Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Performance Questions

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Customer Management Tab -> General Settings -> Performance Questions

This option can be used to setup key indicators that can be used to track performance on the fulfilling contracts, orders, and miscellaneous invoices.
 e.g. Equipment availability, timely delivery, staff efficiency, and customer satisfaction issues.
 The source performance question table can be accessed from the Customer Management tab of the Configure System Settings.
 An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Customer Management - Performance Questions in order to access this table.

The Performance Questions, can be listed with the relevant date period, and the response indicator, in this table.
 The questions can then be confirmed as passed or failed on documents including Contracts, Miscellaneous Invoices, Sales Orders, and Sales Order Invoices , by clicking the PERFORMANCE button in the document totals screen as outlined in Performance Question by Document.

Note: Performance Questions do not apply to other rental documents, Rental Return Invoices, Work Orders, or to Point Of Sale Invoices.

The Performance Questions By Document Utility can also be used to update the document performance flags, and to print the Performance Question Report.

The prompts to setup the Performance Questions include:


The sequence number tracks the number of records in the table.
 Multiple different question records can be entered.


The next available question number is displayed in Add mode for a new question.
 This can be accepted or over-typed with an alpha-numeric number or code.


Enter the question to be displayed in the Performance window on the document totals screen, using up to 40 alpha-numeric characters.
 The question should require only a clear Yes/No answer to ensure useful responses.
 A comment can be added to explain the failure on the document in Performance Question by Document.

Note: Once the question has been flagged as failed on any document, the Description cannot be modified.


Accept the default starting date or enter the correct starting date for this Performance Question.
 Only documents dated after this date and before the To Date will offer this question in the Performance Question by Document window.


Accept the default ending date or enter the correct ending date for this Performance Question.
 This becomes the expiry date after which the question no longer applies.


This field is used to recognize a failed versus an acceptable response to each Performance Question.

Check this box if the Failed Response to this question would be Yes.
 Uncheck this box if the Failed Response to this question would be No.

Example questions with failed response indicators could be:

On time delivery?                      -
Correct quantity shipped?              -
Were all products available?           -
Was any equipment damaged going out?   *  (check this box to indicate Yes is a failed response
                                             where boxes for other questions in this
                                             example are not checked as No means failed)


Note: Once the question has been flagged as failed on any document, the Failed Response indicator cannot be modified.


Click ACCEPT when the list of questions and failed response indicators is complete.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Performance Questions screen include:

Delete a Performance Question:
 Click the DELETE button to list eligible question records as outlined in Delete Performance Questions.

Note: Once a question has been flagged as failed on any document, the Performance Question cannot be deleted.

Filter Performance Questions Listing:
 The Performance Questions screen provides the ability to view the complete list of questions by clicking DISPLAY ALL.
 Conversely, click ACTIVE ONLY to restrict the display to only the Performance Questions that apply to the current date.
 e.g. Today's date falls within the From Date and To Date range.

Re-Sequence the Order Questions are Displayed:
 Click the RE-SORT button to redefine the order that the performance Questions are displayed in the Performance Question by Document window, as outlined in the Re-Sort Performance Questions utility.

Topic Keyword: RSPQM01 (4003)