Work Order Labor
Work Order Menu -> Work Orders -> Labor window -> Work Order Labor
Texada Web Stand-Alone Menu -> FL- Work Orders -> FL - Work Order Labor
Labor information related to this Work Order can be entered as follows:
The Labor rates must be previously setup in Service Codes as service Type L (LABOR).
Review Work Order Labor Rates for details.
Note: W.O. Labor details can also be added to an existing Work Order from a Texada Mobile device.
This window can be used to select the employee responsible for this labor detail with the labor rate, as outlined in Employee Select.
When calculating the 'Labor Cost' that displays on the W.O. header and in the Work Order Report the 'Hourly Rate' for this employee as set up in Operator Time Charges is multiplied by the hours logged for labor on the W.O.
The sequence numbers track the number of labor entries made.
The sequence order determines the order of printing.
Describe the work completed using up to 40 characters to describe this activity.
This description prints on the Work Order and Invoice.
A window is provided to select a Repair code description from Maintenance Code Search, instead of typing in a full description that is often repeated.
If more space is needed, use the window in the Min field to add notes that can be flagged whether to print on the document.
If there are notes on the Work Order that do not specifically relate to labor, these can be entered in the Comments window later.
This field is enabled if Prompt For Maintenance Codes On Work Order Details is activated in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters.
A different repair code can then be linked to each service record as it is added to the W.O.
Enter appropriate Repair Code or select one from the Maintenance Code Search window.
When a Repair Code is assigned to a Labor/Parts/Service detail on the W.O. a Comment line for this Repair Code is automatically created in the W.O. Comments By Repair Codes where detail notes can be added.
Enter the billable number of minutes required to complete this job.
Enter 75 minutes as 75.00
Alternatively, leave this field blank to skip the minutes and enter in the hours in the Quantity field. This results in calculating the minutes.
A window is provided to add labor specific comments as outlined in Labor Comments.
If a value was entered in the Min field, it is converted to the hours equivalent and is displayed in this field.
Accept the amount displayed on the screen or enter in the correct quantity.
If the quantity is entered or changed, the Min is automatically recalculated.
Note: If the labor hours and the amount are zero, the labor transaction will not be converted to the W.O. invoice.
If there is a value for the labor hours, but the charge is fully discounted ( i.e. 100%) then the labor transaction will be converted to the W.O. invoice with no charge.
This window only appears if the W.O. is for a non-bulk primary asset that is associated with a component kit in Power Kit Components.
The window lists the primary asset and each of the kit components and the component type.
The list may be sorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading. Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.
Select which of the primary or components is to be serviced by this labor record.
When entering a new labor detail and the employee rate has not yet been selected the Labor Code Search window opens automatically to select the correct labor rate.
The window is still accessible when viewing an existing labor detail.
The labor rate pre-selected for the employee, or the rate for the labor service selected from the window, displays in the Rate field.
Accept this rate, or over-type it with the correct labor rate per hour for this service activity.
To enter $40 per hour, type in 40.00
Note: When viewing existing split billing labor details, this rate can not be over-typed.
The billing amount for the labor is displayed.
Amount = Quantity * (Rate less any Discount%)
A flag in the Divisional Work Order Parameters can be set to control whether the Labor, Parts and Services details on a Work Order, default from the date defined on the Work Order header, or to today's date.
The default date on the details can be over-typed as required.
Accept the default date, or type in the date of the labor on the Work Order.
This date prints on the W.O. detail.
If date control is activated for the operator, this date must be in the current Date Range allowed for "WOWH" Work Orders as set in Date Range Control.
If the employee has already been selected for this labor record, the corresponding employee code and name are displayed. This can be modified if required.
If no employee was selected, enter the Employee Code or select one from the Employee Search window.
Employee labor hours are tracked for each day and are displayed in Fast-Track Work Order Labor.
This value defaults from the percent discount given on labor set in the Work Order header.
This can be modified as required.
The ability to change the Tax Codes is controlled by operator permission setup in Security Role Permissions.
The prompts that are displayed for taxing depend on the tax processing activated for your firm.
Texada SRM offers three separate tax process options as follows:
Refer to Tax Codes Maintenance to review the regulations determining the tax selection using the Standard taxing method of two tax codes.
The prompts displayed for use with the standard tax processing are:
Accept Tax Code 1 from the Work Order header and if the operator has role permission, the tax code can be over-typed for this document as required.
A drop-down list is provided to view and select from valid tax codes.
Accept Tax Code 2 from the Work Order header and if the operator has role permission, the tax code can be over-typed for this document as required.
A drop-down list is provided to view and select from valid tax codes.
The purpose of the Enhanced Tax feature is to allow more than two tax codes to be charged and tracked according to location, on products, services, and Damage Waivers, and to allow for tax exemptions on any or all of these charges.
Enhanced Tax processing can be activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.
Refer to Tax Codes Maintenance to review the regulations determining the tax selection using the Enhanced taxing method.
A GEOCode (Geographic location code) can be assigned on the Work Order header screen and then in this Tax window specific tax exemptions can be stipulated for labor services.
The prompt displayed for use with the enhanced tax processing is:
If the operator has role permission, enter any additional taxes or exemptions for this labor detail as explained in Taxes and Exemptions.
The third-party tax software called Vertex can be activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.
All exemptions, and certificates information are controlled within Vertex software.
The prompts displayed for use with the Vertex tax processing are:
With Vertex software this tax code Y always applies regardless of what is displayed.
With Vertex software the second tax code is always interpreted as NTX because it not utilized in the Vertex calculations.
This field will be filled automatically by the software after the labor amount covered by warranty is determined.
Note: The value is not applicable if this is service for a FL- Work Orders.
The description of the repair code is displayed when applicable.
If Split Billing was indicated on the header of the Work Order, the distribution of this labor charge detail between internal/customer/warranty can be defined in the window, as outlined in Split Billing.
Expanded Labor Detail
Click the EXP/CON button or press <F9> to access the second and third detail lines, including the Employee Code, Name, Discount%, Tax information, Warranty Charge, and Repair Description.
When all the labor details have been entered, click ACCEPT to exit the window.
EPA and SS Charges:
EPA (Environmental Protection Act) and SS (Shop Supplies) fees are charged as a percent of labor if the Charge Work Order Labor Services feature is activated in Support Application Parameters and the fee information is defined by division in the Environmental Protection Act/Shop Supplies table.
The resulting fees are billed in the Work Order Services window on the document.
If the labor transactions are changed on the Work Order, the EPA and SS charges are recalculated accordingly.
Topic Keyword: WOWH01B (3915)