Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Counter Worksheet Header

Counter Menu -> Counter Worksheet Details -> Counter Worksheet Header

Refer to Counter Worksheet Details for an introduction to using the worksheet to enter counter documents, and for the parameter settings that impact how the worksheet processing can be customized refer to Counter Worksheet/Contract Tunable Parameters.

The option is provided for the Counter Worksheet Start With point to be set by store or division, in the Divisional Contract Parameters to one of the following four defaults:

Customer information on the worksheet header

Date and Time Out of the transaction

Product selection and details

Ask the operator for the preferred starting point for each specific document


This page explains the Counter Worksheet Header features and the prompts to complete the header as follows:


Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

Enter C if the worksheet represents a Contract.

oTo convert to a contract, any Groups on the worksheet must be replaced with specific product numbers, and any serialized Sales

oAny Job site discounts by Product Class as setup in Contract Customer Discount are applied to relevant contracts generated from the worksheet.

oThe Power Kit components assigned to any Primary Non-Bulk Rental Product on the worksheet, are added to the Contract document at conversion. For more details on this feature refer to Power Kits.

Enter R if the worksheet represents a Reservation.
 When a reservation is created, the actual creation date and time is saved. This date and time stamp can be viewed in the reservation header screen of Reservations.

Enter Q if the worksheet is being used to build a Rental Quote.

Enter L to select and Load an existing worksheet from the Load Saved Counter Worksheet window.

Note: When a saved contract worksheet, reservation worksheet or quotation worksheet is retrieved the document type of C, R or Q cannot be changed.


The division for the document defaults from the operator's division as defined in Operators where the ability to over-ride the division is also set.
 A drop-down list is provided to select from valid divisions, if the operator has the ability to change the document division.

All income, revenue, and expenses are tracked by the division, and posting to the correct G/L accounts for that Division is automatic.
 Special Rates can also be setup for the Division are setup in the "Rental Rates & Pricing" parameters on the Operations tab of Configure System Settings in Special Rate Codes window.

Note: A Type can be set for a division to restrict it from being use as a document division in Divisions.


The location determines from where the parts inventory is taken.
 Product Booking and Availability are impacted by the location selected.
The location also defaults according to the operator's location defined in Operators where the ability to over-ride the location is also set.
 A drop-down list is provided to select from valid inventory locations, if the operator has the ability to change the document location.

G/L transactions to update inventory costs always post to the G/L Location from which the inventory was relieved.

Note: A Type can be set for a division to restrict it from being use as a document location in Divisions.

Saved Worksheet Location:
 If this document is a previously saved worksheet and the location on the header is changed, the location is also changed for any Groups on the worksheet, and although the location is not also automatically changed for products on the worksheet, a warning is triggered so the operator is aware that the location on the product details is different from the document header.
 If the locations that these products have been booked from should also be changed, the products need to be deleted from the worksheet and re-added so that they are taken from the new location.


This is the customer to be billed on the document.

Selection options:

Enter the customer # or the alternate customer number if that information is available.

If the Worksheet started with product entry, accept the pre-selected customer that was determined in the Select a Customer for this Worksheet window or through the Inventory Search.

Enter the first few characters of the customer name (ALPHA KEY) to list matches in the search/selection pop-up as outlined in Document Customer Search.

Scan or enter the FOB code assigned to one of the customer's employees in the Name Check List. This will default the associated employee name as the Name used on the document from the check list, if the employee has permission to rent.

Window to search for the customer using the Document Customer Search utility.

Scan a Driver's License in the Document Customer Search window.

The values for the selected customer will then be applied for the remaining fields in the document header, and only windows requiring information will open.
 The Rental Period window is mandatory and will always open.

Note: If the Customer number is changed on an existing Contract, the existing Salesman code will be replaced with the Salesman associated with the new customer.


If the customer has been setup with a default No Charge Weekend code in the customer's Billing Settings that is not respected at the document division as controlled in the Divisional Weekend Charge Codes, then a warning is triggered on the document header and the weekend charge code is set to blank and all weekends will be chargeable.
 This can be over-typed with an eligible no-charge code in the No Charge Weekends window as required.


