Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

A/P Invoice Details

Accounts Payable Menu -> A/P Invoices -> A/P Invoice Details

Accounts Payable Menu -> A/P Invoices -> ENTER BY P.O. button -> A/P Invoice by P.O. -> A/P Invoice Details by P.O. -> A/P Invoice Details

After the A/P Invoice header information captured in A/P Invoices or the invoicing by P.O. has been completed additional disbursement details can be completed in this G/L transaction screen.

The prompts are:

Invoice Header Information:


The invoice number currently being billed is displayed.


The vendor currently being billed is displayed.


The posted unpaid account balance for this vendor is displayed.

Details being Invoiced:


The sequence number is assigned by the system to track the records on the invoice.


Enter the code or select one of the following codes from the drop-down list.

E (Re-Rental) to enter re-rental (sub-rental) costs for a product.
 Explained in detail below in 'RE-RENTAL INFORMATION Window'.

F (Freight) to enter a Freight charge.
 The cost of freight can be expensed directly to a G/L account, or can be distributed proportionately across the inventory items received on this invoice, or across inventory received on a selected P.O. or Packing Slip, as outlined in Apply Freight to P.O. or Packing Slip.
 Refer to 'FREIGHT DISTRIBUTION Window' below for more information.

Freight Distribution Restrictions:
 Freight cannot be directly expensed on the specific products billed on the same A/P invoice under the following conditions:

Serial numbers do not match serialized sales part quantity being invoiced.

If inventory is received by location, and the total of the location quantities received in the warehouse does not match the total quantity entered on the invoice.

If the sale part has any Cost Type other than Average assigned in Sales Inventory. -

To charge freight against a rental product on this AP Invoice, the inventory receiving transaction must be received first and the Tags assigned, before the Freight transaction is entered.

The re-rent or sales item was ordered using the P.O./Contract link process, as costs are not posted.
 Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details on this processing.

N (NO) to enter a non-inventory charge, i.e. freight, taxes, or other expense.

Note: The Type will be restricted to only allow N if the operator does not have role permission in Operators as defined in the "Miscellaneous" window of Security Role Permissions to Enter A/P Invoices with Inventory.

R (Repair) to enter repair costs on a product.
 Multiple repair transactions, may be recorded for a product on the same date.
 Explained in detail below in 'REPAIR INFORMATION Window'.

W (Work Order) to receive a sales product that is not received in the warehouse for use on a specific W.O.

Note: This feature can be activated by Texada Client Services from the Custom Function Parameters.
 For more information on this feature refer to the explanation below in 'WORK ORDER INFORMATION Window'.

Y (YES) to enter Inventory Receiving including new purchases or additions to enhance a product.
 Explained in detail below in 'INVENTORY INFORMATION Window'.


If the Job Cost tracking feature is enabled in the Company Posting Parameters, the operator will be prompted for the job information as outlined in Job Costing Customer, Site and Cost Code, with each detail line that is entered on the invoice.
 If a Job Cost Code is selected, this will change the G/L posting account for this expense transaction to the account associated with the job.

Note: This Job Cost option can be useful for miscellaneous expenses specific to a job or for Sales products that are immediately expensed and are to be used on a job, or for re-rented equipment costs, but it is not recommended for use when receiving and invoicing Rental Equipment as the posting of the inventory cost goes to the job cost account and the Inventory Asset account in the G/L is not updated by the value of the asset purchased.

Product Selection Window This window is suppressed for transactions that are Type N for transaction not related to inventory, or for Type W for Work Order, or for Type F for Freight as freight information is entered after the dollar Amount.

If the Type of transaction is Y for Inventory, R for Repair, or E for Re-Rent, then the relevant product number needs to be identified and the product # selection window prompts for the following:


Enter the number, or look it up in the window as outlined in Inventory Search, or press leave this field blank to move to the Vendor Product # field.

If a product has been entered on a previous transaction, the last number entered will still display.
 If required, blank out this number in order to get to the Vendor Product #.


Enter the vendor product number or search for a product number as outlined in Vendor Product Search.
 If a Vendor product number is entered a window to opens to select the corresponding "OUR PRODUCT #". This is required, because a vendor's product # could be used on several different products.

To update your inventory with the correct Vendor Part number, use Update Vendor Product # and Description.


The Last Receipt Cost is displayed. This is the cost when the item was last purchased.


The current List Price will display.


Click ACCEPT to accept the product selection, or CANCEL to reselect a different product.

