Company Miscellaneous Parameters
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Miscellaneous Parameters
The tunable company wide Miscellaneous Parameters can be accessed from the window in the Company Parameters.
General Settings
Uncheck this box if your firm's customers do not require a second language.
e.g. French, Spanish, etc.
Check this box if your firm services some customers that prefer to receive documents printed in a second language, including contracts, invoices, reservations, quotes, orders, and even rate books or price lists.
•For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording on documents for customers that are identified in Customer Information as preferring to receive documents in the Alternate Language, will respect the alternative wording as defined in the Document Field Labels, and for document descriptions in Sales Inventory, Rental Inventory, and Service Codes, and for rate descriptions in Company Default Rates and Rental Product Class.
Group and Product Alt Language Rate Descriptions can also be updated from the Export/Import Product/Group Rates.
The “Alternate Language Descriptions” assigned to Sales Products and to Rental Assets can be updated from the Export/Import Inventory Clean-up utility.
Group Safety Sheets for the alternate language can be maintained in the Equipment Group or in the Group Safety Sheet Names table.
•For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.
If the option to Add Cash Customers is activated in Divisional Contract Parameters, then when a new customer is added automatically from document entry, a window will prompt to capture language preference.
The Set Document Rate Alternate Language Descriptions utility can be used to update blank product rate descriptions on existing documents including Quotes, Reservations, Contracts and saved Counter Worksheets, to the alternate language descriptions.
Note: The standard wording always appears on the screen.
It is only the printed documents that utilize the alternate language verbiage.
For LINUX and Windows NT systems, certain reporting jobs can be setup in Automatic Reporting to be run regularly at a pre-determined frequency.
The report results can be emailed to staff and are also stored for up to seven days.
To ensure system integrity and functionality, only the SCS operator has the ability to modify this directory.
Enter the directory where the report output should be stored.
e.g. ./tmpdir
Note: This value must be left blank or only a valid directory path that does not start with / or .. can be entered.
If this field is left blank the report files will be saved on the PROIV data directory.
Window to view and setup the email configuration information as outlined in Email Configuration.
Email addresses can be setup for communication and reporting purpose in many tables as listed in Email Address Assignment.
For LINUX and Windows NT systems using Jasper, W.O. Service Instructions PDF documents can be setup and associated with specific Maintenance Schedule records, that will then print when the resulting Work Order is printed.
PDF files can then be maintained from the Directory Browser window.
To ensure system integrity and functionality, only the SCS operator has the ability to modify this directory.
Enter the directory where the pdf files should be stored.
e.g. c:\data\pro4data\crystal\instr
This directory applies to the Work Order Service Notes only.
It does not apply to the Safety Sheets associated with the Groups, as the directory for Safety Sheets is hard coded to c:\data\pro4data\crystal.
Note: This value must be left blank or only a valid directory path that does not start with / or .. can be entered.
If this field is left blank the default becomes .\crystal\instr
This flag can be set to automatically trigger or to suppress the Document Comments window in Change Contract Date Out/Date Due utility.
Note: This Comments window can always be opened manually from the change date utility.
This flag can be set to automatically trigger or to suppress the Customer Comments and Notes pop-up window in the header of a document when Contracts, Reservations, Rental Quotes, Sales Approval Quotes, Work Orders, Estimates, Sales Orders and Invoices are first entered or when the customer number is changed on one of these document types.
The notes associated with the customer on the document, include the Customer Notes and the Collection Comments and when this feature is activated the notes that display respect the two operator Role Permissions set in the 'Miscellaneous' security flag window,
Note: If the customer does not have any notes or if the operator does not have permission to either notes file, then this window is suppressed.
Time Clock Settings
There are two methods of tracking employee hours worked.
▪Time Sheets:
Each day the employee manually enters the hours worked in the Time Sheet menu.
This option does NOT rely on the employee clocking in and out as he/she signs into the software.
▪Time Clock In/Out:
This option can be activated to prompt the employee for the time whenever he/she logs into and out of the Texada SRM.