This feature applies to Contracts, Reservations, Sales Quotes and Rental Quotes but not to the general Worksheet.
 If the 'Open Cust Notes In Doc Entry' parameter is activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters and the operator has Security Role Permissions then the Customer Comments and Notes pop-up window is triggered.


If the customer's Account Balance has exceeded the Credit Limit, a Credit Limit Warning will display, showing the Credit Limit, and the Account Balance with the percent over the limit.
 A window is provided to view the unpaid account details.

A flag in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prevent a customer number from being entered on a document if the customer's Credit Limit has been reached or exceeded.


This Credit Rating Warning window is triggered if the customer has been assigned a Credit Rating level that is flagged to generate a warning when new documents are entered.
 A window is provided to view the unpaid Account and aging details.

After the warning is acknowledged, the operator may be able to continue to enter the document, depending on the credit warning flag in Credit Ratings.


Confirmation of accepting the Credit Warning and continuing can be required:

Password Authorization:
 If your firm requires stricter controls on overriding the credit limit, a Password Authorization Requirement can be setup.

Reason Code:
 Over-ride Reason Code tracking can also be activated for the clerk to explain why it was overridden, as outlined in Reason Code for Override.


The Customer Insurance window is triggered if this document is for an On Account customer and the Display Insurance Information feature is activated in the Company Security Parameters.


This waiver selection window is only triggered if multiple company, divisional and/or customer specific waiver rates apply to this document, and the divisional flag to Charge Waiver is set in the Divisional Contract Parameters.
 Select a waiver rate from the Waiver Code Selection window.

Decline Waiver Confirmation:

If a waiver is not selected and should not be associated with this document, confirmation is required.
 Click YES to confirm that the waiver charges are declined on this document, or click NO to choose the appropriate waiver from the Waiver Code Selection window.

Note: For Cash customers the Damage Waiver requirement set in Customer Information cannot be changed on the document if the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature is activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings, so the option to accept or decline Damage Waiver is not allowed if the customer is a Cash customer with this processing.


If set in Company Contract Parameters the last contract number for this customer displays.
 A window is provided to drill down to the contract header, details, totals and invoicing information on this contract. This helps the customer find what he had last time or on a previous contract.

 A second window provides the ability to view information on any contracts for this customer.

Customer Billing Information:
 When a Customer number is selected for the document, the billing information including the customer name and address is displayed as entered into Customer Information.
 These fields can be over-typed if required.

If any part of the customer's address is over-typed, the changes will print on the document, however, the original customer information remains unaltered.
 For CASH customers, type in the name, address and phone number, so that this information prints on the contract.

Note: If your firm does want changes made to the Customer address and phone on the document to permanently update the Customer Information, contact Texada Services to set the Change Customer Info From Document Header flag in the Support Application Parameters.

The customer billing information fields include:


Accept the customer name as displayed or enter the customer's name to print on the contract.

Adding a Cash Customer:
 If the customer # field is left blank and an existing customer is not selected for the document and the Add Cash Customers feature is activated in the Division Contract Parameters then a new customer record will be created, assigned a customer number and permanently added to Customer Information.
 When a new customer is added they are automatically given website access with a default password that matches their new customer number and a default email address that matches their new customer number@GW.COM
 This web access information can always be modified in this Internet Information window or in the Portal Customer screen later.
 Other customer values and flags will default to match those setup for the division's "Clone" customer as assigned in the "Customer Settings" of Divisional Contract Parameters.
 For information about adding full details for a new customer record, refer to Customer Information.

If the Add Cash Customers feature is also configured to Add Contact in the Division Contract Parameters then the Cash Customer Information window is triggered to capture unique customer and contact values.

If the Add Contact option is not activated, in Contracts or on the Worksheet, the operator will be prompted for the Alpha Key that is used to sort the customers in reports and lists, and then for the language preference.
 If the Add Contact option is not activated, in Quotations and Reservations the operator will be prompted for the language and alpha key information as outlined in Cash Customers Information.


Enter the customer's billing address.

This is a mandatory address field if your firm has activated the Texada Mobile service in the Logistics configuration.


Enter the second line of the customer's billing address.


Enter the city where the customer is located.
 A City Search window is provided to view cities and the default tax codes. Additional cities can be added in this window as required.

