Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Customer Forms Document Mapping

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Customer Forms -> Document/Forms Mappings

The Crystal and Jasper Report features provide the ability to print documents using different customized report formats, depending on the division of the document.
 This window can be accessed from window on the Document/Forms Mappings in Customer Forms from the Company Parameters.
 Customer Forms provide the flexibility by document type to use Letter or A4 size paper, print varying number of document copies, and to capture the customer's signature.

Setup the custom report mapping by division as follows:


Sequence numbers are automatically assigned to track and organize the records in the file.
 Multiple records can be entered for each document type.


Enter the standard report print function program, or select it from the drop-down list.


The standard report function description displays.


Enter ALL if this report applies for all divisions, or enter a single specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
 This division, refers to the operator's Default Division as defined in Operators, regardless of the division on the document.


Enter the custom Crystal or Jasper Report name to be used in place of the standard print program for the selected divisions.
 If no customized report is required accept the Standard Report name.

Paper Size:
 The same Jasper form is used for both A4 paper and letter size paper.
 For Crystal forms if A4 printing is required for all divisions or for a selected operator division, enter the A4 print program to be copied.
 A4 print program names usually correspond to the standard report programs but are prefixed with TXA4_

   e.g.  Crystal letter paper - TX_RSCD10.RPT
 Crystal A4 paper size - TXA4_RSCD10.RPT
 Jasper (both paper sizes) - CounterDocument


 If duplex printing is required in Crystal or Jasper documents for all divisions or for a selected operator division, enter the corresponding duplex print program to be copied.
 Duplex print program names usually correspond to the standard report programs but have a _D suffix.

    e.g.  Crystal duplex letter paper - TX_RSCD10_D.RPT
   Crystal duplex A4 paper size - TXA4_RSCD10_D.RPT
   Jasper duplex (both paper sizes) - CounterDocument_D

Generally the text for the Terms on a Jasper document is printed in size 6 font, however if your "Terms and Conditions" do not fit properly on the back of the standard duplex form, select the print program for the size 5 font.
 The duplex Jasper forms that offer the reduced print size include:






This column applies to Crystal forms only and does not apply to Jasper forms.
 The Copies column is disabled for Jasper forms, as the number of copies to print is controlled in the "Print" window for the PDF document.

Enter the number of copies of this Crystal document that should print each time from this form type for this division.
 For Crystal documents, this value over-rides any copy quantity setup in Company Contract Parameters.

Note: Multiple copies are not generated from the bulk print programs that prompt for a document selection range.


Signature capture and document archiving is only available with Crystal Forms and is not available on Web App or Open Client sessions that use Jasper Forms 3.0.

Type N (No) if the customer's signature is not relevant and is not being captured for this type of document, at this division.

Type Y (Yes) if the customer's signature is mandatory when printing this type of document, at this division. If the operator cancels out of the signature capture, then the prompt for signature will be repeated. The documents are store according to the directory path set in the Signature Capture Parameters settings in the company Customer Forms.
 When a single document is printed from a re-print option, the mandatory flag is changed to optional to prevent collecting multiple signatures on one document.
 When a range of documents (multiple documents) is reprinted, no signature prompt is ever triggered.
 When a document is output to the screen in "View Mode", no signature prompt is triggered.

Type O (Optional) to prompt for a signature when this document type is printed, but always allow the operator to cancel out if no signature is entered. This applies to original documents and reprints at this division.
 If no signature is saved, a copy of the document is not stored in .rtf format either.
 When a range of documents (multiple documents) is reprinted, no signature prompt is triggered.

Type A (Archive) to save an .rtf copy of the printed document in the same manner as the signed document, but without doing the signature capture. This applies to original documents and reprints at this division.
 When a range of documents (multiple documents) is reprinted, no document copies are archived.

Note: If a blank signature is accepted, it is saved as the software cannot detect that it is blank.


Click ACCEPT button to accept and close the window.

To make changes to the Division field of a Report Mapping record, the transaction can be deleted and re-entered with the correct division.
 After making any changes rebuild the file definitions by clicking on the RESET FILES button in the Customer Forms.

