc, respect and include the customer's eligible free weekend processing in the rental calculation.

If the operator adds a new Cash Customer on-the-fly on a rental document, then the values for the new customer default from the Customer # To Clone for the division, including the "No Charge Weekend" flag.


This parameter only applies if the previous parameter No Charge Last Sat/Sun/Weekend Instead Of First is NOT set, so that it is the first weekend that is to be free.

Check this box to cause the first cycle billing of the contract to respect this first free weekend calculation, when the billing period is less than 7 days.
 Cycle Billing Edit, Cycle Billing, Bill A Single Contract and Unbilled Revenue Report will respect this No Charge Weekend processing.

Uncheck this box if first free weekend processing does not apply to cycle billed contracts.


Rental and sales discounts can be assigned to the customer in Customer Information and also at the site level in Customer Site Information.
 These discounts apply on Quotes, Reservations, Contracts, Orders, and Invoices.

Check this box if the site discounts should always replace the customer discounts on the documents.
 Uncheck this box if the site and customer discounts should both be applied to items on the documents.

Note: Specific Product Classes can be flagged to not allow any discounts in Sales Product Class or Rental Product Class.


This setting controls updating the Cycle Billing Day Code of contracts that are going out on a Delivery Ticket, to match the Delivery Ticket close date entered in Close Delivery Ticket.
 This is recommended by Texada Support as the products are actually Off Rent until the ticket is closed.

Check this box to automatically update the Cycle Billing Day Code on the contract to match the date that the Delivery Ticket is closed and the products come Off Rent.

The Cycle Billing Day Code on the contract will only be updated if the following 3 conditions are met:

1.The original Cycle Billing Day Code must match the contract header date.
 If the Cycle Billing Day Code on the contract has been over-ridden or changed, then the Cycle Billing Day Code will NOT be updated to match the close delivery date.

1.All items on that contract must be delivered on that single Delivery Ticket.

1.The contract can not have any billings yet.

Uncheck this box to leave the Cycle Billing Day Code unchanged on the contract even if the delivery date differs.

When date out is changed on contracts, the Cycle Billing Day Code Discrepancy Report can be used to identify any contracts where the Billing Day Code no longer matches the Date Out.


Split Billing generally applies to Medical Sales and Rentals, where the government or insurance company pays part of the charges and the customer (end user) pays the balance.

Contact Texada Support if your firm requires the Split Billing capability.
 Texada Support will add the menu option Split Billings Menu to your menu tree.

Note: Split Billing invoicing does not respect the Enhanced Tax processing as activated in the Company Taxing Parameters.

Select one of the following options:

Select E (End User) to have the Sales History of items rented or purchased tracked by the person who will receive the items.
 This provides the ability to look up equipment history by customer.

Select N (No) if Split Billing does not apply to your firm.

Select S (Split Customer) to have the Sales History of items rented or purchased tracked by the second party (insurance company or government agency) who is splitting the bill for the rental or sale.


If Split billing is to be used, enter a product number to handle the "split portion" or select one from the Product Search window.
 e.g. SPLIT

This product must be setup in Sales Inventory with a Zero Cost Type to allow zero cost posting.
 It prints on the invoice to show the amount paid by the second party.


Sometimes Contracts are billed on the Rental Return out of order causing the Meter reading on the Pickup Ticket or the return to be lower than the Current Meter count.
 This parameter can be used to define a Reason Code such as "Late Entry" (Type L) to become the default reason on the Rental Return when the Meter units entered is less than the current count for the product.
 The reason code can always be modified on the Rental Return as required.

Leave this field blank if your firm does not want to set a default Reason Code for the Rental Return, or select a default Reason Code from the Meter Reason Code Search window.


Uncheck this box to always apply the Standard Meter Billing calculation where the meter units used, allowed, and charged, is based on the entire period of the contract rather than on the individual billing period.

Check this box to activate the Enhanced Meter Billing so that any meter billing going forward is based on over utilization for the individual billing period as opposed to meter billing based on total rental period.

An example of the differences in the billing approaches is as follows:

 Meter included for a selected rate code is 50
 The customer utilization of meter usage is:
   Month 1 meter usage =  50
   Month 2 meter usage =  10
   Month 3 meter usage =  65
   Total meter usage = 125

Based on the Standard Meter Billing calculation the customer would not be billed any extra usage for ‘Month 3’ as the total meter usage totals is 125 and the allowed units total is 150. Meter usage would not be billed until the total exceeds 150 (meter included of 50 x 3 months).

