Rate Book
Inventory Control Menu -> Reports -> Rate Book
The Rate Book is a listing of the rental rates for products and/or Groups.
If a rental product does not have rates defined at the product level but is flagged to show in the Rate Book, the Group rates will print.
A Rate Book can be useful to keep at the rental counter for staff to review rental rates.
Some products only need group rates because all products (perhaps apart from one or two) are the same rate as the group.
In this case only a group rate book would be required, and any product that does not match the group rate would also print.
Customized rate structures can also be printed in a Rate Book for specific customers, divisions, and for special rates levels.
Specific Rental Inventory and Groups can be flagged to suppress or show in the rate book.
Note: Expired rates are not reflected in these reports.
Certain filters can be preset in the selection screen to standardize the Rate Book output, and so that each operator is not required to re-select each value.
The Security Role controls for this can be setup in the Miscellaneous window of the Role Permissions, including:
•The Store Last Used Rate Book Filters flag controls whether the operator has the ability to redefine and save a filter selection for others to use.
•The Enable All Rate Book Filters flag controls whether the operator has access to all the filters or is restricted to the preset values.
When an operator does not have access to all filters, the HIDE/SHOW FILTERS button is provided to remove or display the disabled filters.
The prompts and filters include:
•Type ALL to include all divisions in the report, so when Print All Rate Codes is not selected, the rate book prints rates based on the rates codes that are flagged to print as defined in the Company Default Rates for ALL.
•To print the report for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
Then when Print All Rate Codes is not selected and the rate book is printed for a specific division, the rate codes that are printed are those flagged to print for that division as defined in the Company Default Rates.
Note: The divisions included in the drop-down list are limited to the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator, however any division can be entered and accepted.
Leave this field blank if the rate book is not specific to one customer, or enter the customer number to print a rate book for an individual customer to reflect his special rate structure including special rate level and/or matrix, or select one from the Accounting Customer Search window.
A rate book printed for a single customer respects the customer's alternate language preference as defined in Customer Information, and provides the option to reflect the customer's Rental Discount % given on products that allow discount.
Note: If the rate book is printed for a specific customer that is not normally charged Damage Waiver, the report will still reflect DW if the option is requested in the selection criteria below.
If DW is not relevant to this specific customer, do not enter a value in the Damage Waiver % To Include field.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission, and does not apply if the rate book is being printed for a Customer #.
Leave this field blank if the rate book is not for a special rate level, or enter a valid special rate level to print, or select it from the Special Rate Level Search window.
Expired rate levels cannot be selected.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission, and only applies if the rate book is being printed for a Customer or for a Special Rate Level.
Uncheck this box to print the special rates, and where there are no special rates to print the standard rates.
Check this box to only print special rates, omitting any standard rates.
Note: If a division has been assigned a Special Rate Level, this is not considered a Special Rate as those rates become the standards at that division or store.
Uncheck this box to only include rates flagged to be print in the rate book as defined in one of Company Default Rates for ALL or specific division, or in the Rental Product Class.
Check this box to include as many rates as possible regardless of the rate book flags.
•Type ALL to include products/Groups from all Product Classes in the report.
•Enter a specific class, to print the report only for products/Groups from a single Product Class, or select a Product Class from the Product Class Search window.
•Type SEL to select a combination of Product Classes to include in the report as outlined in Selected Class List.
•Type ALL to include all Groups in the report.
•Enter a single specific Group for the report, or select it from the Group Search window.
•Type SEL to select multiple Groups in the Select Group List window.
Note: If a specific Product Class has been selected, to select a specific Group, that Group must be associated with the Class.
•Type ALL to include all products in the report.
•To generate the report for a single product, enter the product number or select it from the Inventory Search window.
•Type SEL to select a range of products to include in the report as outlined in Select Products.
Accept the default or select one of the following options if ALL products are to be included:
•Select Products to print the rate book for the rental products.
If a rental product does not have rates defined at the product level but is flagged to show in the Rate Book, the associated Group rates will print.
•Select Groups to print the rate book only at the Group level PLUS any product that has its own unique rate.
e.g. Bulldozer Group - all Bulldozers in the group are the same rate so no products have a rate or rate structure, except for one which has a $15,000 winch added to it and so that product has its own higher rental rates.
•Select Both to include both product and Group rates in the rate book.
Note: When a specific product or selection of products has been selected in the Product Number, "ALL" or "SEL" filter option, then this Rates To Include parameter is always set to print rates for 'Products'.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters permission, and is disabled for the Group rate option.
Check this box to omit any non-bulk rental product rates if the Status on the Fixed Asset Tag is D for Disposed.
Uncheck this box to include non-bulk rental product rates even if the equipment is sold.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission.
Accept the default or select one of the following sort options:
•Select Class to generate the Rate Book of products/Groups sorting by Rental Product Class.
With this sort order, the Rate Codes defined for the Rate Book in each class can be used instead of the company or division rate codes, by selecting the Use Product Class Rate Codes option below.
•Select Group to generate the Rate Book of products/Groups sorting by Group.
•Select Category to generate the Rate Book of products/Groups sorting by Ratebook Categories.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission.
Accept the default or select one of the following sequencing alpha/numeric options for the selected Class, Group or Category Sort Order.
•Select Alpha to list the selected Sort Order of Class, Group or Category by description alphabetically and also to list the product and group details within the category alphabetically.
