Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Expenditure Types

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Customer Management Tab -> General Settings -> Expenditure Types

This option is only enabled when the custom programming for Task and Expenditure processing is activated.
 It can then be accessed from the Customer Management tab of the Configure System Settings.

List the type code for each expenditure and the corresponding expenditure description.
 The Expenditure Type can then be associated with a Product Class, Service, or document.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Expenditure Types screen include:

Assign Expenditure Type to Classes of Products:
 Click the BY CLASS button to assign the Expenditure Types to the relevant Product Classes in Class Expenditure Types with the corresponding E.F.% and Project %

Assign Expenditure Type to Services:
 Click the BY SERVICE button to assign the Expenditure Types to the relevant Services in Service Expenditure Types with the corresponding E.F.% and Project %

Update Expenditure Types on Documents:
 Click the MAINTENANCE button to access the utility to view and modify Tasks and Expenditure Types on existing documents in Maintenance Document Task & Expenditures.

Delete an Expenditure Type:
 Double click on the Seq number of the Expenditure Type record to be deleted and click the DELETE button.
 Confirmation is required.

Expenditure Types currently in use cannot be deleted.

Topic Keyword: ICET01 (3953)