Inventory Information Window: If the Type of transaction is Y for Inventory invoicing, select the product number as explained above in the Select Product # field.
 The Account # will default to the Inventory G/L account defined by the product class for the product or over-typed in the Purchase Order.
 Then after the dollar Amount has been entered for the detail line, the corresponding warehouse receiving transaction must be selected.

Repair Information Window This window is only triggered if the Type of transaction is R for Repair.
 Select the product number as explained above in the Select Product # field, and then enter the repair information as follows:


The product # and description display, as selected in the Select Product # window.


Accept the invoice date displayed, or type in the date when the repair was actually completed to this product.


Select a repair code to indicate the nature of the repair from the drop-down list as setup in Repair/Maintenance Codes.
 e.g. General Maintenance, Towing, Engine Overhaul, Recalibrating, etc.


Enter a charge code to indicate how this repair is to be expensed or select a code from the drop-down list as setup in Repair Charge Codes.
 The charge code determines the G/L Account for posting the repair transaction.


Enter any optional notes about the details of the repair expense.
 These notes will be stored in the repair history.


Click ACCEPT to accept the repair information and exit the window.
 After exiting the window, confirm that the correct G/L expense account for Repair expense displays in the Account # field.

When the invoice is posted a repair history transaction will be automatically written for the equipment and can be viewed in Repair History Inquiry.
 The vendor name and A/P invoice number can be viewed in the expanded Parts detail in the Parts Totals window.

Re-Rental Information Window This window is triggered if the Type of transaction is E for Re-Rental.
 Select the product number as explained above in the Select Product # field, and then enter the re-rent information as outlined in the Re-Rental Information.

When the invoice is posted, the program will automatically write a re-rental cost transaction into Re-Rental Transactions.

Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details the process that provides the ability to order re-rent products and the supporting services and sales parts from the contract.

Work Order Information Window This window is only triggered if the Type of transaction is W for Work Order.
 Select the W.O.# and the part number as explained in Receive Against A W.O.


If a job code was selected for the transaction, the G/L Account defaults to the account defined for that job in Job Cost Codes.

If inventory (Type=Y) was received, the Inventory Account for this product displays according to the Rental Product Class or Sales Product Class.

Note: When a product is ordered on a Purchase Order the Inventory posting account can be changed for that specific order, if the Allow Override Of GL Account On PO Details setting in the Company Security Parameters, so that this GL Account reflects the over-ride from the P.O. rather than the Inventory account defined in the Rental Product Class or Sales Product Class.

If a repair (Type=R) was entered, the G/L Account from the Repair Charge code will display, as defined in Repair Charge Codes.

If a re-rental (Type=E) was entered, the G/L Account from the Rental Product Class for the re-rental product will display.

If this is a freight (Type=F) charge, or any other expense, enter the G/L posting account number or select the account from the window, as outlined in G/L Account Search.

If a product for use on a Work Order (Type=W) was received, select the W.O. and product as outlined in Receive Against A W.O., the account number expensed for the purchase defaults from the Inventory Account as defined for the product in the Sales Product Class.

If not an inventory related (Type=N) charge, enter the appropriate expense account or select the account from the window, as outlined in G/L Account Search.

Note: The General Ledger control accounts for Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable cannot be entered.

Operators can be restricted from posting to a control account by role permission as defined in Security Role Permissions.


The G/L account description is displayed.


Accept the division previously selected in the invoice header or type in the correct division or select a division from the drop-down list.

Note: If a product purchase is being entered ensure that this division matches the warehouse receiving location for the inventory.


If the automated taxing is activated by the Calculate Tax On 'AP Invoices' or 'Both' in the Company Taxing Parameters, a tax window will open.


The tax code for Tax 1 as set in the invoice header displays and if the operator has permission to 'Change Tax Codes' as defined in the Document Field Access of Role Permissions, the tax code can be over-typed for this invoice as required.
 A drop-down list is provided to view and select from valid tax codes as setup in Tax Codes.
 Any changes will apply only to this line and the tax amount will be recalculated.


The Tax 2 as set in the invoice header displays and if the operator has role permission, the tax code can be over-typed for this invoice as required.
 Any changes will apply only to this line and the tax amount will be recalculated.


Click OK to accept and exit the window.


When the transaction Type is N for Not inventory related, E for Re-rent, R for Repair, or F for Freight, then enter the amount that should be allocated to the G/L account selected.

When entering inventory purchases and Type= Y, the amount displayed is the total amount (quantity * cost each) for this product.
 After accepting the amount, a window appears to update the inventory details, including the quantity received and the cost, as explained below in the Product Receiving Information Window.

To enter a CREDIT invoice, type in the amount as negative ( -10.00).

 A Calculator window is provided on this field that can be useful if the total for this sequence entry consists of more than one amount.