•Select Numeric to list the Classes, Groups or Categories by number, as well as the product and group details numerically.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission.
This prompt reflects the selected Sort Order and can be used to create page breaks in the Rate Book, as follows:
Check this box to start a new page for each new Class, Group or Category according to the Sort Order.
Uncheck this box to continue printing all items together without specific page breaks.
Note: This option does not apply when only printing rates for Groups, by Group Sort Order.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission, and only applies if the rate book is being printed for a single specified Customer #.
Check this box if the rates printed on the Rate Book should reflect the Rental Discount % defined for this customer in Customer Information. The Discount % given prints in the report title.
The customer discount will not be shown on equipment that is not allowed to be discounted as determined by the Rental Product Class.
Uncheck this box to print the standard company rates even though the customer may be allowed a general rental discount.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission.
Check this box if the rates printed on the Rate Book should reflect the Special Rates by Discount % defined for products and/or groups in the Rates Discount table.
The discount will not be shown on equipment that is not allowed to be discounted as determined by the Allow Rental Discounts flag in the Rental Product Class or by the Rental Discounts flag in the Special Rates.
Note: If both the Customer and the Special Rate Level have a discount % , then they will both be applied using the following formula rounded to 2 decimal places:
Special Rate Disc * (100 - Customer Disc) + Customer Disc
Uncheck this box to print the standard company rates and the Special Rates with flat dollar over-rides, but to ignore any 'Special Rates by Discount %'.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters permission.
Uncheck this box to print the Rate Book in English.
Check this box to print the Rate Book in the Alternate language.
The alternate language product and Group descriptions print as defined in the Rental Inventory and in Groups.
The alternate language rate descriptions print as stored in the expanded rate records in Company Default Rates and in Rental Product Classes.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission, and is only available with the Class Sort Option.
Uncheck this box to print the rates codes defined in Company Default Rates according to the division selection above.
Check this box to print the rate codes for the classes based on the first 6 rate codes flagged to print in the Rate Book, in the Product Class Rates window in Rental Product Classes.
Note: If there are default rates for the class, but none of the default rate codes are checked, the Product Class will not print on the Rate Book.
If there are no default rates setup for the class then the rates will default to the company/divisional rates.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission.
This field can be used to cause the rate amounts to include taxes based on percent of the rental rate.
If a Default Tax For Miscellaneous Reports and Inquiries is defined in the Company Taxing Parameters the corresponding tax rate will default to this field, but can be over-typed.
Leave this field blank if the rates printed in the rate book should not include taxes, or enter a percent to include a calculated value for taxes, either as part of the rate or on a separate line.
e.g. for 8% enter 8
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission, and only applies if the Damage Waiver Calculation Type is set to 'Alternate' in the Company Contract Parameters.
Check this box to include the Customer, Group or Class Damage Waiver in the rate amounts output to the rate book.
This is displayed either as part of the rate or on a separate line depending on the Print Separate Tax/DW Lines option.
Uncheck this box to manually define the DW rate in the Damage Waiver % To Include field, or if DW should not be reflected on the rate book.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission, and is disabled if Include Customer Damage Waiver has been selected.
Leave this field blank if the rates printed in the rate book should not include Damage Waiver, or to cause the rate amounts to include waiver charges based on percent of the rate, manually enter the percent to calculate a value for waiver charges. This is displayed either as part of the rate or on a separate line depending on the Print Separate Tax/DW Lines option.
Note: Products belonging to any Rental Product Classes that are flagged as exempt from DW charges will not reflect any Damage Waiver for the rates.
Customers flagged not to charge Damage Waiver in Customer Information will not reflect any Damage Waiver for the rates.
Check this box to print any tax calculation and/or Damage Waiver charges on a separate line for each rate.
Uncheck this box to include the tax and waiver amounts if a percent has been specified for this report, in the rental rate amount.
Note: The report title will indicate the Tax and/or Damage Waiver percent that is included in the rate, when it is not being printed on a separate line.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Enable All Rate Book Filters role permission.
Select one of the following report layout options:
•Select Horizontal to generate the output with the rate codes as the column headings and the products & groups listed as detail lines.
A maximum of 6 rates will print across on the horizontal report output and a maximum of 60 rates will be included as column headings on the spreadsheet.
•Select Vertical to list the products across the top of the output as the column headings, and the rate codes as the detail lines below.
This layout is more useful if there are a large number of rate codes to print.
A maximum of 60 rate records will print on the vertical report and spreadsheet output, with a maximum of 200 products on the vertical report.
This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.
The option is also provided to print directly to PDF for convenience when the session Print selection default is something other than PDF.
This field is disabled if the operator does not have the Store Last Used Rate Book Filters role permission.
Check this box to save the current filter selection to apply again when the Rate Book is reprinted.
Fields that are not saved include Customer#, and Product Class/Group/Number selections.
Uncheck this box to generate the Rate Book but not to save changes to the selection filters.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Rate Book screen include:
•View or Suppress Disabled Selection Options:
To standardize the Rate Book output many of the selection filters can be preset by an operator who has Role Permissions to Store Last Used Rate Book Filters as set in the Miscellaneous role window.
Then the Enable All Rate Book Filters flag also in the Miscellaneous window of the Role Permissions, controls which operators have access to change the filters.
When an operator does not have access to all filters, the HIDE/SHOW FILTERS button is provided to remove or display the disabled filters from the selection screen.
Topic Keyword: RSRF12 (4028)