Whereas the Enhanced Meter Billing calculation would charge for the over utilization in ‘Month 3’. Even though the customer has not exceeded the included meter amount of 50 in the first 2 months, the customer has exceeded the usage for month 3 (65 > 50) and therefore should be charged for the over utilization of this month.
 This means the calculation will ignore any previous included meter hours not utilized and will charge additional meter usage for the given billing period.

Partial Meter Billing Hours:
 When a contract is using enhanced billing calculations SRM will refer to the Company Calendar to determine the correct Daily, Weekly, and Month rate codes for prorate meter billing based on the “Summary Hours” in the Review Calendar screen for each level.
 The Summary Hours in a day, week, and month will allow SRM to match these hours to the “To Hours” or “Rate Hours” (for day & week & month) stored in the rates table of the document to match the correct daily, weekly, and month rate codes to determine the meter included hours to use for prorating.

Note: If the Daily/Weekly/Monthly rates are not found in the contract rates, the Standard Meter Billing calculations are applies.

The following billing areas will be affected by the meter usage calculation change:

Cycle Billing
 Cycle Bill A Single Contract
 Rental Returns

Note: The Enhanced Meter Billing calculation does not apply to metered equipment that belongs to a Rental Product Class that is flagged to use the "O/T Meter Charge Method" of SHIFT.

Merge/Auto-Hold Settings


Uncheck this box to always create a new invoice for each cycle billing of a contract.

Check this box to allow merging of cycle billed invoices from Cycle Billing and from Cycle Bill A Single Contract according to the Additional Merge/Hold Invoice Controls & Rules defined below.
 The pre-existing invoice for the merge, must have been generated from one of Miscellaneous Invoices, Rental Returns, Cycle Billing, or Cycle Bill A Single Contract and be charged on account.

A comment is added to the invoice for each contract merged to the invoice with the billing source, contract number, and the billing date (not bill to date) of the products.

Over-Ride Conditions:

The divisional flag to Disable Merge Invoices For Sales in the Division Contract Parameters over-rides this company flag and prevents merging of sales invoices for Sales being automatically billed from a contract for this division, always creating a new invoice.

The merge billing utilities are not available when Field Ticket processing is activated in the Company Invoice Parameters.

Note: This merge invoice option is de-activated automatically if the Avalara Tax processing is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters.


Uncheck this box to always default to a new invoice number in Rental Returns.
 A Rental Return billing can still be merged by selecting an eligible invoice from the window.

Check this box to cause the billing in Rental Returns to always default to any existing eligible invoice for the customer.
 This option is similar to the Merge Cycle Billing Invoices With Current Invoices, however:

if either of the Merge Cycle Billing Invoices With Current Invoices or the Auto-Hold Invoice By Customer And Site are checked then the 4 'tunable merge parameters' below are enabled and can be used to control merge-to-invoice conditions.

if neither Merge Cycle Billing Invoices With Current Invoices nor Auto-Hold Invoice By Customer And Site are checked causing the 4 'tunable merge parameters' below to be disabled, then the 'match to Site' and 'merge invoice On Hold' are automatically enforced.

Note: This merge invoices feature does not apply to FIFO Rental Returns.


Uncheck this box if there is no need to put invoices On Hold automatically according to the customer and site.

Check this box if there are specific customers with corresponding sites, for which invoices should be Held back from posting.

The "Hold" Status Process:
 Invoices generated from the counter, contract billing, and order entry, for designated customer/site combinations are automatically flagged as On Hold to allow subsequent billings to be added to the same invoice.
 Then when the billing period is complete (e.g. weekly) or the job is finished, the Held invoices can be released for posting from Hold/Release Current Invoices.

oRental Return invoices only add to other Rental Return invoices having the same customer/site.

oBill Sales Order invoices only add to other Order invoices having the same customer/site.

oAdditional billing can be added manually to any Miscellaneous invoices on Hold.


Window to view and maintain the customer/site combinations in the Customers and Sites to Hold window, for which invoices should be Held.

Merge/Hold Invoice Controls & Rules:

If the option to Merge Cycle Billing Invoices With Current Invoices or the option to Auto-Hold Invoice by Customer and Site was selected, the following conditions apply to confirm invoices are eligible to merge:

Invoice and Contract must have the same customer number.

Invoice Division and Contract Out Division must be the same.

Damage Waiver flag and percent must be the same.

Invoice must be On Account.

Invoice cannot have a Deposit used amount.

The total number of details (Invoice plus Contract) must be less than 900.

If Job Event processing applies, sites must always match.

Trade discount percents must be the same.

Invoice must not be from an "Approval Quote".

Alternate prorate flag and prorate days must be the same.

Internal account numbers must be the same.

If there are no suitable invoices with which to merge, a new invoice will be created.

