W.O. Invoice Details
Work Order Menu -> Work Orders -> Invoice W.O. -> Work Orders Invoice Details
This screen displays the parts details being billed on a Work Order Invoice.
The invoice details screen can be suppressed for On Account customers, by a flag in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters as they cannot be changed anyway.
This invoice details product screen is always displayed for W.O. Invoices for Cash customers.
Note: The details on a Work Order invoice cannot be modified, as they must always match the source W.O.
If the W.O. Invoice charges are incorrect, the invoice can be reversed, converting it back to an W.O. using Reverse Work Order Invoices.
The information displayed includes, the product number, description, type indicating a sale, quantity used, price each and the extended price.
Click the EXP/CON button to access any product notes, tax information, and discount given information.
Topic Keyword: WOWH04C (3914)