A flag in the Required Document Information in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to ensure that this Bill To City is a valid city registered in City Tax Codes.
 When the Bill To City is mandatory on documents, if there is a 'Prov' and/or a 'Postal' code associated with the city in the City Tax Codes table then these Province/Postal values will default to the Billing address when the city is entered on the address.


Enter the province or state where the customer is located.
 This value defaults from City Tax Codes if Bill To City is mandatory and the City has a Prov defined.


Enter the postal or zip code of the customer.

A flag in the "Required Document Information" in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to force the operator to enter a valid Postal or Zip code to match the mask format as setup for the customer's currency in Currency Codes.
 This value defaults from City Tax Codes if Bill To City is mandatory and the City has a Postal code defined.

When Vertex tax processing is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters this address of Street, City, Prov/State, and Postal/Zip is validated against the Vertex database.
 If there is a discrepancy in the address information, a Vertex error is triggered, and the address must be corrected.
 If only a partial address is entered (e.g. no Postal/ZIP ), Vertex attempts to find the tax area for the information that is supplied, but if multiple tax areas could apply a Vertex error is triggered, and more specific address information must be entered.


Enter the customer's telephone number.


This complete customer information window which is also accessed and explained in Customer Information Inquiry can be generated automatically or suppressed, according to the divisional Display LTD Figures flag in the Divisional Contract Parameters.


If the customer for the document was selected using the FOB code, then the corresponding Name is displayed.

If this customer has anyone setup on the Name Check List in Customer Information, file, or if this is a mandatory field, then the Name Check List Select window will open displaying a list of individuals related to this customer.
 The operator can check if this person is allowed to charge rentals for this firm, or if this is a mandatory field, the operator must select a "valid renter" to associate to the document.

If a name is selected in the window, this name will print on the document comments as "PICKED UP BY: Name".
 For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording of the text preceding the name on the document can be customized for two languages in the Document Field Labels table.
 For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.


The Customer's I.D. information displays, and can be over-typed as required for this document.
 When information is entered in this field, it automatically updates the Customer Information unless this is the blank customer number or is configured as a clone customer in the Divisional Contract Parameters.

This field can be optional or mandatory according to the parameter setting for Cash or On Account customers set in Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.


The Customer's Reference information displays, and can be over-typed as required for this document.
 When information is entered in this field, it automatically updates the Customer Information unless this is the blank customer number or is configured as a clone customer in the Divisional Contract Parameters.

This field, can be optional or mandatory according to the parameter setting for Cash or On Account customers set in Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.


If the customer has only one Driver's License # already saved in Customer Information, this license # will display automatically and the cursor will not stop on this field.

If multiple license numbers have been saved or if an invalid license # is entered, a window opens for the operator to select or add a new one, as outlined in Driver's License Search.

Note: If the Customer # is blank (e.g. Cash Customer) the Driver's License # entered here is not stored anywhere, except on this contract, and the window is disabled.

If the Prompt for Driver's License/ID flag is set in the Divisional Contract Parameters the cursor will stop on this field if a single valid Driver's License is not already saved in Customer Information.
 The Driver's License is mandatory information if the Mandatory Driver's License flag has been set in the Divisional Contract Parameters and the customer is not the Blank customer.


Each document allows for two addresses, the Bill To Address and the Ship To Address.

The Bill To address is stored in Customer Information and indicates where the invoice should be sent.

The Ship To Address or Site indicates where the equipment will be used.

During contract entry, the Ship To address defaults to the Bill To address, since equipment is often used at the same place as it is billed.
 When the Ship To address is different, enter the number or short form for the site or job that relates to this contract, or select a site from the window, or over-type the "Ship To" with the actual place the equipment was used.


Enter an open site# or lookup a global or a customer site in the Site Search window.
 If valid sites are not mandatory, a new one-time site can be manually entered in this first Site Information window that applies only to this contract.
 This site is not saved for the customer.

The site address information displays as it will print on the document.

A flag in the Additional Information for each customer can be set, forcing the operator to enter a valid site code on each document for this customer, with the exception of Point Of Sale Invoices.
 A flag in the Required Document Information in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to ensure that this Ship To City is a valid city registered in City Tax Codes.
 When the Ship To City is mandatory on documents, if there is a 'Prov' and/or a 'Postal' code associated with the city in the City Tax Codes table then these Province/Postal values will default to the Shipping address when the city is entered on the address.
 Customer and global sites are setup in Customer Site Information.