Additional Merge/Hold Invoice Controls & Rules with Vertex Taxing:

If the Vertex tax method is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters the following conditions also to make invoices eligible to merge:

Vertex version supported is 9.0 or higher.

Vertex Bill or Ship address must be the same based on the "Tax By" choice set in the Company Taxing Parameters.

oIf using Billing location, bill to city, prov/state and postal/zip must match.

oIf using Shipping location, ship to city, prov/state and postal/zip must match.

All standard matching rules above still apply.

Additional tunable merge parameters that are only activated if one of the Merge Cycle Billing Invoices With Current Invoices or the Auto-Hold Invoice By Customer And Site are checked, include:


Check this box to only merge the billing with an invoice that is On Hold.
 The Hold status can be maintained in Hold/Release Current Invoices.

Uncheck this box to allow the new billing to be merged with an invoice that is not necessarily On Hold.


Check this box to put the merged invoice On Hold after adding the new billing details.

Uncheck this box to cause the merged invoice to be taken Off Hold status.
 The invoice date will be changed to the cycle billing date and the DBR# will be updated to the current DBR, so that the invoice will post in the next Daily Close.


Check this box if the contract being billed must have the same Site# as the existing invoice to be merged.

Uncheck this box if the site number on the contract does not have to match the Site# on the invoice.


Check this box if the billings to be merged must have been generated from the same contract.

Uncheck this box if the billings do not have to have originated from the same contract.
 When more than one contract is billed to the same invoice, the contract# on the invoice is changed to "CYC BILL" and a Comment line is added to indicate dates and contracts billed on this invoice.

Cycle Billing Settings


Check this box if your company generates the billings by division.
 This allows different branches to run the interim cycle billings simultaneously.
 The Cycle Billing Edit program is designed to be run by one person at a time, so if a second person in the same division tries to run Cycle Billing Edit, a warning will appear on the screen preventing the second user at that division from proceeding.
 When this parameter is set to bill by division, then the option to bill all divisions together is disabled in Cycle Billing Edit.

Uncheck this box if cycle billing for your company is done by one office.
 The option to run the billing for all divisions or for one division at a time, is provided in Cycle Billing Edit, but only one operator can run the program at a time, and each edit batch will replace any previous batch even if the billing run has not been completed and the invoices have not yet been created from Cycle Billing.

Cycle Billing in Automated Reporting:

This divisional billing flag also applies to RSXD14 in Automatic Reporting.
 When Bill Contracts by Division is checked, a single division must be specified for each RSXD14 reporting job in the report parameter setup.
 The RSXD14 job will fail in Automatic Reporting if the 'Division - All' filter is set to Y.

When Bill Contracts By Division is not activated, the 'Division - All' filter can be set to Y when RSXD14 is run from Automatic Reporting.


Smart Billing provides the ability to generate invoice revenue early from a contract, through interim cycle billing using Cycle Billing Edit and Cycle Billing recognizing that contracts are billable as soon as all details on the contract have been out on rent long enough to meet the billing target for the month.

Smart Billing Process:
 If Smart Billing is activated, after the standard billing run for more than one Billing Day code is compiled in Cycle Billing Edit, contracts eligible for Smart Billing will be checked.
 If the billing amounts for all products on a contract as of the Bill To Date for this billing run, exactly equal the billing amounts that would be charged on the next billing day anyway, then the Smart Billing process recognizes that the full monthly billing target has already been met, and it bills that contract ahead to the next scheduled billing date, updating the billed through date and amounts.

Because the billing amount must exactly equal the amount that would be billed for the monthly period, it is not recommended to activate the Prompt for Bill To Time option below, as changing the time will cause the billing amounts to change and a Smart Bill match is unlikely to occur.

Note: Off Rentals and Pickup Ticket processing may make contracts eligible for Smart Billing, as no further revenue would be expected on the products while they are off rent.

Select one of the following options:

Select C (Customer) to apply the Smart Billing process only to contracts for specified customers that are flagged in the "Additional Information" window in Customer Information.

Select N (No) if your firm does not want to utilize the Smart Billing feature for any customers.

Select Y (Yes) to activate the Smart Billing processing on all contracts to accelerate cycle billing.

Note: If a contract is billed in advance because of Smart Billing, and then a rental product is exchanged later in that billed month, the revenue posting and revenue history will not be recognized on the replacement rental product, as the billing has already been processed for the period.


This prompt only applies if Smart Billing is activated company wide or for specific customers.
 It affects the date that contracts become eligible for Smart Billing again after the previous interim billing.

Leave this field zero if contracts should always be eligible for Smart Billing regardless of when they were last billed, or enter the number of days after the last billing date, during which a contract is not to be considered for Smart Billing.

