Work Order Parts
Work Order Menu -> Work Orders -> W.O. Parts window
Texada Web Stand-Alone Menu -> FL- Work Orders -> FL - Work Order Parts
Parts used from inventory on the Work Order can be entered as follows:
Note: W.O. Parts used can also be added to an existing Work Order from a Texada Mobile device.
The sequence numbers track the number of parts entries made.
Enter the Sales Part # to be used on the Work Order, or the Barcode of up to 20 characters representing the part, or lookup the part or a kit in the search window as follows:
Select one of the following search options:
•Select Parts to search for a specific sales Part, using the Inventory Search utility.
If the part is not in the product file, a new part can be added in the search window, or a miscellaneous part can be used instead as explained in Miscellaneous Part - Setup.
•Select Service Kit to add products from a W.O. Kit using the Service Kit Search.
Product quantities default from the kit, but can be over-typed as required.
This prompt for a Repair Codes only appears if the option to assign a Repair/Maintenance Code to each detail on the W.O. is used.
Enter a Repair Code or select one from the Maintenance Code Search window.
•Select MAINT. SCHEDULE to select a W.O. Kit, as assigned to the Maintenance Schedule work that is being done on this Work Order.
This search option is only available if there is pending maintenance scheduled for the product as setup in Maintenance Schedule.
Select the relevant kits from the Maintenance Schedule Select window.
All parts with the corresponding quantities in all kits for the selected maintenance records, will be added to the Work Order.
Quantities can then be over-typed as required.
Note: Any products that are automatically added to the Work Order as part of a kit selection are added as of the current date, and date range control is not checked.
Accept the part description or over-type it with the correct description as it is to be printed on the invoice.
If the operator has been given Security Role Permissions in the "Document Access Fields" to change product descriptions in document entry, this product description can be over-typed if required.
Over-typing the description does not make any changes to the product description stored in the Product file.
Alternate Language Descriptions:
If your firm utilizes the Alternate Language feature as activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters, and the W.O. is for a customer flagged to receive documents in the alternate language, then the parts descriptions will display in the associated alternate language on the screen, as they will print on the W.O. and the W.O. Invoice.
For standard documents and Crystal Forms refer to Document Field Labels for more information on customizing the alternate language text.
For Jasper documents refer to 'Jasper Appearance and Formatting' window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.
This field is only enabled if "Prompt For Maintenance Codes On Work Order Details" is activated in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters.
A different repair code can be linked to each parts record or each kit as it is added to the W.O.
Enter appropriate Repair Code or select one from the Maintenance Code Search window.
When a Repair Code is assigned to a Labor/Parts/Service detail on the W.O. a Comment line for this Repair Code is automatically created in the W.O. Comments By Repair Codes where detail notes can be added.
Enter the quantity of this part that is to be used on this W.O.
Quantity price breaks as setup in the "Rental Rates & Pricing" parameters on the Operations tab of Configure System Settings in Price Codes, are respected on the volume quantity used.
Note: The quantity ordered cannot be changed if the part was auto-added to the W.O. from a PO receiving and the W.O. issued quantity was entered by the Texada Mobile Mechanic.
This window only appears if the W.O. is for a non-bulk primary asset that is associated with a component kit in Power Kit Components.
The window lists the primary asset and each of the kit components and the component type.
The list may be sorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading. Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.
Select which of the primary or components is to be serviced by this part record.
If a serialized sales part that uses meter tracking is used on a Work Order for a primary product with metered components, the specific metered product must be selected as outlined in Select Serialized Rental for Meter Tracking.
This prompt only appears if the tracked serialized sales part that was entered on the Work Order is already in use on the equipment being serviced.
e.g. The serialized metered sales part was put on the equipment on a previous W.O. and now a new or replacement is required.
Click YES if an existing serialized sales part with the same product number is now being replaced with this new serialized sales part.
Select the serial number to be replaced from the list displayed in the Serial Number Search window.
The new serial number to replace it, is selected after the issued quantity is confirmed.
Click NO if this is an additional part number that is being added to the metered equipment. The new serial number is selected after the issued quantity is confirmed.
To Remove a Tracked serial number that has been in use on this equipment, enter a quantity of negative one.
The serial number to be removed is selected after the issued quantity is confirmed. The current meter units of the equipment being repaired will be recorded for the sales part.
Enter the quantity used of this part number.
Leave this field blank, if unsure of current available stock quantities.
A Parts Requisition list can be printed for the Stock person, and the actual quantities can be entered later as they are used. Only Parts that have not yet been issued print on the Requisition List.
The current quantity on hand from the product file, will display on the Status Bar at the bottom left of the screen.
When a negative quantity is entered indicating the product is being returned, a restocking fee can be charged to the customer.
Setup the restocking percentage and service code for billing in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.
Serialized Parts Selection:
When a serialized Sales part is issued on a Work Order, the operator must choose a serial number from the Serial Number Search window.
The serial # is then identified with the date and the W.O.# in Sales Inventory, so that it cannot be used on another Invoice, W.O., etc.
