Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Menu Security

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Security tab -> General Settings -> Security Roles -> View Menu window -> Menu Security

This utility can be used to define which menus and options should be accessible by operator Role. An operator will not see a menu or a menu option if his role does not have permission.
 If multiple roles are assigned to an operator, and any one of his roles has access to a menu or option, then the operator does have access, even if his other roles do not.

This menu permissions utility can be accessed from Security Roles in the window on the View Menu field for each Role.
 This utility cannot be accessed at the same time custom menus are being updated in Application Menu Maintenance.

Note: If an operator has role permission to Security Roles on the Security tab, but does not have role permission to access Application Menu on the System tab then this Menu Permissions screen will be display only and cannot be updated.

Restricting Role access to Specific Programs within a Menu:
 A role can be assigned at the Menu level, and then specific options can be removed from the menu based on that role, so that operators assigned that role can access the menu but would not see the options that have been removed.

e.g. The Counter menu can be included in the role 'CO', but if your firm does not charge 'Cylinder Transactions' or counter operators should not have access to the 'Job Site Service Schedule' within the Counter menu, these options could be removed from the 'CO' role.
 When the Counter menu is loaded for an operator with access to only the 'CO' role, that operator would not see the 'Cylinder Transactions' or 'Job Site Service Schedule' in his version of the Counter menu.

The option to define general Menu Security is provided using the Export/Import actions in the Security Roles screen as outlined in Import Security Roles.

The Menu Security can also be setup and maintained or fine tuned for a selected Role in the View Menu window, as follows:

BASE MENU (left panel)

The Base Menu represents an existing standard or custom menu, from which menus, sub-menus, or specific options can be flagged to be added to the panel on the right, labeled Access Based On Role.
 Menus and options accepted in the Access Based On Role panel become accessible by operators assigned to this Role.

Initially for a new role, the default Base Menu displays the standard Texada SRM Applications Menu, to allow selection from all standard menus and options.
 Accept the Base Menu or click on the SELECT MENU to select a specific menu for the source menu from the Menu Search window.

Note: If your firm uses custom menus as setup in Application Menu Maintenance, replace the standard SRM Applications Menu on the Base Menu panel, with your custom main Applications Menu for the source menu.


The menu code is displayed for information only.

Texada SRM standard menus can be identified by the preface TEX:.
 Custom menus can be setup and maintained in the Application Menu Maintenance window in the "General Settings" on the System tab of the Configure System Settings.


The menu description is displayed for information only.

Source Base Menu Tree:

The source menu is displayed as a tree, in the left panel and can be expanded or collapsed as required.

Select Options to be Accessible by this Role:
 Identify the menus and option in the source menu that is currently displayed in the left panel, that should be accessible to this role by clicking on an entire menu, or a specific option, or a group of options, to highlight the selection, and then click the ADD button.
 The selected options will appear with a green check mark until they are accepted or cleared.

Alternatively right click on the option or menu in the on the Base Menu panel, and click the Add option in the resulting action menu.
 The selected options will appear with a green check mark until they are accepted or cleared.

De-Select Options that should Not be Accessible by this Role:
 This action can be used to remove items already accepted and currently displayed in the Access Based On Role panel.
 It is useful, if an entire menu has been made accessible, but specific options need to be removed.

Highlight the menu or option or group of options that should not be accessible to this role and click the REMOVE button.
 The selected options will appear with a red X mark until they are accepted or cleared.

Alternatively right click on the option or menu in the on the Base Menu panel, and click the Remove option in the resulting action menu.
 The selected options will appear with a red X mark until they are accepted or cleared.

Un-Flag Selected Items in the Base Menu:
 Highlight the menu or option or group of options to unflag and click the RESET button to remove any green check marks or red X marks on these specific items in the Base Menu panel.

Alternatively right click on an option in the Base Menu panel, and click the Reset option in the resulting action menu to remove a specific flag.

Un-Flag All Items Selected in the Base Menu:
 Right click on the Base Menu panel, and click the Start Over option in the resulting action menu to clear all green check marks or red X marks in the Base Menu panel, to re-start the selection.

Menu Tree display in the Base Menu:
 Right click on the Base Menu panel to access the additional options including Expand All and Collapse All for the menu tree.


Click APPLY to updated the Access Based On Role panel for this role with the menu changes identified with green check marks or red X marks.
 The menu tree is rebuilt. This could take a few seconds to complete.

ACCESS BASED ON ROLE (right panel)

The right portion of the screen represents the standard and custom menus and options that should be accessible by operators that have been assigned to this role.
 It reflects only options selected and applied from the menu currently displayed in the Base Menu panel.


The role currently being maintained is displayed for information only.

To update a different operator role, exit this window back to Security Roles, and open the View Menu window for the new role.


The role description is displayed for information only.

View Existing Accessible Options for the Role:

To view all the menus and options available to this role click on the VIEW ALL button.
 In the resulting window, the menu code, menu description, and option description are displayed.
 The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading. Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.

Alternatively to view all the menus and options available to this role in the menu tree, select the main Applications Menu that your firm uses, and display it in the Base Menu panel.
 The Access Based On Role panel will then reflect the corresponding accessible options selected from the source menu.
 i.e. The standard Texada SRM Applications Menu is TEX:0001, though your firm may have built a custom one.

Selected Options for this Role:

The options displayed in this right panel are the options accessible by this role that correspond to the source menu currently displayed in the Base Menu panel.
 e.g. If the Counter menu is displayed as the source in the left portion of the screen, only items selected for this role from the Counter menu are displayed on the right portion.

Remove Option from the Role:
 Existing options can be deleted on the Access Based On Role panel, by clicking on options individually to highlight them or highlighting a group of options, and then clicking the REMOVE button.
 The selected options will appear with a red X mark until they are accepted clicking APPLY or cleared by RESET.

Alternatively right click on the option or menu in the on the Access Based On Role panel to be deleted, and click the Remove option in the resulting action menu.
 The selected options will appear with a red X mark until they are accepted or cleared.

Un-Flag Selected Items for the Role
 Highlight the menu or option or group of options to unflag and click the RESET button to remove any green check marks or red X marks on these specific items in the Access Based On Role panel.

Alternatively right click on the option in the Access Based On Role panel, and click the Reset option in the resulting action menu.

Un-Flag All Items Selected for the Role:
 Right click on the Access Based On Role panel, and click the Start Over option in the resulting action menu to clear all green check marks or red X marks in the Access Based On Role panel to re-start the selection.

Menu Tree display in the Access Based On Role Panel:
 Right click on the Access Based On Role panel to access the additional options for the menu tree including Expand All and Collapse All.


Click APPLY to updated the Access Based On Role panel for this role with the menu changes identified with green check marks or red X marks.
 The menu tree is rebuilt. This could take a few seconds to complete.

Note: When menu security is changed, the menus will be refreshed for all operators the next time they sign in or if they are currently in the software, the next time they return to a menu.

Topic Keyword: MENU01 (3912)