Division Contract Parameters
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Division Parameters -> Contract Parameters
The tunable divisional Contract Parameters can be accessed from the window in the Division Parameters.
These parameters impact Contracts and some of the other rental documents according to division definitions and defaults, including:
•Print tab:
When printing contracts the option is provided to Print Extensions.
Extensions refer to the printing of the unit price and the extended amount charged, in the product detail or service sections of contracts.
Some firms do not want their clients' drivers to know how much the rentals, sales, or services are costing the client, and therefore do not want the extensions showing on the contracts.
Be aware, however, that if the price is not clearly indicated on the signed contract, it could be difficult to prosecute a client using this contract in law court.
Enter or select one of the following print defaults from the drop-down list:
Type Y (YES) for Always Print to default to print the extensions on the contracts.
Type C Cash to default to print the extensions on contracts for Cash customers only.
Type O for On Account to print the extensions for On Account customers only.
Type N (NO) for Do Not Print to set the default to not print these extensions.
Note: This is a default for contracts from this division and can be changed in the document.
This default value is NOT respected when contracts are re-printed from Print Contracts.
This parameter applies when a single Contract or Reservation for this document division is printed without printing the extended net dollar amounts and totals.
i.e. Print Extensions declined.
Note: The product rental rates that print on the Standard or Crystal contract form are controlled by the rate book flags setup in the Rental Inventory and in Company Default Rates.
The product rental rates that print on the Jasper contract form are controlled by the Print 1st 5 Rates On Counter Docs parameter in the Company Customer Forms.
oUncheck this box to suppress the choice whether or not to print rate information when extended amounts are not printed on the document.
The rate structure including special pricing and discounted rates to be charged for equipment, will then automatically be printed on the document.
oCheck this box to prompt the operator when a single Contract or Reservation is printed without the extensions, whether to print the rate structures that would apply for the rental equipment.
The operator will then be given the option to suppress the rate information, or to print the standard rates for the equipment, or to print any special/discounted rates on the document.
Note: This feature does not apply to quotes or when a range of contracts or reservations are printed.
oUncheck this box to suppress printing of the second detail line for each product.
Any safety notes or a meter reading for rental products, will still print.
oCheck this box to print a second detail line on the Contract.
For Rental Products, this second detail line prints the Serial #, Discount Amount, Due Back Date and Time.
Note: A separate parameter in the Divisional Invoice Parameters controls printing detail line 2 on invoices, reservations, and quotations.
This feature does not apply to documents generated by Jasper reports.
oCheck this box to always print the source location on the second line if the product is selected from a different location from the contract header division, even if the Print Detail Line 2 option has not been checked.
oUncheck this box to prevent the product source location from being printed on the contract details.
oCheck this box to always print the 'Rental Period' for a rental transaction on the Contracts, Reservations and Rental Quotes.
oUncheck this box to suppress printing of the 'Rental Period' on these documents.
Note: A separate parameter in the Divisional Invoice Parameters controls printing the Rental Period on invoices
When printing quotations or reservations from Quotation Summary and Totals or Reservation Summary and Totals the option is provided to Print Extensions.
Extensions refer to the printing of the unit prices and the extended amounts charged in the product detail section of document.
Some firms do not want their clients' drivers to know how much the rentals or sales are costing the client, and therefore do not want the extensions or totals showing on the documents.
oCheck this box to set the default flag to print the dollar values when a quotation or reservation from this division is printed when it is created.
oUncheck this box to set the default to not print these dollar values when a quotation or reservation from this division is printed when it is created.
Note: This is a default value from this division that can always be changed in the document or print utility.
This default value is NOT respected when reservations or quotations are re-printed from either of the Print Reservations or Print Quotations utilities, as a range of documents from different divisions good be selected to print.
•Customer tab:
There are approaches to capture Driver's License scans that are compatible with Texada SRM.
1.Driver's License Data Scanners
▪The Mag-Stripe scanner reads the magnetic stripe on the back of the card by a card swipe and retrieves the information stored on the tracks.
The number of tracks for the card scanners can be defined in Company Information.
▪The Barcode scanner reads either of the 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional barcodes on the back of the license to capture the same license information.
2.Driver's License ID Image Scanners
This process scans the image on the front of the card, retrieving the picture and address information.
