Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Partial Select A/P Computer Checks

Accounts Payable Menu -> Payments -> Print A/P Computer Checks -> Confirmation Screen of Print Check Run -> Partial Select A/P Computer Checks

Accounts Payable Menu -> Payments -> Select Invoices - Computer Checks -> Print A/P Computer Checks -> Confirmation Screen of Print Check Run -> Partial Select A/P Computer Checks

If the checks are being generated from Print A/P Computer Checks, and only part of the check run was printed successfully, this screen can be triggered from the Confirmation Screen to identify which checks were successful.

All the checks from the Print A/P Computer Checks run are listed by Check# with the Vendor#, Name, Currency, and Check Amount.

Check the OK box for each check that printed successfully.
 Uncheck the OK box for any check that needs to be re-printed.

When finished, click ACCEPT to accept and exit.

Any checks flagged as OK are now final and cannot be re-printed.
 Only the unsuccessful checks can be re-printed from Print A/P Computer Checks.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Print Computer Checks include:

Check the OK Box for all Checks:
 Click SET ALL to flag each check as printed OK.
 Specific checks can then be unchecked as required.

Remove the Check from the OK Box for all Checks:
 Click CLEAR ALL to remove the print flag for each check from the OK box.
 Specific checks can then be checked as required.

Topic Keyword: APCH10F (3936)