Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Division Parameters -> Delivery/Pickup Parameters
The tunable divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters can be accessed from the window in the Division Parameters.
These parameters set the division definitions and defaults for the Delivery and Pickup process, including:
General Settings
Check this box to activate the Delivery/Pickup Ticket module, which provides the ability to generate multiple Delivery/Pickup tickets for a contract, by the products and their quantities.
When a product is on a Contract but not yet out on site, an Off Rent status can be assigned for the time before/during delivery and again after/during pickup to prevent extra rental charges on the equipment.
A setting in the Company Contract Parameters, controls the number of copies to be printed of the Delivery/Pickup tickets.
Refer to Delivery/Pickup Sub-System Overview for more detailed information.
Uncheck this box if this division does not use the delivery/pickup tickets for products on contract.
Assigning a Freight Price Code to the division can be useful in providing seasonal Delivery/Pickup rates.
Enter an optional Freight Price Code for this division or select one from the Freight Code Search window.
Note: Any Group freight rates setup in Groups will over-ride this divisional rate .
Texada Software offers Texada SRM compatibility with Descartes to schedule and manage delivery and pickup routes.
The On Demand and WinRoute delivery schedule processing from Descartes is used in partnership with the SRM Delivery/Pickup Ticket Subsystem.
These fields are display only and indicates if the On Demand or WinRoute processing has been activated for this division in the Divisional Logistics Settings configuration.
For information on the On Demand or WinRoute Descartes features refer to the Logistics tab in the Software Integration and to the www.cuberoute.com website.
Select one of the following options for printing Contract Comments on associated Delivery and/or Pickup Tickets:
•Click Delivery to print the Comments from the source Contract on the Delivery Ticket at the bottom after the products, site instructions, and site comments, but not on the Pickup Ticket.
•Click Pickup to print the Comments from the source Contract on the Pickup Ticket, but not on the Delivery Ticket.
•Click Both to print the Comments from the source Contract on the Delivery and on the Pickup Ticket.
•Click None if the contract comments should not automatically print on the Delivery or Pickup Ticket.
This feature is only available if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated, and can be used to email a notice to an external transport contractor when a Delivery or Pickup Ticket is created if transport service is required.
Additional delivery/pickup information including addresses, comments, weight, and deadline information, is captured when the ticket is created and is included in the notice forwarded to the external transport contact.
Note: All the fields in this Transport Supplier Information window must be completed, to activate the feature for this Division.
When a Delivery or Pickup Ticket is created in utilities such as Contract Summary and Totals, Create Delivery Ticket and Create Pickup Ticket, the option is provided to flag that ticket for scheduling to an 'External Transport' service, so that these tickets are not reflected in the Texada Web "Delivery/Pickup Dispatch" queue, but they can be returned through the Texada Web "In-Yard Return" process.
Delivery Settings
The following Delivery settings are respected when entering reservations, rental quotations, or contracts.
Enter one of the following Delivery billing defaults, or select it from the drop-down list.
The default can be changed on the document as required.
•Leave this field blank if No Default should be set for Delivery, so that the operator must make the selection in the Contract.
A blank in Reservations and Quotes is a default to No.
•Type N (No) to default the delivery flag on each contract, reservation, and rental quotation for this division, to No Delivery.
No "Service Charge" for Delivery will be added to the document.
•Type Y (Yes) to default the delivery flag to Yes and to add the Service Default code defined below, to the "Service Charges" on the document to bill for Delivery.
This default is respect for Delivery when closing and billing Cylinder Transactions
Note: When the 'Delivery/Pickup Ticket Subsystem' is activated, this default should be set to Yes in order to generate the service charge for the delivery, unless the division is configured below to Add Service on Ticket which will bill delivery charges on each Delivery Ticket instead.
Enter a default delivery Service Code for this division or select one from the Service Search window. This Service will be added automatically to the document.
Leave this field blank if there is no specific default delivery service code for this division.
Note: Do not leave this field blank if the Delivery/Pickup Ticket Subsystem is activated.
Individual customers can also be assigned a specific Default Delivery service code in the "Additional Info" window in Customer Information, that will over-ride this division default.
The charges for Delivery can be determined by several factors including, division, customer, and product group.
