Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Maintenance Type Warning Percent

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Maintenance Warnings

This option can be used to set an advance warning trigger for each of the five types of maintenance, to cause a service pending notification to be printed on current Work Orders for any rental equipment that is going to be due for scheduled maintenance.
 The Repair Code description and depending on the maintenance type, the days due, meter due or actual due date for the equipment are printed.

An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Operations - Maintenance Warnings in order to access this table.

The prompts to define the timing of the advance warning for the Maintenance Schedule are:


The five methods that can be used to schedule maintenance are listed by sequence number.


This is the code that represents this maintenance schedule type.


The method for determining when this maintenance type is due, is displayed.


A different percent can be defined for each of the five types of maintenance scheduling, to determine when the warning notification should be issued for equipment that use that schedule method.
 The percent is based on number of days, or meter units according to the maintenance type, as follows:

1.By # Of Rental Days:
 This method uses a set number of days rented to determine the next maintenance due date, so the percent for this type of maintenance is based on the rental days defined for maintenance of the product.

e.g. If equipment is due for service every 90 days on rent, and the advance warning is 10%, then 10% of 90 days is 9 days.
 The notification would start printing on Work Orders at 81 days of rent with the Repair Code and the rental days due.
 e.g. Regular Maintenance - Due Rental Day 90 (Type 1)

2.By # Of Actual Days:
 This method uses a set number of calendar days regardless of rental to determine the next maintenance due date, so the percent for this type of maintenance is based on the actual days between maintenance of the product.

e.g. If equipment is due for service annually, and the advance warning is 10%, then 10% of 365 days is 36 days.
 The notification would start printing on Work Orders at 329 days after the last service date (36 days before next due) with the Repair Code and the date due.
 e.g. Service - Due 09/15/20XX (Type 2)

Note: If there is no prior service schedule record for this product, no advance notice can be calculated as there is no starting date for the actual days count.

3.By Actual Date:
 This method uses a a specific date to schedule the next maintenance job.

e.g. If equipment was last serviced January 1 and is due for next service June 1, and the advance warning is 10%, then 10% of 151 days is 15 days.
 The notification would start printing on May 17 at 136 days after the last service date (15 days before next due) with the Repair Code and the date due.
 e.g. Yearly Inspection - Due 06/01/20XX (Type 3)

Note: If there is no prior service schedule record for this product, no advance notice can be calculated as there is no starting date for the day count.

4.By # Of Meter Units:
 This method uses a set number of Meter LTD Units to determine the next maintenance due date, so the percent for this type of maintenance is based on the meter units defined for maintenance of the product.

e.g. If equipment is due for service every 3500 units used, and the advance warning is 10%, then 10% of 3500 is 350 meter units.
 The notification would start printing on Work Orders when the product reached at 3150 meter units used with the Repair Code and the meter due.
 e.g. Usage Service - Due 3500 LTD Meter Units (Type 4)

5.By Actual Meter Reading:
 This method uses a specific Current Meter reading to determine the next maintenance due date.

e.g. If equipment was last serviced at 1000 meter units and is due for next service at 3500 units, and the advance warning is 10%, then 10% of 2500 is 250 meter units.
 The notification would start printing on Work Orders when the product reached at 3250 meter units used. (250 units left before next due) with the Repair Code and the meter due.

Note: When the maintenance method is based on days, it prints the advance warning notification according to today's date, not the date of the Work Order.


Click OK to exit when the relevant percents are defined.

Topic Keyword: WOMT01 (4014)