This window is only triggered if the tax is to be calculated out of the line item Amount on this AP Invoice, as activated in the in Company Taxing Parameters.
 The window displays the new Invoice Amount for the line (which is the Amount entered less taxes), the calculated tax amounts based on the rate for the Tax Codes, and the Grand Total for that line item (which was the Amount originally entered).
 The Invoice Amount and the taxes can be modified as required.

Click OK to accept the values.
 If the Invoice Amount was adjusted, the Amount for the line item is also adjusted accordingly (less taxes).
 When this invoice is completed, corresponding tax transactions for this detail line will automatically be added to the invoice. These can be viewed if the invoice details are reviewed in 'Change' mode.


After entering the amount, if currency exchange processing has been activated a window will open prompting for the currency exchange rate.
 Type in the exchange rate applicable to this transaction.


This window is only triggered after the Amount has been entered, if the Type of transaction is F for Freight.
 Select the product numbers, and enter the Freight charges as follows:


This prompt displays if any inventory has already been entered or received on this invoice.
 Click YES to distribute the freight costs to only products on this A/P invoice, and to skip to the selection process to identify all the products being expensed on this invoice as outlined in Freight Distribution Details.

Click NO if the freight expense applies to products other than those on this invoice or if there are no inventory charges previously entered on the A/P invoice and select a P.O. or Packing Slip as follows:


This window only appears if products must be selected when the freight is not to be charged against inventory already received on this A/P invoice.
 Select the products from a Purchase Order or Packing Slip as outlined in Apply Freight To P.O. Or Packing Slip.


The Freight charge window displays the products with the freight costs to be expensed to each.
 Charges can be modified as outlined in Freight Distribution Details.

Note: Freight charges are displayed for rental products on the Asset Tag in the Additional field. Freight charges cannot be distributed against sold rental equipment.

The inventory cost increase may require an Over-shipped Cost Adjustment if sales items are sold before this freight charge was reported. This will be reported on the posting report from Post A/P Invoices.


This window is only triggered after the Amount has been entered, if the Type of transaction is W for Work Order to capture the W.O. detail information as outlined in Receive Against A W.O.


This window is only triggered after the Amount has been entered, if the Type of transaction is Y for Inventory invoicing.

The product number, description, and last cost information displays, as selected earlier in the Select Product # window.
 Complete the receiving information as follows:


An addition refers to adding costs (but NOT quantities) to a previous rental inventory purchase.
 This is for special circumstances only and does NOT apply to Sales items.

 An air compressor is purchased from a vendor and entered into the inventory file.
 Later, a separate service invoice from a different vendor arrives for freight and this freight cost needs to be included in the value of the inventory without increasing the quantity on hand. This can be entered as an Addition to an existing quantity.

Uncheck this box for rental items when the quantity is being updated.

Check this box for rental items when additional costs are being entered relating to a previous inventory purchase, and the quantity on hand is not being updated. The Warehouse Trx# field does not apply and will be skipped, but an Asset Tag # must be selected.

Note: Negative amounts can also be entered to reverse and decrease value of rental items.
 For Non-Bulk Rental products, the negative amount must be less than the Book Value of the product on the Fixed Asset Tag.

When an addition is assigned to a Fixed Asset Tag and the invoice is posted, a note is written to the tag with the date, source and amount. These can be viewed in Rental Inventory in the window on the "Additions" field of the appropriate Fixed Asset Tag.

P.O. #

This field is only displayed if your firm is using the One-Step method of entering inventory at the time the A/P invoice is entered.

Leave this field blank if a Purchase Order was not entered for this product purchase, or enter the P.O.#, or search for it in the window.
 The Purchase Order Search window lists the P.O.#, Product #, Description, Order Balance, and Delivery Date.

Selecting a Purchase Order removes the item from the outstanding orders with this Vendor.


This field is only displayed if your firm is using the Two-Step method of receiving inventory in the warehouse and then entering the costs later in the A/P invoice.

The purpose of the Warehouse Transaction number is to match up the inventory entries from the packing slip with the invoice entry. The results of this "matching up" can be viewed using Inventory Receiving Inquiry and printed out using Receiving Report By Vendor. This will be helpful when tracking down inventory questions.

This field does not apply when Additions are being entered, as it is only the value that is being added to the fixed asset.

Window to select the warehouse receipt that matches the invoice and purchase order.
 The date, vendor#, P.O.#, packing slip #, quantity received, any quantity already invoice through A/P, and the W/H Trx # are all listed.

