Division Return Parameters
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Division Parameters -> Return Parameters
The tunable divisional product Return Parameters can be accessed from the window in the Division Parameters.
These parameters impact Rental Returns according to division definitions and defaults, including:
Rental Return Settings
•Check this box to produce a single Invoice for multiple partial rental returns from a Contract, and to Hold the invoice until the Contract is closed.
The invoice is generated from the first partial return of a contract and a Hold flag is automatically set so that the invoice does not post.
Then when any additional returns are done for that same contract, they are automatically billed on the same invoice. Invoices on Hold can be viewed in Hold/Release Current Invoices where the Hold flag can be manually released.
When all the equipment is returned, and the contract is closed, the operator is prompted to remove the Hold flag, and to confirm the invoice date.
The default confirmation response to Take Invoice Off Hold can be set in Default Options For Screens for function RSCB03.
When the invoice is taken off hold, the current DBR# is assigned to the Invoice for posting.
•Uncheck this box to produce separate invoices for each partial rental return.
Invoices from partial returns can still be put on hold manually using Hold/Release Current Invoices so that subsequent returns can then still be added to the same invoice.
Note: This hold invoice option is de-activated automatically if the Avalara Tax processing is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters.
When a Non-Bulk Rental Product is invoiced on a different division or is returned in Rental Return to a different division, from the Owning Division assigned on the Fixed Asset Tag, a portion of the revenue can be assigned to the Invoicing Division or Check-In Division.
This portion helps to cover any expenses the invoicing division incurs when handling the product, such as cleaning or servicing.
Note: The Cross Store Check-In revenue split only applies to Non-bulk Rental items.
•Leave this field blank to post all rental revenue to the document Out Division regardless of Owning or Check-in invoice division.
Revenue from Sales parts originally listed on the contract also post to the Out Division, and revenue from any additional Sales parts added to the invoice post to the invoice division.
The individual product divisions can be viewed on the invoice in the expanded product details.
•To use the cross store check-in revenue split, enter a percent value of the non-bulk rental product revenue to be distributed to the Check-In Division on the invoice, with the remaining to the Owning Division.
Posting Distribution:
The full revenue is posted to the non-bulk product Owning Division per the Fixed Asset Tag.
An additional posting is made to the "Cross Store Check-In" account as defined in the Rental Product Class , that Debits the Owning Division and Credits the Invoicing Division for that percentage of the revenue defined in Cross Store Check-In % Of Rentals For Return Location for this division.
Note: Any revenues from Bulk items or Sales parts sold on the contract are posted to the contract Out Division, and any Sales parts added to the invoice, services, and taxes, are posted to the Check-In Division on the invoice.
Enter or select one of the following date options from the drop-down list:
Type T Today's Date for the Rental Return Invoice default in this division. This can be over-typed when required.
Enter R Return Date to default the Invoice date to the "Date In" entered on the Rental Return of the contract. This can be over-typed when required.
Billing at Contract Entry:
The option to cycle bill contracts directly from Contracts can be set in the Divisional Contract Parameters, and any invoices created directly from contract entry also respected this Invoice Date Based On parameter.
If Return Date has been selected for the division, then the expected "Date In" on the contract header is used as the invoice date on these cycle billed invoices.
A Product Status code can be used to identify rental equipment that is in the rental fleet but is NOT ready to be rented or transferred (e.g. it is being serviced), and a warning message of your choice can be generated if an operator does attempt to rent or transfer it.
Refer to Product Status Codes Overview for a detailed explanation.
This parameter controls whether the product status code is updated when certain non-bulk equipment is returned in Rental Return.
•Uncheck this box if the product status code should not be updated in the rental return for this division.
•Check this box if the product status codes should be updated for specific non-bulk rental equipment in the rental return.
Products must then be included in Auto Status Code Update By Product or in Auto Status Code Update By Group where a flag can be set to update the Status Code automatically (updated with no prompt) or to prompt the operator to verify or select the new code.
Example: This feature is useful if a piece of equipment always requires cleaning after each rental and although the equipment is back, it is not yet ready to rent.
A product status code can be setup with a warning message (e.g. WB = In Wash Bay), to be assigned to the product when it is returned in Rental Return and the warning will then be triggered if any operator attempts to rent the equipment again before it is ready.