The Site window can also be set to open automatically.
 This is controlled by the division flag in the Additional Pop-Up Windows, in the Divisional Contract Parameters.
 Select a Global or customer site, or add a site in the window as outlined in Site Search.

Site Address Validation:
 When Avalara tax processing is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters and "Enable Address Validation" is activated in the Avalara Tax Settings this address of Street, City, Prov/State, and Postal/Zip is validated against the Alavara database using the Confirm Shipping Address window.
 Site address validation can be useful to ensure accurate shipping addresses and for clean Vertex and Alavara taxing calculation information.


This window only appears if the event management processing has been activated in the Company Rate Parameters and it has not been de-activated for the operator's division in the Additional Pop-Up Windows, in the Divisional Contract Parameters.

Click the CANCEL button or the ESC key to exit this window if event rates do NOT apply to this document, or enter the event information as outlined in the Location and Event Information window.


The Vertex Information window only appear if the Vertex Tax Software processing has been activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.


The appropriate Vertex rate is displayed for the tax area.
 This field is only displayed with Vertex software and is an information field only that is calculated based on the address region.


This field appears if the Enhanced Tax processing is activated from the Company Taxing Parameters to determine tax and tax exemptions to be charged.
 A window is provided to search for the appropriate GEOCode as outlined in GEOCode Select.

Note: If the GEOCode or the Taxes are changed on an existing document a warning is triggered that the details and services taxes need to be changed manually if required.

The Tax window in the sub-menu at the end of the header screen displays the taxes and exemptions to be applied on this document.


Accept the default date of today's date or the date entered in product entry, or type in the date when the contract began.
 If there is no delivery time allowance, the customer will be billed from this Date Out.

Date Range Control:
 The date out will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control as follows:

ofor Contracts module RSCH

ofor Reservations module RSRH

ofor Quotes module RSQH

othe a Worksheet started with the date option prior to entering the customer information or products, module RSWH

Note: When an existing Contract is reviewed in Change mode and the date is not changed, the Date Range control does not require the date to be changed to within the current range.

Special rates setup for the customer in the Special Rental Rate Matrix, respect this date when checking for the effective and expiry dates, rather than the product detail Date Out.


This window is mandatory to capture the rental dates and billing information.
 It will always open, as outlined in Rental Period and will default to the pre-selected dates if they have already been determined during product entry.

On an existing contract this Rental Period window can be re-accessed from the Date Out/Date Due information accessible in the Additional Information window of the document, by windowing again on the Date Due field.

P.O. #

Enter the customer's Purchase Order.

This is a mandatory field if the P.O. # Required flag has been set for this customer in the Customer Information.
 A blanket default P.O.# can also be assigned in Customer Information, and a Site specific default P.O.# can be assigned in Site Information.
 The relevant P.O. then defaults to the document but can be over-typed as required.

If the customer does not require a P.O. this field will be skipped, but can still be accessed if required.


This is the clerk associated with this document.

If the flag to Prompt for Clerk is not set in the Company Security Parameters, then the operator code currently signed into the session will automatically display but can be over-typed as required .
 If Prompt for Clerk is activated a valid operator code must be entered in this field and the clerk name will print on the document.
 A further flag can be set to require the operator's password to verify the clerk's identity.


This password prompt only appears if the Company Security Parameters is set to prompt for the Clerk's password.
 Enter the corresponding password for the Clerk Code.
 Three attempts to enter the correct password are allowed before access is refused and the operator must re-enter the Clerk Code.


This prompt is triggered by the flag in the Required Document Information of the Company Contract Parameters can be set to make the salesman a mandatory field on all documents.

Enter the Salesman code or selected one from the window, as setup in Salesman Codes.


Window to access the document comments screen.
 Multiple comment lines and/or marketing comments can be linked to a document, each with a print flag, as outlined in Document Comments.


There are two possible directions offered in this window depending on your company configuration:

Window to access the additional information for this document including salesman, waiver, check list, dates, delivery/pickup, etc. as outlined below.