Note: Only warehouse receipts matching the DIVISION (location) entered on the A/P invoice detail line will display in this window for selection.
 Also, receiving records for any re-rent products that were ordered using the P.O./Contract link process will not be found in this window, as these re-rent products must be invoiced through A/P Invoice Details by P.O.

If there is no W/H TRX # present in the window, the packing slip has not entered yet through the Warehouse Receiving (or else the wrong division was selected on the invoice).
 This step must be done, before the invoice can be entered.

To determine open inventory items, i.e. items received in inventory but not matched up to an A/P Invoice, use O/S Warehouse Receiving Report.
 See also Close Open Warehouse Receivings to fix any mistakes.


The Landed Cost Factor (LCF) value consists of currency exchange, freight, import duties, taxes and other handling charges included in the total cost of the item. The Landed Cost Factor is saved in the Inventory File when new inventory purchases are posted.
 For example, if there is an import duty of 5% on a sales item, the L.C.F. would be 1.05 to make the sales inventory cost of the item, reflect the overall cost. If the sales item cost $100.00 plus a separate invoice for import duty, using an L.C.F. of 1.05 would cause the item to be stored in inventory at $105.00 ($100.00 * 1.05).

The percentages used to calculate the Exchange, Duty/Brokerage, and Freight values default from the Vendor Information.

Note: If Costs are being updated in the warehouse through Post Warehouse Cost Adjustments, these costs cannot be adjusted here, as they have already been posted. The flag to control A/P vs Warehouse cost postings can be set in the Company Inventory Parameters.


If this Vendor has been assigned a currency in Vendor Information, other than the company currency in Company Information, the currency exchange rate as setup in Currency Codes displays.
 This may be over-typed if required.
 This value is used in the LCF calculation.


The Duty/Brokerage percent from the Vendor Information, displays. This may be over-typed if required.
 This value is used in the LCF calculation.


The Freight cost percent from the Vendor Information, displays. This may be over-typed if required.
 This value is used in the LCF calculation.


The new LCF displays using the formula :
 LCF = Round((Exchange * Duty/Brokerage * Freight),4)

e.g. Exchange 57.53%, Duty/Brokerage 2%, Freight 3%
 LCF = (1.5753 * 1.02 * 1.03) Rounded to 4 decimal places
LCF = 1.6550

The costs update the Inventory sub-ledger.
 To also update the G/L use one of the following two methods:

If the post flag has be activated by Texada Support in the Support Application Parameters, the LCF costs of exchange, duty/brokerage, and freight, post automatically to the G/L clearing accounts designated in Default Accounts. The duty/brokerage and freights accounts are credited and the Inventory account is debited.
 Then later when the separate invoices for duty and freight arrive, the amounts for the brokerage vendor or shipping company, should be disbursed on an A/P invoice directly to the G/L accounts for Freight, Duty/Brokerage and Currency Exchange. These debits then cancel the earlier postings to the same clearing accounts.

If automatic G/L posting has not be activated, on the original A/P Inventory Invoice additional manual postings should be added to credit the Duty/Brokerage and Freight accounts and to debit the inventory account for the same amount.
 Again when the separate invoices for duty and freight arrive, the A/P invoice amounts should be disbursed directly to the G/L accounts for Freight, and Duty/Brokerage. These debits then cancel the earlier postings to the same clearing accounts.

If the LCF does not apply, leave the Landed Costs Factor at 1.00.


Accept today's date or enter the date the inventory was received.
 If serial numbers are being added, this date becomes the date received on the serial # record.


Enter the quantity being invoiced on this A/P invoice.
 This can be a partial quantity of a Warehouse Trx.

This does not apply to Additions to inventory.


When inventory is being received, the cost each will display calculated as follows:

NOTE: Order conversion applies to Sales Items only. It is assumed to be 1.00 unless specified. See Sales Inventory.

If an Addition is being invoiced, this field reflects the amount entered for the detail line.


This does not apply to Sales products.

If a Rental product is being received or this is an Addition to a rental product, a Fixed Asset Tag must be assigned to capture the financial information about the rental item.
 e.g. Purchase Cost, Depreciation and Disposal information.

Note: For bulk items that have multiple tags and a quantity greater than one is being purchased but each unit has a serial number to be recorded, enter each unit on a separate sequence on the A/P Invoice so that a separate tag is created for each unit.
 i.e. Each sequence must have the quantity of 1, to be assigned a new tag.

If the product is NON-BULK and there is no existing tag, then the window to add a new tag is automatically triggered.