The Delivery rate is always charged according to the highest rate for any product on the contract.
This occurs only in Add mode. Changes to the details of an existing contract do NOT automatically change the Delivery service charges.
The software uses this priority when determining Delivery service charges:
1st) Customer - Product Group rate
2nd) Group rate
3rd) Service Code rate
The Delivery rate always uses the group charge when setup for the specific customer in the "Additional Info" window in Customer Information as outlined in Delivery/Pickup Rates.
If no group charge is specified in the customer record for any products on the contract, then the group charge from Equipment Groups is used.
If there are no Delivery rates for the group then the amount to charge from the service code in Services Codes applies.
This prompt only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated, and if the operator has Security Role Permissions to Create Delivery Ticket In Contract as set in the "Document Field Access" window.
Check this box so that when a contract is completed, the prompt to Create a Delivery Ticket always defaults to Yes in the Contract Summary and Totals screen.
Uncheck this box to display the default for the prompt as No in the Contract Summary and Totals.
Either default can be over-typed if the operator has Security Role Permissions to Create Delivery Ticket In Contract.
Note: This default is NOT respect for Delivery when creating new Cylinder Transactions as a Delivery Ticket is always created for the driver.
This prompt only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated and controls whether delivery charges are billed on the contract or by ticket.
This is a default and can be changed if the ticket is created in Create Delivery Ticket.
The advantage of charging by delivery ticket, is that the customer is charged for each delivery that is made.
Check this box if the delivery charge should be calculated when the Delivery ticket is created.
The Service Code must have been defined in the Service Default field above.
The Service Code for billing can be changed on the Reservation and Quotation header in Change mode as the billing transaction is not generate until the service is added per the Delivery Ticket.
Uncheck this box if the delivery service charge should be calculated on the contract.
Only one delivery freight charge is then calculated per contract.
The Service Code for billing can NOT be changed on the Reservation and Quotation header in Change mode as the billing transaction will already have been added to the document services.
Note: A "Charge by Delivery: Yes/No" note can be printed in the comments portion of the ticket to reflect the Add Service on Ticket choice for this division.
For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording of the text can be customized for two languages in the Document Field Labels table.
For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.
This prompt only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated and if Texada Web/Mobile, Descartes and WinRoute are NOT activated in the Logistics setup for this division.
The Auto Close Delivery Ticket feature provides the ability to close the ticket directly at the time it is created.
This enables a closed Delivery Ticket to be generated and printed, but because it is closed immediately, no Off Rental hours are issued. The billing is calculated as of the Out Date on the contract.
Uncheck this box so that when Delivery Tickets are generated for a contract, the rental products are flagged as Off Rent, and the ticket remains open until it is closed in Close Delivery Ticket.
Check this box to activate the Auto Close Delivery Ticket feature, providing the operator the option to close the Delivery Ticket at the time it is created in Contracts and in Create Delivery Ticket.
The default value for the Close Delivery prompt can be defined for this division as follows:
Enter one of the following defaults for the Close Delivery prompt, or select one from the drop-down list:
•Select No Default to force the operator to select an option after creating the ticket.
•Select Yes to set the default to close the Delivery Ticket at the time it is created and to bill the contract as of the contract Out Date.
•Select No to set the default to leave the Delivery Ticket open, and to put the products Off Rent when the ticket is generated. The ticket must then later be closed in Close Delivery Ticket.
•Select Print to set the default to print the new Delivery Ticket.
The operator will be prompted again after printing whether to Close Delivery.
This prompt only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated.
General comments can be printed on Delivery tickets that are generated for this division.
Record multiple lines of comments in the window as outlined in Delivery Ticket Comments.
These notes can be reviewed and modified when the ticket is printed from Create Delivery Ticket and from Print Delivery Ticket.
Delivery Ticket Print Defaults
Comments, Notes, and/or Instructions from the Contract, Site, and/or Product details can also be printed on the Delivery ticket for this divisions, as defined in the following print settings:
This Delivery ticket print flag is read and set for the document at the time the contract is created.
If the Print Site Instructions default is later changed for a division, the changed flag is not reflected when printing a Delivery ticket from a pre-existing contract.
Check this box to cause the 2 lines of site instructions setup in Site Information, to print on all Delivery tickets after the products.
