Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Show Rate Adjustment Details

Counter Menu -> Contract Details / Worksheet Details / Reservation Details / Quote Details -> Unit Price window of Rental Product -> Rental Period Calculations -> Rate Adjustment

This information window can be generated for a rental product from the Unit Price field on the Contract Details, by windowing on the Rate Adjustment field.
 It only applies if the rates on the contract have been changed using the Update Contract Rental Pricing utility.

The date and time that the adjustment became effective are displayed with the rate adjustment amount.
 The date could be the Date Out if the product has never been billed, or the last cycle billing date.

Note: The product cannot be off rented, cycle billed, exchanged, or returned, prior to this Rate Adjusted As Of date, as related billing adjustments can not be made as of the old rate structure, and the Off Rent / Rate Adjustment Date Conflict is triggered.

Click the DETAILS button to view history of each rate level that was changed, including the date the change was processed, the rate code, old rate value, and the new rate to be charged.
 The option is provided to print the rate history to a report or to a spreadsheet as outlined in Information Log.

Note: Rate Adjustment details are not always viewable if the product quantity has been split in a partial rental return or on a partial off rental.

Topic Keyword: RSCH02N (3962)