If the product is BULK with multiple tags and the Asset Tag was assigned to the product purchase in Warehouse Receiving, a window is provided to view and select the tag for this rental product as outlined in the Asset Tag Search window.
 If the tag was not assigned to the equipment in the warehouse and the bulk product can have multiple tags, a new tag is added for this purchase information.

Note: The ability to Add Asset Tag In Warehouse is set in the Company Inventory Parameters.

For BULK items that do not allow multiple tags a single tag is used for all purchases.
 This window is only triggered if there is no existing tag.

Note: The multiple tags flag is set in Rental Inventory.
 To change an item from bulk to non-bulk, use Change Bulk Status.

 The prompts to create a new tag in this window include:


Accept the next new asset tag number in the sequence or over-type it with a preferred number.


Enter the depreciation class, or select it from the drop-down list.


Enter the purchase date for the equipment.


Enter the serial number for this item, if applicable.


Click ACCEPT to accept this new tag and exit the window, or click CANCEL.
 The tag number created/selected will display in the Asset Tag# field.


This is the current selling price for this item. Confirm the shelf price agrees.

Note: A setting in the Company Inventory Parameters controls the ability to change the list price of a product in A/P invoicing.
 If changed, the new list will be stored in the Inventory File.

A Reason Code can be required if the Reason Codes on Override processing is activated in the Company Security Parameters.
 A password can also be required to enter the List Price, if RSPF is setup with a password in the Module Passwords table and the Security Role assigned to the operator does not have permission to RSPF without it.


If the product has been setup in Sales Inventory as a serialized sales part, and the Serial numbers are not entered at Time Of Sale, then this Serial # window will open to record the corresponding serial numbers.

The same number of serial numbers to equal the quantity entered above must now be registered.
 The serial # records will be written using the Division on the A/P invoice detail as the Location and the Date as the Date Received.
 The serial numbers print on the A/P Purchases Journal.

Note: The serial number window does not apply if the Company Inventory Parameters, have been set to Update Average Costs in the Warehouse.


Enter the serial # for this sales item, or select one from the window.

Serial Number Search
 If your firm uses the 2-STEP method of entering inventory, then the serial numbers will already have been entered in Warehouse Receiving.
 A window is provided to select the correct serial number from those received on this Warehouse Trx. The Model, Make information will reflect the information at receiving and will now be display only.


Enter the Model of this item, i.e. TBS350.


Enter the Make of this item, i.e. STIHL.


Enter the serial # on the engine, if applicable.


Enter the make of the engine, if applicable.


The cost each will display as billed on this invoice.


Window to add optional multiple lines of product Specifications to individual serialized sales items. These can be reviewed in all inquiries and when the product is used or sold.


Click ACCEPT to exit the serial number window.

Note: When adding Serial #'s to Sales Inventory, the number of serial # records should match the quantity received.

Expanded Record

Click EXP/CON button or press the <F9> Expand Key to access the Details field. Enter any relevant details. These notes will print on the A/P Purchases Journal. They will post to the General Ledger, and will print on the G/L Trial Balance.

The expanded detail line also provides a window is to view any Serial#'s, lists tax information, a line total, and any exchange, duty or freight values used in the Landed Cost Factor.

Made a mistake?

Escape to return to the beginning of this detail line, and re-enter the information.


To indicate that this invoice is completed, click OK,


If the tax feature to calculate taxes and to automatically add the tax transactions to the invoice, has been activated in the Company Taxing Parameters, the window opens to confirm and calculate the taxes for the invoice as outlined in Tax Details window.



If the tax has been calculated as part of each line item, or if the invoice is being reviewed and the tax transactions have been added, the total tax amount displays.


This is the total dollar amount for the transactions entered for this invoice.
 Visually check that the invoice amount is correct before proceeding with the next invoice.


Click ACCEPT to accept this invoice.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the A/P Invoices screen include:

A/P the Invoice by Purchase Order:
 The ENTER BY P.O. button is only visible if the Inventory Received in Warehouse feature has been activated in the Company Inventory Parameters.
 The A/P invoice charges can then be entered by billing the inventory ordered and received by Purchase Order, as outlined in A/P Invoices by P.O.

This button will only be enabled if the operator has a role assigned in Operators that has permission in the "Miscellaneous" window of Security Role Permissions to access A/P Invoices with Inventory.

Distribute Invoice For Multiple Payments:
 This feature enables a large A/P invoice total to be split into multiple invoices with varying amounts to be paid off on scheduled dates.
 After an A/P invoice has been entered and prior to posting, click the DISTRIBUTE button to split the total invoice dollar amount out over multiple invoices and set the dates due for payment as outlined in A/P Invoice Distribution Details.

Topic Keyword: APVI03 (3934)