Uncheck this box if the site instructions should not automatically print on the Delivery tickets.
This Delivery ticket print flag is read & set for the document at the time the contract is created.
If the Print Site Comments default is later changed for a division, the changed flag is not reflected when printing a Delivery ticket from a pre-existing Contract.
Check this box to cause the site comments setup in Site Information, to print on all Delivery tickets at the bottom after the products and site instructions.
Uncheck this box if the site comments should not automatically print on the Delivery tickets.
This divisional print flag is checked and respected each time the Delivery ticket is printed.
Check this box to cause any notes from the product details on the contract, to print on Delivery tickets following each relevant product.
Uncheck this box if the product notes should not automatically print on the Delivery tickets.
A "Will Call" is when a customer calls to order equipment and will pick it up from the yard themselves instead of having it delivered.
Uncheck this box if "Will Call" processing is not required for this division and "Will Call" documents should not be included in Dispatch.
Check this box so that if the 'Delivery' flag is set to No on the header of a Contract, Reservation, or Worksheet, when the document header is completed the operator is then prompted to Add this Will Call to Dispatch?
If the operator selects to generate the "Will Call" for the document, when the totals screen for the Contract or Reservation is complete an alert of the customer's requirement is emailed to the staff address designated for this division.
A delivery record for the document is reflected in the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch for staging purposes with a ‘WCALL’ status, which can be cleared from the Dispatch schedule by clicking CLOSE.
Note: If the worksheet is saved instead of converted, the 'Will Call' alert and dispatch record will be generated when the worksheet is converted.
Click the configuration icon to access the Will Call Email Address field to be alerted by "Will Call" requests for this division.
The email Subject line includes Will Call with the document type and number, and the email details list the document type, number, customer number, name, phone, date, time, clerk, product numbers, descriptions, and quantities.
Note: If email alerts do not seem to be being delivered, check the "Junk Mail" folder.
Minimum Rental Settings
Enter the minimum rental dollar amount that must be charged on the document for rentals, to make the document eligible for free delivery.
If the extended rental total does not meet the Minimum Amount defined for this division, the difference is automatically charged according to the "Minimum Rental Settings" Service Code assigned for the division.
This processing applies to Contracts, Reservations, and Rental Quotations.
When the rental total is recalculated in Add mode and in Change mode, any delivery charge generated is also recalculated accordingly.
Leave this field blank if the minimum rental, does not apply to this division.
This prompt only applies if a Minimum Amount has been set.
Uncheck this box if the minimum rental should be applied on all Contracts, Reservations, and Rental Quotations in this division, regardless of whether there is any actual delivery service provided.
Check this box to use the minimum rental processing only if there is a Delivery Service on the document that matches the "Minimum Rental Settings" Service Code entered below.
This prompt only applies if a Minimum Amount has been set.
Enter the service code for the minimum charge or the delivery charge or select one from the drop-down list, as setup in Service Codes.
Note: If the minimum rental applies to On Delivered Only documents, this Service Code entered in the "Minimum Rental Settings" should be set to match the Service Default entered earlier in the "Delivery Settings".
Pickup Settings
Enter one of the following Pickup defaults, or select it from the drop-down list:
•Leave this field blank if no default is used for Pickup, so that when the operator presses <TAB> to move through the contract/reservation/quotation the cursor will stop at the Pickup field.
•Enter N (NO) to default the Pickup flag on each contract, reservation, and rental quotation, for this division to No Pickup.
•Enter Y (YES) to default the pickup flag to Yes.
Set this default to Yes, if the Delivery/Pickup Ticket Subsystem is activated.
The default can be changed on the document as required.
Enter a default pickup Service Code, or select one from Service Search window. This Service will be added automatically to the document.
Leave this field blank if there is no specific default pickup service code for this division.
Do not leave this field blank if the Delivery/Pickup Ticket Subsystem is activated.
Individual customers can also be assigned a specific Default Pickup service code in the "Additional Info" window in Customer Information, that will over-ride this division default.
The charges for Pickup can be determined by several factors including, division, customer, and product group.
The Pickup rate is always charged according to the highest rate for any product on the contract.
This occurs only in Add mode. Changes to the details of an existing contract do NOT automatically change the Pickup service charges.
