License Plate Expiry Report
Reports Menu -> Inventory -> License Plate Expiry Report
Non-bulk rental equipment can be assigned up to two license plate numbers each with an expiry date, and Province/State in the Make/Model and Re-Order Information window of Rental Inventory.
This report can be used to identify any non-bulk rental equipment that has a first or second license plate that is due to expire before the selected cut-off date.
License plates not dated to expire before the cut-off date are not listed.
The report sorts the non-bulk rental products by the expiry dates of the license plates and can be output to a document or to a spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet output also includes the Make, Model, Vin #, Engine Serial # and Tag Serial Number.
Non-bulk products that have been sold or disposed can be included or excluded in the report.
Note: This report is not limited by Divisional Restricted Views for the operator.
Topic Keyword: RSPF62 (3873)