Current Rental Inventory
Counter Menu -> Inquiries -> Current Rental Inventory
Search window -> Product # field -> Inventory Search "display Groups" -> Select window -> Current Rental Inventory
This utility provides an overview by Class and/or Group of the current commitment of rental equipment, based on the product quantities currently reported on all existing documents, and quantities available for rent.
The advantage of this inquiry is the Group statistical reporting.
Note: The Current document quantities reflect all open documents that exist at this time, regardless of document date and time. (i.e. includes future dated, as well as any expired documents that still exist)
This means that this inquiry will not be useful if your firm pre-enters future dated contracts, or retains old reservations.
The prompts are:
Accept the default operator location displayed, or select one of the following location filters for the output:
•Type ALL to include all locations in the report.
•To print the report for a single location, leave this field blank for the Head Office, or enter a specific division code, or select a location from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select multiple locations to include, or locations by inventory region as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Note: A preferred 'Location, "ALL" Or "SEL"' default value can be defined for this search in the Division Inventory Parameters, that is respected when the 'Use Location In Inventory Search' is also checked.
Accept ALL to include all Product Classes or enter a single rental class, or select one from the Product Class Search window.
The Group is a mandatory field.
Type ALL to include all Groups, or enter a single Group, or select one from the Group Search window.
Using the Group Search window, only the Groups associated in Groups with the Product Classes selected in the Class or ALL filter field, are displayed in the search window, however any valid Group can be entered manually.
Note: Using ALL in the Group and Class filters could slow down the selection processing due to the volume of data.
Specific Product Status Codes can be defined as a "Not Available" type status so that when equipment is assigned the Status, the product is not available to rent. Generally this condition is applied to assets that are not part of the rental fleet but that are recorded as products in the inventory file for maintenance tracking, such as company vehicles or shop equipment.
This filter can be used to include or exclude those products from the report.
A preferred default Y/N value can be set for this field in the Division Inventory Parameters, based on the operator's default division defined in the Operator Codes.
Leave this box unchecked to only show available equipment according to the Status Code and to totally exclude equipment with a Status Code flagged "Not Available" from the report counts.
Check this box to include products in the report that have a Status Code that makes the products "Not Available".
Note: This is less useful for bulk rental products because if a bulk product is given a "Not Available" type Status, then all quantity is considered not available.
Resulting Product List:
The breakdown of quantities committed by document type is displayed for the selected locations.
The Net Available quantity is the quantity 'On Hand' less the quantity on Contract, on Reservation, or on Work Order, and less any non-bulk rental quantity currently assigned a product Status Code that is flagged not to allow rental.
The actual product Status Code and Status Change History can be viewed in the Inventory Location Quantities window in the 'Products' column.
If a non-bulk item is on multiple W.O.s, it will still be counted as one unit.
Note: Inventory Transfers are included in the P.O. totals as ordered for the location.
Re-rentals on contract and reservation are not reflected in the "Net Available" column.
Window on the Products field for the location to drill down to the quantity details comprised in these totals along with the Product Status Code and any Status Code Change History.
The window on the Products field drills down to the products at the location and breaks down the quantities committed at the location by specific product and by Group, and the product status for non-bulk equipment.
The EXP/CON button displays the product or Group description.
The resulting product list can be setup to utilize colours defined in the Divisional Inventory Parameters, to identify the different product availability status conditions for both rental and sales inventory, including:
•Available but Booked in the Future
•Overdue (applies to non-bulk only when Use Requirements when Calculating Availability is activated for the division and "Show Off-Rent as Available" or "Show Stale-Dated Contracts as Available" are also activated)
•Not Available, including products not available because of a "No Rent" Product Status Code.
A window is provided on the Bookings field to view the requirements for each product.
Windows are also provide on each document count field to drill down to view details by document for each product.
Totals: The column totals for the displayed locations are provided.
Note: The first two totals values correspond to the fields in the expanded location record: Unavail by Status and Re-Rent.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Current Rental Inventory screen include:
•Output the Product Details to a Spreadsheet:
Click the DETAIL EXCEL button to generate a spreadsheet listing the product quantity details as viewed in the Inventory Location Quantities window.
•Output the Group Summary to a Spreadsheet:
Click the SUMMARY EXCEL button to generate a spreadsheet listing the summarized quantity count for the Group by location as currently viewed on the screen.
•Expanded Location Total Record:
Click the EXP/CON button to expand the location record and to view additional quantity information including:
othe quantity of non-bulk rental products in this Group that is currently 'Unavailable by Status' according to the Status Code assigned to the product.
This quantity is not included in the Net Avail count.
othe quantity in this Group that has been re-rented
Topic Keyword: RSEQ10R (3977)