The ID scanner encodes the image and information to text and displays back only the picture and signature if it is on the front of the license. The address information is captured and displayed in the appropriate data.
For security purposes, a complete image of the entire license is not displayed.
The scanned license information can later be viewed in Customer Information, Customer Information Inquiry, and in Customer Payments.
Note: Only the 2-dimensional barcode scan is supported in Web App or Open Client.
The parameter controls how the Driver's License window behaves on the counter document:
oUncheck this box to if this division does not utilize the Driver's License window on counter documents.
The Driver's License field will be skipped in Counter Worksheet.
oCheck this box to cause the Driver's License Scan window to open in a Contract or Worksheet header, if the Customer # field is left blank.
A Card swipe or Barcode scanner can be used to capture the license information or the information can be manually entered, unless the Use IDScan Image Capture option is selected below.
If a customer # is entered in Counter Worksheet the cursor will also stop on the Driver's License field if there is no valid Driver's License for that customer saved in Customer Information.
In Reservations, Quotes, or Invoices to open the Driver's License window, window on the Customer # field and press Tab or click on the SCAN LICENSE button.
The following fields are enabled if Prompt for Driver's License/ID is checked:
The picture and address information can be scanned from a customer's driver's license and stored in Customer Information for future reference and verification as outlined in Driver's License ID Image Scanners.
Note: This feature is only available on Windows workstations.
If this feature is activated and the workstation is using a character based "Green Screen", the processing reverts to the Mag-Stripe card scan as explained in Driver's License Data Scanners.
Enter or select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
Type N (No) if your firm does not use the driver's license ID Image Scan feature on GUI workstations for this division.
The Mag-Stripe card reader or Barcode scanner can still be used as explained in Driver's License Data Scanners.
Type Y (Yes) if this division is setup to capture the driver's license image at Windows workstations, in the counter documents including Contracts, Counter Worksheet, Reservations, Quotations, and Miscellaneous Invoices.
There will be no initial prompt for the country or province/state if the scanner can read the default information from the company and division files.
The scanner format checking will be determined by the currency code of the company as set in Company Information including A= Australia, C= Canada, N= New Zealand, U= U.S.
The scanned license information can later be viewed in Customer Information, Customer Information Inquiry, and in Customer Payments.
Type P (Prompt) to activate the driver's ID license image scan option in the counter documents and to prompt the operator for the country and province/state before each scan of the customer's license in the counter documents.
In order to read the Driver's License the scanner must identify the format of the license as per country and province/state designs.
Initially the Country defaults according to the currency code (U, C, A) in Company Information and the Province or State defaults according to the operator's division code as assigned in Operators, applying the Division address Prov/State as determined by Divisions.
This is useful if many of your firm's customers are out of country or out of state and the Driver's License do not conform to a standard format.
Refer to Driver's License ID Image Scanners for more details and for valid country and province/state codes.
Check this box so that when a new Driver's License is entered or scanned that does not match an existing customer record, a customer lookup window is opened allowing the operator to select an existing customer #.
The new license number will be added to this customer.
Uncheck this box to prevent the customer lookup window from appearing automatically when a new license number is entered.
The operator can still access this lookup window by pressing the Right Arrow key.
Enter or select one of the following update options from the drop-down list:
Type Y (Yes) to always update the Customer Information with any changed Driver's License name and address information.
Type N (No) to never update the main Customer record, when Driver's License information is changed.
Type C (Cash) to always only update Cash Customer records in Customer Information with changes to Driver's License information.
Adding the Cash Customers is valuable in building marketing or mailing lists of your customers.
Activating this option causes a new cash type customer record to be automatically created in Customer Information when the clerk uses the cash customer (Customer # blank) for a rental document including the contract, worksheet, or reservation.
This feature does not apply to Miscellaneous Invoices or Work Orders as it may not be useful for "walk in" cash customers. When the customer is saved the name and address captured on the document are written to the new customer record.
Note: This is an auto-add action and should not be confused with the manual add customer option generated from the ADD button on the Customer Search screen which is controlled by a flag in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
Uncheck this box to prevent every new Cash Customer from being automatically added to the Customer Information file when entering Contracts.
Check this box to automatically add all Cash Customers to the Customer Information when an existing customer number is selected when entering Contracts, Reservations or Worksheets.