Note: This restriction does not check the last Invoice date. It is checking for the last Bill To date of the products.


This parameter activates interim cycle billing for contracts that do NOT have a Cycle Billing Day Code assigned, usually applying to Cash customers, that are out for an extended period of time making them eligible for a monthly billing.
 This processing applies only to Cycle Billing Edit and Cycle Billing.
 It does not apply to Bill A Single Contract.

Note: Contracts for Cash or On Account customers that do have a Cycle Billing Day Code will be eligible for Cycle Billing.

Uncheck this box if your firm does not want to generate interim billings for Contracts with no Cycle Billing Day Code.

Check this box to activate the Cycle Billing processing for contracts with no Cycle Billing Day Code, which usually applies to Cash customers.


oCash Contracts are not billed for the blank customer or the default cash customers for a division, as determined in the Divisional Contract Parameters by the Customer # to Clone field.

oContracts will only be billed if the complete Billing information has been recorded on the contract including name, address, city, and postal/zip code. This information must match the information registered for the customer in Customer Information.

Note: The Prov/State is not mandatory as this does not apply to all countries, such as new Zealand.

oThe Contract is assigned a Billing Day Code according to the contract header date out, when Cycle Billing Edit is run.

Note: If a customer's status is changed from Cash to On Acct, a Billing Day Code needs to be assigned to any existing Contracts to ensure those contracts are included in the appropriate Cycle Billing run.

oInvoices generated from this billing process will be put On Account.

oThe Billing report will print *CASH* under the Contract# field to clearly indicate that the contract is being billed for a Cash Customer.

The relate prompts include:


Uncheck this box to generate the invoice On Account for the Cash Customer and not generate a bad risk record for the customer.

Check this box to generate a bad risk record for the customer matching any customer information that is available as explained in Bad Risk Customers.

Note: A Bad Risk record is not written if an entry already exists for each identifying field.


Uncheck this box set the flag on this Bad Risk record to prevent any further activity for this customer as explained in Bad Risk Customers.
 Check this box to add the customer to the bad risk file, but to allow continued business after generating a warning.


Leave this field blank if the Credit Ratings assigned to the Cash Customers that are billed should not be changed.
 If a Credit Rating code is entered or selected from the drop-down list, the Credit Rating in Customer Information will be updated to this selected code for all Cash Customers that are billed for Cash Contracts through Cycle Billing.


This flag controls whether the deposit from the contract should be used to reduce the amount to be paid on an interim invoice that was generated from Cycle Billing or from Bill A Single Contract or whether the deposit should be held until all the equipment is returned.

Uncheck this box to cause the deposit from the Contract to be held until the equipment is returned.
 It is then refunded or applied against the invoice generated from Rental Return.

Check this box to cause the deposit on the contract to be used in Cycle Billing Edit and applied to invoices generated from the Cycle Billing, or to be used in Bill A Single Contract reducing the interim invoice billing amount.
 If the deposit exceeds the invoice total, a partial deposit amount is applied.


When a contract is entered at the counter, the operator can give a one-time price break on the contract by setting the Days to Bill lower than the actual rental period.
 This parameter controls how the Days To Bill price break is applied over an extended rental.
 i.e. Whether the Days To Bill entered on a Contract is respected on only short-term contracts versus long-term contracts where the contract is cycle billed before it is returned.

Uncheck this box if the Days To Bill price break should only apply to short-term contracts.
 This ensures that the reduced days charged for the rental period only applies at the Rental Return, and is lost if the contract is ever cycle billed.

Note: If a contract is returned late (but not late enough to have been cycle billed), a 'cap' is set by the Days To Bill so that the original rental period determined on the contract is still billed according to the Days To Bill, and any additional days over that set rental period are then charged on top.


If the contract is out for 7 days, but "Days to Bill" is 5, and the contract is returned at 6 or 7 days, it is still only billed for the 5 days.
 If the contract is returned at 8 days, it is billed 6 days. This is calculated using the initial 5 day cap (for the first 7 days out) plus 1 for the extra day over the original intended rental period determined on the contract.
 If the contract is open long enough and an interim billing is generated, it is no longer a short-term contract and the "Days to Bill" price break is lost. The Cycle Billed invoices now bill for that initial period that had originally been granted at no charge.

Check this box if the Days To Bill price break should also apply to long-term contracts that are cycle billed, as well as the short-term contracts.
 This means that the customer will always receive the initial price break for that first rental period identified on the contract, even if the contract is cycle billed.