If this document has been assigned a Site and the Telematics processing has been activated in the Software Integration, the Additional Information window provides the following choices:

oDocument Superintendents

oAdditional Information as outlined below


Window in this field to access the additional information options as detailed below.
 The following data can be reviewed and updated relating to this document, in the windows:

Window to access and set the Contract Delivery/Pickup information for this document.

Window to access and set the Rental/Sales Discounts information for this document.

Window to access and set the Loyalty Type information for this document.

Window to review and set the No Charge Weekends information for this document.

 Window to assign a Salesman code to this document, as outlined in Salesman.

 Window to review and set the Damage Waiver information for rental equipment on this document.

 Set the document dates and billing period as outlined in Date Out/Date Due.

 Window to access the Name Check List Select information on this document.

When the customer number on the document was selected by entering or scanning an FOB code, the associated name from the Name Check List becomes the default on the document, if that employee has permission to rent.

 Window to review and set the Default Tax Codes.

Note: If the GEOCode or the Taxes are changed on an existing document a warning is triggered that the details and services taxes need to be changed manually if required.

 Window to review and set the Event Start/Finish Dates if an event has been set on this document.

 Window to review and set the Valid Off Rent Reason Codes for this document.

 Window to review and set the Business Source for this document.

 This option is only available from the "Additional Info" window on a Contract header, not a Worksheet header.
 The billing history can be viewed as outlined in Billing History.

 Window to review and set any File Attachments associated with this document.
 The link to an attachment will be passed on to any resulting documents created by converting this document.
 e.g. Reservation to Contract, or Contract to Invoice

 In Change Mode window to view the date and time this document was created and whether it was Staff that created the document through the application, or whether it was a a Customer or Salesman that initially created the original document request through Web Services or Portal.
 The associated email address is displayed.

 Window to review and enter an Email Address associated with this document.
 This value is used by the 'Logic Platform' in the search utility to find a document.
 It is not used for actual emailing at this time.

 Window to review and set the optional Profile Class to be linked to the document for Business Analysis reporting.

 Window to review and set the Customer Satisfaction Survey request flag.


The last contract number for this customer is displayed.
 A window is to drill down to the contract details for this customer as outlined in View Document Information.


If the customer has been identified as a Bad Risk a warning is generate as outlined in Customer Bad Risk with the relevant notes.
 If the customer has been flagged NOT to Allow Further Activity then your staff will not be able to proceed.


Once the header screen with the customer and site information is accepted, if there are no products selected for the document, the product detail screen is generated as outlined in Counter Worksheet.

Add this 'Will Call' to Delivery Dispatch?:

This prompt is triggered on Worksheets, Contracts and on Reservations if the Enable Will Call Delivery feature is activated for the division in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters, and the document has been flagged for no Delivery.

Type No if no alert or delivery tracking is required on this document.

Type Yes to automatically send an email with the Contract or Reservation information to the address defined for the division in Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters to alert staff of the customer's requirement.
 The document will also be included in the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch with a status of WCALL.

Note: If the worksheet is saved instead of converted, the 'Will Call' alert and dispatch record will be generated when the worksheet is converted.

If any product details already exist on this worksheet the following options are provided after the document header has been completed:

Confirmation Action Options:

Click Convert Worksheet to create a Contract, Reservation, or Quotation, out of the worksheet.
 When the Contract, Reservation or Quotation worksheet is converted the document number is assigned based on the numbering convention of worksheets as controlled by the "Use Letter Prefix In Document Numbering' flag set in the "Worksheet Parameters" window on the Company Contract Parameters.
 The option to manually over-typed the number of the new document can be triggered based on the "Allow Custom Document#" flags set in the Last Used Transactions or Last Used Transactions By Division.

The document Header screen must be completed.
 When a worksheet is converted to a document, all the dates on all products default to the dates entered on the header of the worksheet regardless of the dates entered on the worksheet for the specific product detail line, and the rates are recalculated according to the header dates.
 If any attachments such as images or external documents are linked to the source Worksheet, they will also be linked to the document resulting from the convert action.

To convert to a Contract, any Groups on the worksheet must be replaced with specific product numbers, and any serialized Sales Parts must be assigned serial numbers or selected from the Serial Number Search window.

If any item on the worksheet cannot be filled (i.e. serialized part # or Group product not selected, etc.) the worksheet will not be converted, but will be saved to the Saved Worksheet file.