The name, address and phone number entered for the document will also be assigned to the new cash customer.
The option is provided to flag the new Contact that is created to email all documents types or to leave emailing boxes blank.
When a new customer is added they are automatically given website access with a default password that matches their new customer number and a default email address that matches their new customer number@GW.COM
This web access information can always be modified in this Internet Information window or in the Portal Customer screen later.
Other values will default from the generic Cash Customer defined in the 'Customer # To Clone' field below and from the values entered in Cash Customer Information if a Contact is added.
It is assumed that this customer is to pay CASH ONLY and does not have an Account with your firm, and so will not be receiving a Customer Statement.
If the Alternate Language option is activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters, then when the new customer is added, the operator will be prompted for the customer's language preference.
Note: It may not be useful or compatible to create new customer records for "walk in" cash customers at the counter if your firm utilizes the processing that requires a name from the Name Check List to be identified on a document as activated in the Required Document Information in the Company Contract Parameters, as the Name Check List and the Insurance information will default from the generic Blank customer record.
By enforcing Name Check List and the Insurance information capture this implies that your firm requires tight restrictions on who is allowed to reserve and rent equipment.
This field is only enabled if the Add Cash Customers box is checked, and can be used to assign a default 'cash' customer for this division.
Note: Any Customer identified as a 'Clone' customer for any Division cannot be setup as a Portal Customer nor can a 'Clone' customer be given "Website Access" or assigned a "Website Password" in the Customer Internet Information window.
Enter a source customer number or select one from the Accounting Customer Search window to be used to define the default Cash customer values when entering Contracts, or Counter Worksheet for new cash customers in the division.
Different default "source customers" can be used for cloning, for different divisions or branches.
oIf Add Cash Customers is activated for the division, the information defined for this source 'Customer # to Clone' will be the default values cloned to the new customer record, including terms, salesman, customer type, credit rating, On Account flag and Trading As.
Be aware that the "Trading As" should be blank on the source 'Customer # to Clone' as this value will be transferred to the new customer and will print on documents and reports replacing the new customer's name.
Information can be over-types as required.
oIf new customers are not added automatically in contract entry, then this source customer becomes the generic Cash Customer, and the customer information defaults to the document without adding a new customer record.
Information can be over-types as required.
oIf the operator adds a new Cash Customer on-the-fly on a rental document, then the values for the new customer default from the Customer # To Clone for the division, including the "No Charge Weekend" flag.
Note: When the Multi-Tiered Pricing feature is activated, the Tier 1 and Tier 2 pricing defined in Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing, is NOT copied to the new customers, as these prices are intended to customize a specific customer rather than a class of customers.
The BLANK customer and customer numbers setup as "Clone" customers for any Division cannot be assigned Credit Card information in the Capture Card/Check on File utility.
Uncheck this box if new cash customers entered in quotations, should NOT be automatically added to the Customer Information.
Check this box to automatically add all new cash customers from Quotations and Sale Approval Quotes to the Customer Information.
This field is only enabled if the Add Cash Customers for Quotes box is checked, and can be used to assign a default 'cash' customer for quotes for this division.
Note: Any Customer identified as a 'Clone' customer for any Division cannot be setup as a Portal Customer nor can a 'Clone' customer be given "Website Access" or assigned a "Website Password" in the Customer Internet Information window.
Enter a source customer number or select one from the Accounting Customer Search window, to be used to define the default Cash customer values when entering Quotations or Sale Approval Quotes for new cash customers in the division.
oIf Add Cash Customers for Quotes is activated for the division, the information defined for this source customer will be the default values cloned to the new customer record, including address, terms, salesman, customer type, and credit rating.
Information can be over-types as required.
oIf new customers are not added automatically in quotation entry, then this source customer becomes the generic Cash Customer, and the customer information defaults to the document without adding a new customer record.
Information can be over-types as required.
oIf the operator adds a new Cash Customer on-the-fly on a quotation, then the values for the new customer default from the Customer # To Clone for Quotes for the division, including the "No Charge Weekend" flag.
The BLANK customer and customer numbers setup as "Clone" customers for any Division cannot be assigned Credit Card information in the Capture Card/Check on File utility.
This field is only enabled if either the Add Cash Customers or the Add Cash Customers For Quotes options are activated, and is useful to capture an emailing address for sending e-documents.