Select one of the following:

Select Yes to activate a cycle billing option in the Customer Billing Settings window of Customer Information.
 This feature allows customers to be flagged to always be billed Monthly, or always be billed every 28 Days, or to default to the Product Class billing option.
 Determining the Day to Cycle Bill:

oTo use this feature, the calendar must be generated with a 28 Day cycle in the Calendar in order to handle the 28 Day billings.

oFor the customers who are billed Monthly the Contract Out day of the month becomes the cycle billing day code instead of the 28 day code from Review Calendar.
 e.g. "Contract Out" date of September 17 would give the contract a cycle billing day code of 17

An optional Billing Day Code can also be defined in the Customer Types table to cause all contracts for that type of customer to be billed on the same day each month regardless of contract date.

Select No if the cycle billing period for long-term contracts should always be determined by the Product Class and the calendar.

Select Contract to respect the cycle billing interval manually set on the contract header which initially defaults from the Product Class and is not restricted to a 28 Day billing cycle.
This is a custom process and is not commonly available.

Note: This calculation only applies to Contracts and does not apply to Reservations or to Quotes, because the Cycle Billing Interval is not finalized until the document is converted to the contract.


Uncheck this box to automatically default the Bill To Time in Cycle Billing to the same as the time out on the contract, and NOT to prompt for a Bill To Time in Cycle Billing Edit Report or in Cycle Bill A Single Contract.

Note: It is recommended not to activate the 'prompt for bill to time' option if your firm uses Smart Billing as entering a specific billing time will usually prevent the Smart Billing calculation from matching the monthly billed amount exactly, and so Smart Billing will not be as effective.

Check this box to prompt for the Bill To Time in the Cycle Billing Edit Report and in Cycle Bill A Single Contract.


Enter the default time to be used in Cycle Billing as the Bill To Time.
 This can be over-typed in billing as required in Cycle Billing Edit Report and Cycle Bill A Single Contract.
 Enter the time per the 24 hour clock. e.g. 5:30 PM would be entered as 17:30


Both sales and rentals can be put out on a contract.
 This parameter controls the default to sell the Sales items during Cycle Billing, but it can be over-typed at the time of cycle billing.
 This default also applies when the first billing of a contract is triggered immediately at the time the contract is created, as activated by the Cycle Bill From Rentals flag set in the Divisional Contract Parameters, and this action can also be over-typed on the billing header as required.

Check this box to set the default to sell any sales items included on the contract when the first invoice is issued by a cycle billing.
 This generates the revenue for these sales early rather than waiting for the contract to be completed on a rental return.

Uncheck this box to set the default to NOT sell sales items from the contract on cycle billed invoices if your firm generally sells the sales part on the last invoice issued when the equipment is returned.

Note: Specific sales products such as Fuel, can be flagged in the Inventory Re-Order Information NOT to be Cycle Billed, so they ignore this Sell Sales Item Default flag and are only ever billed at the Rental Return of the Contract.


This 'Bill Current Meter' process can be activated to cause the Cycle Billing processing including 'Smart Billing', to respect and to automatically bill up to the current Meter count logged in the Product Meter Information for the Rental Inventory in the billing run.
 This process allows updated meter counts captured from GPS such as by Telematics to be automatically included and invoiced in the standard 'Cycle Billing' run.

Note: If a metered asset is out on more than one contract, then the meter will not be updated in the Cycle Billing.

When this 'Bill Current Meter' is activated then the Meter Count Sheets billing processing is disabled.

Finance Charge Settings

Relevant Customers can be flagged to be charged Finance Charges on overdue accounts in Customer Information.


Enter the percent that should be charged as a finance charge per month, on overdue accounts.
 e.g. Enter 2% as 2.00

This percent can be over-typed when the charges are calculated in Calculate Finance Charge, and specific records can be modified manually in Review Finance Charges prior to posting.
 If your firm does not run finance charges, then this will not be utilized.


The Minimum is the smallest monthly amount that would be charged on an over due account.
 This minimum finance charge can be applied in one of the following two ways, to be determined at the time of running the finance charges from Calculate Finance Charge:

 Finance Charge amounts calculated below this Minimum would be ignored and the customer would not be charged.
 e.g. If the minimum were $1.00 and the finance charge was $0.60 then nothing would be charged.

Bill Minimum:
 If the finance charge was less than the Minimum, then the minimum would be used instead.
 e.g. If the minimum were $1.00 and the finance charge was $0.60 then $1.00 applies.

Note: These Finance Charge defaults can also be set from the Company Information where the customer default flag can be set.


Click OK to accept the settings and exit the Billing Parameters window.

Note: Any changes made to these parameters will not be applied until the Company Parameters are accepted.

Topic Keyword: GLCN90L (3839)