Create a P.O.:

If the worksheet is being converted to a contract and any sales product, re-rental equipment, or Service Code on the worksheet is flagged to allow a Purchase Order to be created directly from a contract, the Create Purchase Orders window is triggered to select the products to be ordered and then the Purchase Order Information can be used to capture the P.O. information.

Note: When a worksheet is converted, the product detail information is recalculated per the worksheet header, so the new document may not reflect any individual product date changes or discount changes made in the worksheet details.

Click Delete Worksheet to abort the worksheet and delete the details from page so the products can be re-entered.

If a saved worksheet is to be deleted, confirmation is required to delete the worksheet, and a record is written to Delete Log to note the RSWH # that was used. The deletion record is listed under function RSRQ04G. The key WS# is assigned and the operator code, worksheet number and deletion date are tracked.

Any product detail lines that are deleted from a saved Worksheet, also write a record to Delete Log to track the product information that was deleted from the document under function RSRQ04.

Note: A Worksheet with unposted deposits cannot be deleted.
 Any Deposits need to be credited or reversed in Counter Worksheet Totals and Daily Close 1 must be run to post them, before that Worksheet can be deleted successfully.

Click Load Saved Worksheet to re-access an existing worksheet as outlined in Load Saved Counter Worksheet.
 When the product details from a saved worksheet are being viewed on the screen, the Worksheet # and worksheet type are displayed at the top of the screen.
 A worksheet can be saved as a contract worksheet, reservation worksheet or quotation worksheet and when the saved worksheet is retrieved the document type cannot be changed.

A flag in the Counter Worksheet Parameters of Company Contract Parameters can be set so that when a saved worksheet is re-loaded, the operator is immediately prompted to convert the document to a rental document.

Click Save and Print Worksheet to complete the worksheet header information, save it, and print a copy.
 When a saved Worksheet is printed, it is identified with a WS preceding the document number.
 Refer to the details on the action to Save Worksheet below, for information on the parameters and options available in the save process.

Then to print the worksheet a printer can be selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen, and the operator is now prompted:


Click YES if extensions are to be printed, so that the estimated rental charge prints on the worksheet.
 This is useful for customers paying cash. It is generally not desired for customers On Account, since the customers may confuse the contract with the invoice and pay both.
 When the worksheet is printed, it is identified with a 'WS' preceding the contract number.

Click NO to print the worksheet without prices, rates, and extensions.


If the worksheet is to be printed without rental charge estimates, the product rate structure can still be printed as outlined in the Print Product Rates.

Click Return to Details to review the product details of the current Worksheet again as outlined in Counter Worksheet.

Click Save Worksheet to save the product details to a worksheet with a temporary worksheet # and worksheet type of C, R or Q that can later be re-loaded as a contract worksheet, reservation worksheet or quotation worksheet. The worksheet type cannot be changed when re-loaded or when converted to a rental document.
 The details are then erased from the current screen display.

The header information MUST be entered before the worksheet can be saved.

The auto-assign option numbers the worksheet based on the numbering convention of worksheets as controlled by the "Use Letter Prefix In Document Numbering' flag set in the "Worksheet Parameters" window on the Company Contract Parameters.
 The "Prompt for Saved Worksheet#" in the Company Contract Parameters controls whether the option to over-type the number of the saved worksheet is triggered.
 When the worksheet is later converted to a rental document, this number will be replaced with the corresponding next available contract (RSCH) number, reservation (RSRH) number or quotation (RSQH) number.

The Services and Totals window is triggered if one of the Counter Worksheet Parameters in the Company Contract Parameters has been set to prompt for Services or to prompt for a worksheet Deposit, as outlined in Counter Worksheet Totals.

If the Worksheet was originally created by converting from a Reservation using the utility Convert Reservation To Counter Worksheet a Contract Worksheet is created and the Services and Totals window that determines deposit and service information will display, even if the Counter Worksheet Parameters in the Company Contract Parameters are set to suppress this totals screen when saving a worksheet.

Click Quit Worksheet to abort the document entry and to clear the products off the worksheet.


Click ACCEPT to accept the action or CANCEL to abort.