Further to this feature, a Work Order to service the non-bulk equipment being returned, can be auto-generated according to the newly assigned Status Code, as outlined in Status Code Actions By Group.
This option is only enabled if the Update Product Status Code option for Rental Returns has been activated for this division.
•Check this box to cause a service Check List to be automatically printed for relevant equipment when the product status code is changed in Rental Return.
The service Check List can be setup in Product Check List with the appropriate service instructions.
Specific product Groups can be flagged to trigger the Product Check List by Status Code in Status Code Actions By Group.
Check List Printers can be used to specify on which printer the Product Check List should be printed for each division. e.g. Shop Printer, Wash Bay Printer
•Uncheck this box if the Product Check List should not be generated automatically from the Rental Return.
Check Lists can be printed manually from Print Check List.
This parameter is based on the Contract 'Out' Division.
Check this box to prevent the product Status Code from being changed for non-bulk products if the current status is flagged 'not to allow rental', and the product has been setup to automatically be updated in the Rental Return by the Auto Status Code Update By Product or Auto Status Code Update By Group.
Uncheck this box to allow the product Status Code to be changed in the Rental Return regardless of the 'allow rental' condition on the existing product Status Code.
This parameter can be used to allow multiple pickup tickets to be closed together on one invoice from Rental Returns.
This feature is for use with the Delivery and Pickup Off Rent Subsystem that can be activated for the division in Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters.
•Check this box so that in the process of creating invoices for this division, the default response to the Return All Items prompt in Rental Returns, is 'P' for Pickup tickets.
A window will then open listing all Closed pickup tickets for that contract, to allow multiple tickets to be selected for billing in that Rental Return on a single invoice.
Note: This feature is triggered by the Invoice division, which defaults from the operator's division. This is not necessarily the contract division.
•Uncheck this box if your firm does not want the default in Rental Returns to be 'P' for multiple Pickup tickets.
The default response to the Return All Items prompt is then determined by the setting in Default Options For Screen.
It can always be over-typed in the Rental Return as required.
If a 'P' is manually entered, a single Pickup ticket can still be selected to feed the return.
•Check this box to cause a window to open in Rental Returns after the Invoice date field, displaying any existing Contract Comments.
•Uncheck this box to suppress viewing the Contract Comments in the header of the Rental Return.
Product Exchange Settings
A Product Status code can be used to identify rental equipment that is in the rental fleet but is NOT ready to be rented or transferred (e.g. it is being serviced), and a warning message of your choice can be generated if an operator does attempt to rent or transfer it.
Refer to Product Status Codes Overview for a detailed explanation.
This parameter controls whether the product status code is updated when equipment is exchanged in Exchange by Contract, Exchanges By Customer, and Confirm Exchange Pickup.
•Check this box if the product status codes should be updated for specific non-bulk rental equipment that is returned on a product exchange on a contract for this division.
The code can be updated automatically or a prompt can be triggered for the operator to verify the new code, according to the product control record setup in Auto Status Code Update By Product or in Auto Status Code Update By Group.
Example: This feature is useful if a piece of equipment is being exchanged because of a breakdown, and although the equipment is back, it is not yet ready to rent.
A product status code can be setup with a warning message (e.g. S = In for Service), to be assigned to the product when it is returned, and the warning will then be triggered if any operator attempts to rent the equipment again before it is ready.
•Uncheck this box if the product status code should not be updated on an exchange for this division.
This option is only enabled if the Update Product Status Code option for Exchanges has been activated for this division.
•Check this box to cause a service Check List to be automatically printed for relevant equipment when the product status code is changed in Exchange by Contract, Exchanges By Customer, or Confirm Exchange Pickup.
The Check List can be setup in Product Check List with the appropriate service instructions.
Specific product Groups can be flagged to trigger the Check List by Status Code in Status Code Actions By Group.
Check List Printers can be used to specify on which printer the Check List should be printed for each division. e.g. Shop Printer, Wash Bay Printer
•Uncheck this box if the Check List should not be generated automatically on return of the product on a product exchange.
Check Lists can be printed manually from Print Check List.
Click OK to exit the window.
Note: Any changes made to the Rental Return Parameters will not be applied until the Division Parameters are accepted.
Topic Keyword: RSDV90B (3883)