Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Reversing A Counter Customer Payment

Counter Menu -> Counter Customer Payments -> REVERSE button -> Reversing A Customer Payment

This program allows a customer payment created at the counter in Counter Customer Payments to be reversed at the counter.
 It can be accessed by clicking on the REVERSE button before selecting a customer in Counter Customer Payments.
 This button will only be active if the operator has role permission as defined in Security Role Permissions for reversing payments in the "Miscellaneous" options window.

Refer to Reversing Customer Payments for details on the process.
 The only differences with this utility are:

Only payments received and entered at the counter in Counter Customer Payments can be selected from the search window and can be reversed using this utility, where as any payment, except for payments paid by credit card, can be reversed using Reversing Customer Payments.

Payments reversed in this utility will be reflected in the Daily Close in the Counter Payments report generated from Daily Close 2.

Topic Keyword: ARCH26 (3874)