CONVERT Requirements:
 The following information may be required to complete a document conversion:

 The Update Product Meter Information window appears only for non-bulk metered rental products on a contract, or when the worksheet is converted to a contract.

The Meter Reading OUT defaults from the Current Meter Reading but this can be over-typed if required. This is the meter reading for which billable units will be tracked on this document.
 For information on tracking Meter correction, rollover or replacement on equipment refer to Update Meter Prompt/Meter Hours.

 This prompt appears only if the Off Rental Reason Code control feature has been activated in the Company Contract Parameters.

Click NO if no off rentals are to be allowed on this contract.
 If later, a product on the contract really does need to be put Off Rent, a valid reason code can be assigned in Contract Reason Codes, before the Off Rental can be entered.

Click YES to specify which off rental codes should be permitted on this document as outlined in Document Off Rental Reasons.

 The Delivery And Pickup Service Codes on Document dialog pop-up window is triggered only if a rental product on this document belongs to a Group with associated Type D services for Delivery or Pickup setup in the Group Service Codes, and the document has been flagged for Delivery and/or Pickup on the document header.
 Refer to Group Delivery/Pickup Type-D Service Overview for information on this feature.

 When a worksheet with a group is converted to a Reservation or Quotation, the group is converted with the Group.
 But when a worksheet with a group is converted to a Contract, the specific equipment must be selected from the group.
 A selection screen appears for the group, displaying the quantity from the worksheet and the quantity already selected for this contract.
 Any Sale Items and items flagged as Not Allowed to Rent, are not included in the displayed list of products in the group.
 Enter the specific rental product number or window to view and select from the products in the group with the quantity available.

A warning is generated if a product from a different Group is selected to replace the group on the worksheet.

Add Bulk Rental Product to Contract window: This window appears if a product was NOT selected to replace the Reserved Group, and a substitute product has been defined for this group in Equipment Groups in the "Bulk Rental Product #" field.
 The Group # and substitute Bulk Rental Product # display, and the actual desired product number can be entered in the "Product# Issued" field even if it is not yet available.
 Availability is not checked for the substitute product and a comment is written on the document detail as a reminder that the substitute product later needs to be exchanged for the actual rental asset.

Renting vs Owning Discrepancy:

This Renting/Owning Discrepancy confirmation window can be triggered if the non-bulk rental product is being rented on a document for a division differing from the division on the Fixed Asset Tag for the product.
 This feature is activated in the Divisional Inventory Parameters.

 When the worksheet is converted to a reservation or to a contract, the products are checked again for any overbooking.
 Any overbooked items display on the screen with quantities available as outlined in Minimum Availability Exceeded window.

If Allow Over-rides On Location Quantities is allowed as set for contracts and separately for reservations in the Company Security Parameters, click OK to acknowledge the product over bookings to continue and enter an Override Reason, or select it from the Override Reason Code window.

If Allow Over-rides On Location Quantities is NOT allowed the document cannot be converted and the Over-Booked Items window is triggered.
 Click OK to acknowledge the product over bookings and return to the worksheet.

Note: Availability is not checked when a worksheet is converted to a quote.

 The product details can remain in the sequence that they were entered, or they can be re-sorted to display on the screen and to print on the document in a preferred order.
 Refer to Document Sort Preference for more information about this divisional controlled feature.

The document summary totals screen is displayed as outlined in Contract Summary and Totals screen.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Worksheet header screen include:

Loading a Saved Worksheet:
 Click the LOAD WKSHT button at the bottom of the screen to re-load an existing worksheet as outlined in Load Saved Counter Worksheet.

Note: A flag in the Counter Worksheet Parameters of Company Contract Parameters can be set so that when a saved worksheet is re-loaded, the operator is immediately prompted to convert the document to a contract.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Contract header screen include:

Link a File to this Document:
 Click the ATTACHMENTS button to review and set any File Attachments associated with this document.
 The link to an attached document will be passed on to any resulting documents created by converting the contract to an invoice.

A green check mark is displayed to alert the operator when there are any associated attachments.

Document Signature:
 A "note page" icon is displayed to alert the operator when the document has been signed and the signature can be viewed in the File Attachments by clicking on the ATTACHMENTS button.

Note: Signed document attachments cannot be deleted.

Topic Keyword: RSRQ04H (3855)