Uncheck this box if a Customer Contact record should not be automatically created when a new cash customer is created in any of the 'Counter Documents'.
Check this box to automatically add a Customer Contact record when a new cash customers is added in 'Counter Documents' including Quotes, Reservations, Contracts, and the Counter Worksheets.
The Cash Customer Information pop-up will be triggered in the document header when a blank customer# is entered, to capture unique customer and contact information.
The new Contact record will be flagged as active and will be populated with the name, address, email, and phone number information entered form the new Cash Customer record.
The 'All Sites' and 'All Document Email' will default as checked for the new Contact.
Enter an optional default Title for the new Contacts or select one from the drop-down list as setup in Contact Titles.
This default Title can be changed before the new Contact is saved.
•Document tab:
Enter or select one of the four options for starting a Counter Worksheet from the drop-down list as follows:
P - Products
Start the worksheet after prompting for the location, by selecting Products first, then enter the header information.
C - Customer:
Start the worksheet by entering the Customer information in the header screen of the worksheet, then proceed to select the inventory.
D - Date/Time Out
Start the worksheet after prompting for the location, with the Date and Time Out, before selecting the equipment.
Because the document type has not yet been determined in the Worksheet header, the date range set for module RSWH is checked for valid dates as defined in Date Range Control.
A - Ask user
Start each worksheet by prompting the operator for the data entry option he would like to start this specific document with.
Check this box to pop-up a Customer Information Inquiry window displaying complete customer information on the header screen of the Contracts, Counter Worksheets, Reservations, and Rental Quotations.
LTD statistics are also displayed at the top of the document details screen such as Contract Details.
Uncheck this box to omit the customer information inquiry feature on the header screens and to omit the statistics on the detail screens.
Enter or select one of the following notes options from the drop-down list:
Type R (Rentals) to cause the notes window to open automatically on rental details only on the Contract, Reservation, and Quotation.
Type S (Sales) to cause the notes window to open automatically on sales details only on the Contract, Reservation, and Quotation.
Type B (Both) to cause the notes window to open automatically on both rental and sales details on the Contract, Reservation, and Quotation.
Type N (None) to prevent the notes window from opening automatically on the details records.
Regardless of this default selection, the notes window can be accessed manually in the document expanded detail record.
Subcontractor information on delivery and pickup costs as setup in Delivery/Pickup Subcontractors can be added by product to the Counter Worksheet and to Contracts.
This is information only and is viewable from the header window of each contract in the Document Inquiry.
Check this box to trigger this subcontractor window automatically in the Contract Summary and Totals screen for this division.
Uncheck this box to suppress the pop-up window. Subcontractor information can still be accessed manually.
Enter or select one of the following billing actions for this division from the drop-down list:
oType N or select No from the drop-down list to prevent immediate billing of any rental or sales items at the time the contract is created.
Sales parts will be considered out with a Status 'O' on the contract as they are not yet sold and invoiced.
oType A or select Automatic from the drop-down list to activate the feature that can sell eligible sales parts immediately when the contract is completed or the Delivery Ticket is closed and generates an invoice for "On Account" customers without operator interaction.
The new invoice number is displayed, and is identified as Automatic in the Billings Inquiry.
Note: This does not apply to Rentals as rentals always require operator input for billing.
A Sales product such as Fuel is not eligible for immediate sale if it is flagged in the Inventory Re-Order Information NOT to be Cycle Billed. Instead it is always billed at Rental Return.
Requirements and actions of the automatic selling of sales parts include:
If there are both rental and sales items on the contract for an "On Account" customer, then an invoice will be generated with no operator interaction selling only the sales parts, regardless of the separate Sell Sales Item Default flag in the Company Billing Parameters.
▪The Sale product must be flagged to be eligible for Cycle Billing in the Inventory Re-Order Information.
▪The date of the invoice for the sales parts is determined by the Invoice Base On flag defined in the Divisional Return Parameters, using the Return Date from the contract, or using Today's Date.
▪Date range control is checked for the invoice date, and the operator will be prompted for a valid date if the invoice date falls out of the range.
▪The sales items will be marked as 'S' sold on the contract, and inventory quantities and serial numbers updated.
▪Sales parts can be flagged in the Sales Product Class to Prevent Auto Sell so that they are not automatically sold.