When the W.O. is converted to a Repair or to an Invoice, the serial # information is updated to reflect the Repair or the Invoice # and the date.
Prompt for Cost:
This window is triggered only if the product has been identified in Sales Inventory to "Prompt for Cost" as it is a miscellaneous part having a varying cost.
Enter the product cost.
In Sales Orders and Work Orders, this capture cost prompt is not restricted by the operator's Security Role Permission flag that controls the "Prompt for Cost in Invoice Entry".
If the Cost is not entered in the invoice, the cost must be entered in the Daily Close process prior to posting.
Changing Parts Quantities Issued:
When an existing W.O. parts detail is re-accessed to update the issued quantity, the following window opens to track quantities.
This enables updating the product quantities from the Requisition Worksheet List.
The prompts include:
The total quantity ordered for this product detail is displayed.
This cannot be changed here.
The previous quantity already issued for this product detail is displayed.
This cannot be changed here.
The previous quantity not yet filled for this product detail is displayed.
This cannot be changed here.
Enter the new quantity now filled to be added to the Previous Qty Issued.
This is the Current Qty Issued from the Requisition List.
If no additional quantity is being used, press <ENTER> to make NO changes to the product quantities. NEW TOTAL QTY ISSUED
The new total quantity issued displays.
This is the sum of the Previous Qty Issued and the Additional Qty Issued.
The remaining Back Ordered quantity that has not yet been filled displays.
This is the difference between the original Qty Ordered and the New Total Qty Issued.
Click ACCEPT to accept these changes, return the Additional Qty Issued field to make further adjustments.
Any Back Ordered quantity for this part is displayed.
The Qty On B/O is the difference between the Qty Ordered and the Qty Issued.
Any Back Ordered quantity on a current Work Order, shows as committed on the Inventory Re-Order Report.
Texada Mobile Back Order Location:
When an Employee is initially assigned to an existing Work Order from the Texada Web app, the location of the W.O. is changed to the default location of the Operator assigned that employee number, and any back ordered parts or requirement records are also changed to the new location.
Refer to the notes for Texada Web/Mobile Location Control: in Work Orders for more details.
Add Parts to Work Order when Parts received in Warehouse Receiving:
When the "Add Parts To Work Order In Warehouse" feature is activated in the Company Inventory Parameters, parts added be added directly to a Work Order from Warehouse Receiving either filling back-ordered quantities or adding new W.O. parts details.
Refer to Company Inventory Parameters for complete details on this feature.
Note: This auto-add Part to WO as issued at receiving does not apply to Texada Web Work Orders if a Mechanic has already been assigned, but an alert is sent to the Mechanic saying the part has been received, and if the FL Work Order has already been closed an alert is triggered in SRM at the time of Receiving.
The part quantity Issued is updated on the W.O. by the Mechanic when he uses it but can be modified later in SRM if required.
Any amount of the cost of the part that is covered under warranty, will display after the Split Billing window is completed.
Accept the price each, or type in the correct price.
This may be altered if split billing percentages are used.
Window to view the cost per unit for this sales part.
This may be changed here only if the product has been identified in Sales Inventory as a miscellaneous part having a varying cost.
For products without that are not flagged to "Prompt for Cost", this is a display field only.
If Split Billing was indicated on the header of the Work Order, the distribution of this parts charge detail between internal/customer/warranty can be defined in the window, as outlined in Split Billing.
The Extended amount equals the Qty Issued multiplied by the price Each less the Discount. This is a display only field.
This Extended amount may vary if split billing is being applied, because the percent used is on List for the customer's portion, and is on the Average Cost for the Warranty claim and internal cost.
A flag in the Divisional Work Order Parameters can be set to control whether the Labor, Parts and Services details on a Work Order, default from the date defined on the Work Order header, or to today's date.
The default date on the details can be over-typed as required.
Accept the default date, or type in the date the part was entered on the Work Order.
This date prints on the W.O. detail.
If date control is activated for the operator, this date must be in the current Date Range allowed for "WOWH" WORK ORDERS as set in Date Range Control.
Expanded Parts Detail:
Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to display the extra detail lines including the Taxes, Discount %, Discount Amount, Vendor if defined in split billing or if item was added directly from Receiving, A/P invoice, and the P.O.# and sequence number on that P.O. if the item was added directly from Receiving, and Repair Code description.
Note: The AP Invoice number is only populated if the "A/P Parts Add To Work Order" feature is activated in the Custom Processing and the Part record on the W.O. is the result of a A/P Invoice Details billing without being received through the Warehouse.
Click ACCEPT to accept the parts entered and exit the window.
The total weight of parts used is displayed at the bottom of the screen, only if the products have a weight recorded and if the flag in the Company Inventory Parameters is set to display the weight.
The weight of any negative quantities is not included in the weight total.
This Duplicate Parts warning only appears if the same sales part has been used on more than one detail line on the W.O., and if the Duplicate Parts check processing has been activated in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters.
Topic Keyword: WOWH01B (3916)