The Canadian Payroll module is required to be able to use this employee Time Clock tracking.
1.The employee number must be assigned, and the employees to be clocked must be flagged for Time Clock Checking, in Operators.
For more detailed information on these features, refer to Time Sheet Overview.
Uncheck this box if your firm does NOT use the Time Clock In/Out method to prompt the employee for the time as they sign into and out of the Texada SRM, or if your software does not include the Canadian Payroll module.
The Time Sheet manual entry option may still be used.
Check this box to activate the Time Clock Checking feature that prompts employees for Clock Start and End times.
In Operators, flag the employees that should be prompted for the time in and time out, when they sign into Texada SRM.
Note: When the external 'Authentication' feature is enabled in the Texada Support Parameters this SRM "Time Clock Sign In" screen only requires the Operator code and not the operator's password.
Check this box to activate the authorize Time Sheets feature using the Authorize Time Sheet Records utility.
Uncheck this box if Authorize Time Sheet Records is not used by the managers to authorize for payroll.
This setting only applies it Enable Time Clock Processing is activated.
Leave this blank or zero if no rounding of the clock in time and clock out time is required.
Enter 15 to round the clock in time and clock out time to the quarter hour.
Enter 30 to round the clock in time and clock out time to the half hour.
This field is disabled if there is no rounding of the clock in time and clock out time.
Uncheck this box to round the clock forward to the next quarter or half hour, as defined in the Round Time 0/15/30 Minutes field.
Check this box to round the clock back by the quarter or half hour, allowing a grace period at the clock-in time.
Uncheck this box if a time allowance for a break is not tracked.
Check this box to prompt the employee when signing out for the time used on break, and if break time is not paid time.
This field is disabled if no prompt for break is requested.
Enter the default time allowed for break.
This can be over-typed when the employee signs out, with the actual break time.
Accounts Payable Settings
Check this box to print the divisional A/P Purchases Exchange, Duty and Freight Summary report, as part of the Post A/P Invoices process.
Uncheck this box to suppress the A/P Purchases Exchange, Duty and Freight Summary report, when A/P invoices and related purchasing transactions are posted.
1099-Misc processing is for use by U.S. customers to track various federally taxable expenditures through Accounts Payable on paid invoices.
Uncheck this box if this feature does NOT apply to your firm.
Check this box to activate the 1099-Misc form A/P processing for your firm.
The format of the forms were changed in 2020.
1099-Misc Information Setup:
Enter your firm's 1099-Misc Federal ID number in Company Information and for relevant suppliers, enter the 1099-Misc information in the Additional Information window of the Vendor Information.
The 1099-Misc code then defaults to the A/P Invoices and A/P Invoices By P.O., and can be viewed for the invoices in Vendor Account Inquiry.
The forms can be edited and printed from U.S. 1099-Misc Forms.
Note: Because this parameter activates the prompts required to enter the 1099 information in AP Invoicing, any invoices entered prior to activating this processing will not have captured the 1099 information and will not be reflected in the 1099 output.
This feature currently supports only the "Bank of New Zealand", "Australian Banking Association" (ABA), "ANZ NZ", "Westpac", and "CPA 005" as outlined in Direct Credit Payments.
The processing can be activated and setup from the Company Information.
If there is another bank for which you require this processing, please contact Texada Support to discuss the programming requirements.
Batch Codes can be used to control the posting of groups of A/P Invoices.
This parameter controls whether the operator assigns the Batch code manually in invoice entry, or whether the next consecutive Batch number is automatically assigned by the software.
Uncheck this box to manually assign a Batch code as defined in A/P Batch Codes, to each A/P invoice as it is entered.
Check this box to use the auto-assign Batch feature, so that a new batch number is assigned to each new group of invoices.
The Batch number is incremented each time the operator enters a new group of A/P Invoices or A/P Invoices By P.O. and the operator cannot over-ride it.
Auto-Assign Batch Numbering:
Batch assignment is controlled by accessing and exiting the invoice data entry program.