However the Class flag can be over-ridden for a specific division, as controlled by the Ignore Prevent Auto Sell Class Setting explained below.
▪The sales invoice does not print at this time, but can be printed from Print Invoices or from the Daily Close.
▪The ability to always create a new invoice for Sales being auto-billed from a contract, and prevent merging of sales invoices, can be controlled by the Disable Merge Invoices For Sales flag below.
▪Billing Inquiries will be flagged as "Automatic" in the Cycle Bill status column.
▪The new invoice number will display briefly at the bottom of the screen on the action line, as it is being created.
▪A message will be triggered when the contract entry is completed alerting the operator of the new invoice number.
▪If a Delivery Ticket is created at the time the contract is entered, any sales parts will not be 'auto-sold', instead they will be put off rent until the delivery is confirmed by Close Delivery Ticket.
Automatic Billing does not occur when:
▪If there are only sales parts to be sold usually they are just sold on a Miscellaneous Invoice, so when only sales products are on a contract the operator will still be prompted to confirm the sale through the Cycle Bill A Single Contract process verifying the billing details.
▪The Sale product is not eligible for Cycle Billing per the flag in the Inventory Re-Order Information.
▪If the contract is for rentals only no immediate billing is generated.
▪If the contract is for a Cash customer the operator will be prompted through the process to Cycle Bill A Single Contract because payment information for the sales must be captured on the invoice.
Rentals are not forward billed when this flag is set to Automatic.
Note: Forward billing of rental equipment is NOT permitted if the Cycle Bill Items From Contract flag is set to Automatic, and so the Cycle Bill Rental Items field is disabled.
oType Y or select Yes from the drop-down list to provide the option to immediately generate an invoice at the time the contract is entered at the counter, manually billing the products as outlined in Cycle Bill A Single Contract process.
The invoice is identified as Single in the Billings Inquiry.
▪Sales parts are eligible to be manually sold and invoiced from contracts for this division.
The Sell Sales Item Default set in the Company Billing Parameters applies but can be over-typed in the cycle billing header as required.
The Sale product must be flagged to be eligible for Cycle Billing in the Inventory Re-Order Information.
If sales parts are sold, the Status on the contract is changed to 'S' for sold.
▪Forward billing of Rental Equipment is only permitted if the Cycle Bill Rental Items flag is also checked for this division.
This parameter only applies if the Cycle Bill Items from Contract is set to Automatic, and can be used to over-ride the Sales Product Class "Prevent Auto Sell" flag for this specific contracts from this Division.
Uncheck this box to always respect the Prevent Auto Sell flag set in the Sales Product Class, for automatic sales from contracts in this division.
Check this box to ignore any Prevent Auto Sell flags in the Classes, allowing automatic sales on immediate contract billings in this division.
This parameter also only applies if the Cycle Bill Items from Contract is set to Automatic, and can be used to ensure that any Sales invoices generated from a contract for this division are NOT automatically merged with existing invoices for that customer, even though the Merge Cycle Billing Invoices with Current Invoices processing has been activated in the Company Billing Parameters.
Uncheck this box to allow Sales invoices from this division to be merged if they meet the requirements outlined for the "Hold/Merge Invoices" in the Company Billing Parameters.
Check this box to prevent Sales invoices automatically generated from a contract for this division from being merged with another current invoice for this customer.
A new invoice will always be created.
This parameter controls forward billing of rentals at the time the contract is created and only applies if Cycle Bill Items from Contract is set to Yes.
Uncheck this box to restrict the immediate contract billing to only the Sales parts, using Cycle Bill A Single Contract to manually invoice the sales.
The Rental equipment would then always be billed later using Cycle Billing or on the Rental Return.
Check this box to provide the option to forward bill Rental equipment as well as selling the sales parts at the time the contract is created.
The billing process is always similar to Cycle Bill A Single Contract, where the operator can control the billing dates and product selection to be invoiced.
The Bill To Date for rental equipment, defaults to the Contract Due Back date from the Header of the contract, but can be over-typed as required.
The invoice is identified as Single in the Billings Inquiry.
Damage Waiver Configuration:
There are two approaches to calculating the Damage Waiver on rental documents provided for activation in the Company Contract Parameters.