Following are the report Function names for Standard Forms using Crystal Forms Control printing:

Document                       Std Report        Custom Crystal A4       Jasper Forms
A/P PAYMENT REMITTANCE SLIP    TX_APAP32.RPT        TXA4_APAP32.RPT        CreditRemittance  *
A/R STATEMENT                TX_ARAR30.RPT        TXA4_ARAR30.RPT        Statements        *
A/R WELCOME LETTER          TX_ARCF71.RPT        TXA4_ARCF71.RP         WelcomeLetter     *
STATEMENT LETTER              TX_ARLT02.RPT        n/a                StatementLetter   *
COUNTER PAYMENT RECEIPT      TX_ARPC01.RPT        TXA4_ARPC01.RPT        CounterPayments
CUSTOMER RATE CARD          TX_ARPRC10.RPT       n/a                    CustRateCard
REWARD STATEMENTS           TX_ARRD08.RPT        n/a                    RewardStatement
COUNTER INVOICE             TX_RSID10.RPT        TXA4_RSID10.RPT        CounterInvoice
OPERATOR CHARGE INVOICE       TX_RSID16.RPT        TXA4_RSID16.RPT        CounterInvoice    *
INVENTORY COUNT TAG          TX_RSNQ50.RPT        TXA4_RSNQ50.RPT        CountTag          *
RESERVATION                  TX_RSRD10.RPT        TXA4_RSRD10.RPT        CounterDocument
CONTRACT                    TX_RSCD10.RPT        TXA4_RSCD10.RPT        CounterDocument
DELIVERY TICKET              TX_RSCH03.RPT        TXA4_RSCH03.RPT        CounterMisc       *
PICKUP TICKET                TX_RSCH28.RPT        TXA4_RSCH28.RPT        CounterMisc       *
CYLINDER DELIVERY TICKET     TX_RSCY10.RPT        TXA4_RSCY10.RPT        CounterMisc       *
SALES ORDER INVOICE         TX_OEID10.RPT        TXA4_OEID10.RPT        CounterInvoice
EXCHANGE SLIP                TX_RSEX04.RPT        TXA4_RSEX04.RPT        CounterMisc
CUSTOMER EXCHANGE SLIP       TX_RSEX08.RPT        TXA4_RSEX08.RPT        CounterMisc
OFF-RENTAL                   TX_RSFR10.RPT        TXA4_RSFR10.RPT        CounterMisc
PICKING TICKET               TX_OEOH10.RPT        TXA4_OEOH10.RPT        CounterDocument
RETURN/PACKING SLIP          TX_RSRS10.RPT        TXA4_RSRS10.RPT        CounterMisc
RENTAL RETURN WORKSHEET        TX_RSRS11.RPT        TXA4_RSRS11.RPT        CounterMisc       *
FL- IN-YARD RETURN SIGNATURE CAPTURE  TX_RSSWH10.RPT    n/a                    FL_Signature
PURCHASE ORDER                TX_RSPO10.RPT        TXA4_RSPO10.RPT        PurchaseOrder     *
QUOTATION                      TX_RSQD10.RPT        TXA4_RSQD10.RPT        CounterDocument
SALE APPROVAL QUOTE            TX_RSVD10.RPT        TXA4_RSVD10.RPT        CounterDocument
SALE QUOTES - ALT. LAYOUT      TX_RSVD11.RPT        TXA4_RSVD11.RPT        (not supported in Jasper)
ESTIMATE                       TX_WOEH10.RPT        TXA4_WOEH10.RPT        CounterDocument
WORK ORDER                     TX_WOWH10.RPT        TXA4_WOWH10.RPT        CounterDocument
WORK ORDER INVOICE            TX_RSID11.RPT        TXA4_RSID11.RPT        CounterInvoice
FL- WORK ORDER TAG     TX_WS045.RPT         n/a                    FL_Tag

* Indicates reports that are not eligible for signature capture.

Reset to Standard Defaults:
 To easily reset all divisions to the standard reports, delete all records in this table and close the window.
 Then re-open the window in Add mode so that all reports are automatically re-added to the table with the standard default program name.
 Records for specific divisions can then be added or modified as required.

Note: If any changes are made to the file mapping table, on exiting this window it is important to rebuild the file definitions, by clicking on the RESET FILES button in the Customer Forms screen.

Topic Keyword: GLCN90Q (3844)