The software uses this priority when determining Pickup service charges:
1st) Customer - Product Group rate
2nd) Group rate
3rd) Service Code rate
The Pickup rate always uses the group charge when setup for the specific customer in the "Additional Info" window in Customer Information as outlined in Delivery/Pickup Rates.
If no group charge is specified in the customer record for any products on the contract, then the group charge from Equipment Groups is used.
If there are no Pickup rates for the group then the amount to charge from the service code in Services Codes applies.
This prompt only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated.
A time can be entered to be used as the default time when the Pickup Ticket is created in Create Pickup Ticket.
This also becomes the Off Rent time to stop billing charges.
e.g. If all pickup tickets are to be created at 5:00, enter 17:00
This default time can be over-typed as required when the ticket is created.
If no date is entered the current time is used as the create Pickup Ticket time and Off Rent time.
This prompt only appears if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent/Ticket Subsystem is activated and controls whether pickup service charges are billed on the contract or by ticket.
The advantage of charging by pickup ticket, is that the customer is charged for each pickup that is required instead of once per contract.
Enter or select one of the following options from the drop-down list to handles Pickup services:
•Select C -Add In Create if the pickup charge should be calculated on the Pickup tickets when the ticket is created.
A Service code must have been defined for Pickup in the Service Default field above.
The Service Code for billing can be changed on the Reservation and Quotation header in Change mode as the billing transaction is not generate until the service is added per the Pickup Ticket.
•Select Y - Add In Close if the pickup charge should be calculated on the Pickup tickets when the ticket is closed.
A Service code must have been defined for Pickup in the Service Default field above.
The Service Code for billing can be changed on the Reservation and Quotation header in Change mode as the billing transaction is not generate until the service is added per the Pickup Ticket.
•Select N -No if the pickup service charge should be calculated on the contract. Only one pickup freight charge is then calculated per contract.
The Service Code for billing can NOT be changed on the Reservation and Quotation header in Change mode as the billing transaction will already have been added to the document services.
Note: The option to Print Delivery and Pickup Comments in the Company Contract Parameters controls whether a 'Charge by Pickup: Yes/No' comment prints on the Pickup ticket header.
For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording of the text can be customized for two languages in the Document Field Labels table.
For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.
This prompt can be used to avoid service charges on equipment exchanges on a Pickup Ticket, and only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated and if the Add Service on Ticket is set to Yes.
Check this box the to ignore the Add Service On Pickup Ticket flag in Close Pickup Tickets when all products are being picked up as the result of being exchanged in Create Pickup Ticket.
If at least one product on the Pickup Ticket is NOT being exchanged then the Add Services On Pickup Ticket will still be respected in Close Pickup Tickets.
Uncheck this box to always respect the Add Service On Pickup Ticket flag in Close Pickup Tickets even when all products are being exchanged.
This prompt only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated and if Texada Web/Mobile, Descartes and WinRoute are NOT activated in the Logistics setup for this division.
The Auto Close Pickup Ticket feature provides the ability to close the ticket directly at the time it is created.
This enables closed Pickup Tickets to be printed and tracked, flagging the rental products as Off Rent to stop the billing time at the time the Pickup Ticket is generated.
Uncheck this box so that when Pickup Tickets are generated at return of a contract, the rental products are flagged as Off Rent, and the ticket remains open until it is closed in Close Pickup Ticket.
Check this box to activate the Auto Close Pickup Ticket feature, providing the operator the option to close the Pickup Ticket at the time it is created in Create Pickup Ticket.
The default value for the Close Delivery prompt can be defined for this division as follows:
Enter one of the following defaults for the Close Pickup prompt, or select one from the drop-down list:
•Select No Default to force the operator to select an option after creating the ticket.
•Select Yes to set the default to close the Pickup Ticket at the time it is created, flagging rental products as Off Rent as of the time the ticket was generated and stopping the billing time because of the Off Rental hours.
Because the ticket is closed, it will not appear on the Outstanding Pickup report.
•Select No to set the default to NOT close the Pickup Ticket immediately, but to put the products Off Rent when the ticket is generated.
The ticket can later be closed in Close Pickup Ticket.
•Select Print to set the default to print the new Pickup Ticket.