The Division setting fields that are displayed are dependent on the method selected for the company:
oStandard DW Calculation:
Refer to Company Standard Waiver Settings for more information on this process.
Divisional settings for the Standard method include:
This field is only displayed if the Standard DW Calculation has been activated in the Company Contract Parameters.
Uncheck this box if this division does not bill the customer for any waiver charges.
This disables the Waiver Codes field for this division.
Even if a customer has been flagged in Customer Information to be billed for Damage Waiver, no waiver amounts will be charged in Contract, Reservation, Rental Quotations, and Miscellaneous Invoices, for documents from this division.
Check if documents from this division are eligible for waiver charge billing.
This field is only displayed if the Standard DW Calculation has been activated in the Company Contract Parameters.
The charge waiver flag can always be over-ridden on the document.
When 'Respect DW By Customer' is set in the Company Standard Waiver Settings then this parameter controls whether the operator is also able to over-ride the percent rate to be charged for the waiver in document entry in the Damage Waiver pop-up window.
This divisional control applies according to the division of the document, regardless of the operator division
Check this box to allow the operator to change the percent rate charged for any waiver code in document entry.
Uncheck this box if the operator should NOT have the ability to change the waiver rates to be billed to the customer in document entry.
This field is only displayed if the Standard DW Calculation has been activated in the Company Contract Parameters and the Charge Damage Waiver field is checked for the division.
Then once the waiver codes have been setup in the Waiver Codes window they can be assigned a rate at the Company, Division, and/or Customer level, to apply to rental equipment on Contracts, Reservations, and Rental Quotes.
Window to access the Division Standard Waiver Settings.
oAlternate DW Calculation:
This field is only displayed if the Alternate DW Calculation has been activated in the Company Contract Parameters for this checked for the division.
Refer to Company Alternate Waiver Settings for more information on this process, and enter the Divisional settings in the Division Alternate Waiver Settings window on the Damage Waiver Settings field.
Window to view and define the pop-up windows to be triggered in contracts and worksheets entered for this division, as outlined in Additional Pop-Up Windows.
When the document deposit is based on the "Estimated Rental Charge" per the Deposit Settings defined in the Company Contract Parameters, this divisional Deposit Multiplier% field can be used to define a percent of the document charges to apply in the deposit calculation on Contracts and Reservations.
Leave this field blank to cause the document to default to 100 percent of the document charge or enter a preferred percent to charge on eligible documents for this division.
e.g. 150% should be entered as 150
This Divisional Weekend Charge Codes window can be used to define which weekend charges apply to this division.
Check this box if the Driver's License should be a mandatory value on Contracts and Reservations, and on the Convert Reservation to a Contract utility, for documents for this division.
Uncheck this box if the Driver's License is not mandatory on documents from this division.
Note: This mandatory restriction does not apply on Contracts or Reservations for the generic Blank customer.
This feature meets a requirement for Australian companies as part of new contracts secured with large customers to provide reporting for specific assets on selected long term contracts, by capturing defined values and "Personal Property Security Register" (PPSR) data.
The capture feature can be activated in the Division Contract Parameters and the data values can be setup in the Contract Prompts table.
Then on Contract entry the Additional Options window is provided on the expanded product detail of the Contract Details to display the "Personal Property Security Register" (PPSR) values and to capture the data. This pop-up can also be optionally auto-triggered when flagged in the Additional Pop-Up Windows of the Division Contract Parameters.
This feature is only available on Contracts Details and not on Counter Worksheet Details.
Note: There is no restriction on whether a PPSR can be entered for the same non-bulk asset on multiple contracts or even multiple times on the same contract when no availability checking is on.
The data can then be exported to XML to enable the ongoing Contract reporting by an external reporting tool such as ODBC.
The Rental Returns and the Exchange By Contract utility prompt for the associate 'Discharge Date' for PPSR tracking, when the asset is returned.
The Contract Report can be output to a spreadsheet including the PPSR values.
Each relevant customer can be assigned "Government ID Code" (ABN) and an "Australian Company Number" (ACN) in the Customer Additional Information window which is also included in the PPSR data.
Note: The 'Discharge Date' is not captured on Exchanges By Customer.
Click OK to exit the window.
Note: Any changes made to the Contract Parameters will not be applied until the Division Parameters are accepted.
Topic Keyword: RSDV90A (3880)