A Batch number is assigned when the operator access the A/P Invoice input program.
As long as the operator does not exit the A/P invoice entry option the invoices are included in the same batch.
If the operator exits the program to the menu tree or to another program, when he re-accesses the A/P invoice program a new Batch number is assigned.
Note: The ability to print and post all batches respects the Posting By Batch Control flag as set in the Company Posting Parameters.
Because other software applications such as the Approval Plus processing may not have import validation scripts in place for data being imported into their system, the Terms Descriptions assigned to suppliers in SRM can be standardized to reduce data mismatch errors on the data transfers.
This parameter controls whether only valid Terms Descriptions as setup in the Vendor Terms Descriptions table can be assigned to each supplier in the Vendor Information.
Uncheck this box to allow any unrestricted Terms Description text to be assigned in Vendor Information.
Check this box if your firm requires that the Terms Descriptions assigned to each supplier in Vendor Information must be validated against the descriptions setup in the Vendor Terms Descriptions table.
When the Job Cost processing is activated in the Company Posting Parameters the job information is being captured on the AP Invoices in the Job Costing Customer, Site and Cost Code window. This parameter can be set to control how the job cost information defaults from invoice header to detail.
Uncheck this box if the Customer, Site & Job code entered in the AP Invoice header should not default to each detail line on that invoice.
This forces the operator to select the appropriate job information for each line rather than just accept a defaulting value.
Check this box so that the Customer, Site & Job code entered in the AP Invoice header should always default to each detail line on that invoice.
This is useful if the detail lines generally match the job assigned on the invoice header and so the operator does not need to re-type the information.
Values can always be over-typed as required.
Accounts Receivable Settings
This parameter controls how the invoice detail screen in Customer Payments is first accessed when a payment is entered.
Check this box to open the detail screen in Customer Payments with the prompt for the starting invoice number or for the contract number.
Uncheck this box to open the detail payment screen displaying all the unpaid invoices.
The invoice/contract search can still be activated by clicking on the STARTING DOC button.
In Customer Payments if a balance remains on a payment that is not fully applied to the invoices, it can be left as an unapplied payment, or it can be converted to a credit invoice on the customer's account.
Uncheck this box to always leave an over payment as an unapplied balance on the check.
Check this box to be prompted to Write Open Balance Invoice when an overpayment is entered in Customer Payments.
If accepted, the resulting credit invoice will be dated the check date, and will be assigned the check number preceded by a "CR" for the new credit invoice number.
The Method of Payments Summary by G/L Account# report is an optional report that can be printed when A/R payments are posted.
The posting summary prints by date for each G/L account number and includes both Counter payments and A/R Customer payments.
Check this box to print this Summary by G/L Account# from Post Customer Payments with the other posting reports.
Uncheck this box to suppress the G/L account summary report.
This parameter activates the ability to add new Cash Customer records from the document entry screens.
In some document entry screens such as Contracts and Invoices, the operator can window in the Customer number field to access the Document Customer Search window, and can then click the ADD button to add a new customer record "on-the-fly".
In the resulting abbreviated add new customer window, the customer name, alpha sort key, address, city, province/state, postal/zip, phone and fax number can be entered.
Other customer values will default from the customer number assigned as the Customer # to Clone in the Divisional Contract Parameters.
Check this box to give staff the ability to add new customers on-the-fly in document entry.
Uncheck this box to disable the ADD button in Document Customer Search if staff should not have the ability to add new customers in document entry.
Security Control Options:
This feature to add new customers "on-the-fly" can be further controlled by setting up a password and defining Security Roles for the ARCF06B module in Module Passwords.
Any operator without permission to Add Customer on-the-fly as determined by his roles assigned in Operators, would then have to enter the correct password to proceed entering a new customer record.
For more information on this security feature refer to Override Security Overview.
This parameter is only enabled if the Add Customer On-The-Fly is enabled, and can be configured to allow operators to setup Standard Customer Special Pricing or Multi-Tiered Special Pricing, when the new customer is added "on-the-fly" from the ADD button in the Document Customer Search window.