The operator will be prompted again after printing whether to Close Pickup.
This prompt only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated.
General comments can be printed on Pickup tickets that are generated for this division.
Record multiple lines of comments in the window as outlined in Pickup Ticket Comments.
These notes can be reviewed and modified when the ticket is printed from Create Pickup Ticket and from Print Pickup Ticket.
This prompt only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated.
The Product Status code can be used to identify rental equipment that is in the rental fleet but is NOT ready to be rented (e.g. it is being serviced), and a warning message of your choice can be generated when an operator does attempt to rent it.
Refer to Product Status Codes Overview for a detailed explanation.
This parameter controls whether the product status code is updated when equipment is returned in Close Pickup Ticket.
The code can be updated automatically or a prompt can be triggered for the operator to verify the new code, according to the product control record setup in Auto Status Code Update By Product or in Auto Status Code Update By Group.
Example: This feature is useful if a piece of equipment always requires cleaning after each rental. Though the equipment is back, it is not yet ready to rent.
A product status code can be setup with a warning message (e.g. WB = In Wash Bay), to be assigned to the product when the pickup is entered in Close Pickup Ticket. If the code is updated, the warning will then be triggered if any operator attempts to re-rent the equipment before it is ready again.
Check this box if the product status codes should be updated for specific rental equipment when the Pickup ticket is closed.
The clerk will NOT be prompted again for the product status code at the Rental Return.
Uncheck this box if the product status code should not be updated on pickup, and instead should be updated at the Rental Return.
This prompt only applies if the Update Product Status Code is activated.
Various service Check Lists can be setup in Product Check List with the appropriate service instructions.
Specific product Groups can be flagged to trigger a Product Check List according to the Status Code defined in the Group window of Status Code Actions By Group.
Check this box to cause a Product Check List to automatically be printed for relevant equipment when the product status code is changed in Close Pickup Ticket.
Check List Printers can be setup to specify on which printer the Product Check List should be printed. (e.g. Shop Printer, Wash Bay Printer)
Uncheck this box if the Product Check List should not be generated automatically when the Pickup ticket is closed.
Product Check Lists can always be printed manually from Print Check List.
This prompt only applies if the Delivery/Pickup Off Rent Ticket Subsystem is activated.
Product exchanges can be generated from the Pickup ticket in Create Pickup Ticket.
If the exchanged products are from different Product Classes, this setting controls whether the new product is added to the contract as a separate detail line.
Check this box to create a new product detail line on the contract for the new replacement product, if it is NOT in the same Product Class as the original item.
Uncheck this box if the new item is to replace the old item on the existing product detail line on the contract.
Note: Products can only be exchanged from two different Product Classes, if the permission flag is set in the Company Contract Parameters.
When this option is activated and a new Pickup Ticket is created in Create Pickup Ticket the Delivery Charges For Outstanding Items window is triggered to view the details on the original services that were required to deliver the products still out on that contract, to help determine the services that will be required for pickup of outstanding products.
The customer has two items on site which were "full truck" items, and were shipped on separate trucks.
When creating the pickup, the window will show the two delivery services that were required, one for each truck.
The dispatcher can then determine whether the pickup will also require two separate pickups and two vehicles must be sent.
This prompt can be used to activate an email alert to your staff when a Pickup Ticket is closed for an exchange.
Enter a staff email address to received Exchange Confirmation emails, that are optionally generated from a Close Pickup Ticket when there is at least one product on the Pickup Ticket that is being exchanged and all products on the ticket are closed without initiating a Rental Return.
When an email is generated a record is written to Email Log to track the email.
Note: When Texada Web/Mobile is enabled in the Software Integration parameters to track driver tickets, then any operator who does not have Security Role Permissions to the Cancel Open Texada Web Del/Pick Tickets option, will not be allowed to cancel delivery or pickup tickets in SRM.
Delivery and Pickup Tickets cannot be closed until the driver has completed the ticket on the mobile application.
Any items on an open delivery or pickup ticket cannot be returned until the ticket is closed or cancelled.
Click OK to exit the window.
Note: Any changes made to the Delivery or Pickup Parameters will not be applied until the Division Parameters are accepted.
Topic Keyword: RSDV90H (3889)