Check this box to give staff the ability to define the Special Pricing for the new customers added on-the-fly in document entry.
Uncheck this box to prevent any operator from adding Special Pricing information at the time customers are added on-the-fly.
Security Control Options:
This feature to add Special Pricing information for new customers added "on-the-fly", is further controlled at the operator level in the Document Field Access window of the Security Role Permissions by the " Special Pricing On The Fly' flag.
File Attachment Settings
An external document or image can be associated with a record in a data table such as a document, customer or product, by using the Attachment feature as outlined in the File Attachment.
The ability to Markup the document and save it with the edits such as notes or signature, is currently under development.
Note: For SaaS systems, access to the File Attachment Settings is controlled by Texada Client Services, as directory size and use must be setup by Texada Software.
Contact Customer Support at Texada for assistance with this setup.
The File Attachment windows throughout the system are only enabled once the appropriate directory is defined.
Note: This value must be left blank or only a valid directory path that does not start with / or .. can be entered.
To ensure system integrity and functionality, only the SCS operator has the ability to modify this directory.
Enter the full absolute directory pathname for storage of the attachments.
e.g. For Windows this would include the c:\'directory name'
When a “Global Update” is run to configure the SRM software, the directory path for storing Attachments is automatically set to “attach” if the attachment path has been left blank. This can be modified as required.
It is important to consider assigning the Directory for Attachment to a different 'box' then the 'box' used for the database and/or application server to avoid filling the disk space.
Linux users must have full read, write, execute permission for the directory.
Note: The ability to add or deleted attachments is not provided in the "Play Data" company, because the directory configured for attachments would be the same for "live" and for the copied "play" company.
The calculated usage in the attachment directory is automatically displayed, with the percent full based on the defined Maxim Disk Storage value.
When the 'percent full' exceeds 95% the percent value will be displayed in red to attract attention.
Note: After the initial calculation, in order to provide efficient performance the usage is maintained by increasing and decreasing the value in GLLR, File name AUMSG, by the size of each updating attachment file, where the GLLR value in the Transaction# column is a date/time stamp, and the value in the Running Balance column is the Bytes used by the attachments.
If the GLLR usage value becomes out of sync, the Bytes used can be recalculated by clicking the Configure- Gear icon in the File Attachment window.
The calculated free disk space in the attachment directory is automatically displayed, for the Directory For Attachments assigned.
This is information only regarding the storage available on disk.
Accept the default of 10 Gigabyte as the limit on how much disk space that attachments should be able to consume, or enter a preferred maximum GB value.
Note: This maximum should never be set to fill the entire drive and also needs to allow about 500 MB on the disk to be utilized for file handling.
Accept the default of 5 Megabyte for the maximum size allowed for each attachment file, or enter a preferred maximum MB value.
Note: Each file is initially transferred to the attachments "tmpdir" directory before it is checked for its size, etc.
If the attachment file fails the size check, or if the file will put the storage over the allowable quota the system will not allow the attachment to be saved.
The value entered in this field controls how many details can be added into a single directory or folder, and will assume a limit of 500 if this is set to zero.
The Dir names will be created as /1/, /2/, /3/,etc
All details are saved into the file ATTACH
The number of attachments and folders in tracked in GLLR, File name ATTACH, where the GLLR value in the Transaction# column is the number of folders and the value in the Running Balance column is the number of attachments.
Note: When using a Web App or Open Client the system will create the folder tmpdir under the attachment dir for temporary file handling.
Once the Web App user clicks the UPLOAD button then the attachment is moved from the tmpdir directory into the appropriate attachment directory.
Enter the types of files such as jpg, xml, or pdf, that can be used as attachments in the Valid Attachment File Types window.
Note: This window is only accessible to the SCS operator and if there is an Attachment Directory defined for the company.
Click OK to accept the settings and exit the Miscellaneous Parameters window.
Note: Any changes made to these parameters will not be applied until the Company Parameters are accepted.
Topic Keyword: GLCN90O (3842)