Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Customer Billing Settings

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Information -> Additional Info -> Billing Settings

Billing parameters unique to this customer can be defined as follows:


Some customers, such as construction companies, are not charged for time rented if the equipment is kept over the weekend.
 (For such customers, it is assumed that they are not actually using it over the weekend.)
 This Customer Billing Setting can be used to set a no-charge weekend value for this customer that defaults to each rental documents but can be over-typed on the document as required in the No Charge Weekends window.
 If the rental document is being created for a division that does not respect the customer's default no-charge weekend value as defined in the Divisional Weekend Charge Codes, then a warning is triggered on the document header and the weekend charge code is set to blank and all weekends will be chargeable. This can be over-typed with an eligible no-charge code as required.

Note: If ALL your firm's customers are not to be charged over the weekend, do not use this option for each individual customer. Instead the Calendar and Rate Structure should be altered to reflect this. Contact Texada Support for assistance if this situation applies.

To setup this specific customer for special weekend charging select one of the following from the drop-down list:

blank - To CHARGE the customer for any equipment out over the weekend.

1 - No Charge rental on One Saturday only. *

2 - No Charge rental on One Sunday only. *

3 - No Charge rental for One Weekend. *

4 - No Charge rental for ALL Saturdays.

5 - No Charge rental for ALL Sundays.

6 - No Charge rental for ALL Weekends.

* Selections 1, 2, and 3 apply to the first or the last weekend only, as determined by the setting in the Company Billing Parameters.

If the no charge weekend rental is to apply to the first weekend, and if the rental period is extended beyond the 7 day week, then the first weekend "no charge" option, no longer applies and the weekend becomes billable.

If an item is returned on the weekend, the no charge weekend does not apply because it is considered a weekend rental.
 It has to be returned on a weekday and the rental period needs to be less than 7 days in order for the no charge weekend rental to apply to the first weekend.

If the no charge weekend rental is to apply to the last weekend, and the billing period ends in a partial week, then the last weekend days would be free.

If a Rental Class is flagged to 'Always Bill Daily Rate' the No Charge Weekend setting does not apply.

Rental charges calculated on any entry document such as a Contract, Worksheet, Reservation or Quote, respect and include the customer's free weekend processing in the rental calculation.

Note: If a new Cash Customer is added on-the-fly on a rental document, then the "No Charge Weekend" flag for the new customer defaults from the Customer # To Clone defined for the division in the Division Contract Parameters.


This field only applies if the Respect Customer Cycle Bill Interval feature has been activated from the Company Billing Parameters.
 Select one of the following:

Select 28 Day Cycle if this firm should be billed using the 28 day cycle to generate 13 even billing periods annually, as outlined in The 28 Day Billing Cycle.

Some firms in specialized rental businesses, such trailer rentals, furniture rentals, and storage space rentals, must issue their interim invoices once each calendar month.
 Select Monthly Cycle if long term contracts for this customer should be cycle billed once each calendar month.
 The cycle billing day codes on the contracts for this customer default from the day of the month. This method generates 12 monthly billings a year, as outlined in The Monthly Billing Cycle.

Select System Default if the Monthly or 28 Day cycle billing option should be determined by the Product Class instead of the customer, and the cycle billing day codes for contracts should default from the calendar.

Note: If the Respect Customer Cycle Bill Interval feature has not been activated in the Company Billing Parameters, then the billing interval defaults from the flag set in Rental Product Class.

Refer to Default Billing Method in the Calendar to setup the billing day codes correctly for 28 Days and/or Monthly billing periods.


Leave this field blank if standard Cycle Billing should be applied for this customer.
 (i.e. monthly or 4 week billing)

Alternatively, enter the number of days to trigger early cycle billing for this customer's contracts.
 e.g. Type 21 if contracts for this customer's should be billed at 3 weeks (21 days) in each billing cycle for the full period, instead of waiting until the 4th week. (i.e. always bill one week early)
 The cycle billing day assigned to the contract would correspond to 21 days from the DATE OUT so that after 3 weeks, the charge for the full period would be billed. By having the invoice issued a week early, your cash flow should improve.


Smart Billing processing gives the ability to generate invoice revenue early from a contract through interim cycle billing as soon as all details on the contract have been out on rent long enough to charge the maximum billing target for the month.

This can be activated from the Company Billing Parameters for the entire company or only for specific customers.
 The three options include:

This Smart Billing box is only accessible if the Smart Bill Customers Only option for Smart Billing is employed.

oCheck this box if Smart Billing should be applied to all contracts for this customer.

oUncheck this box if Smart Billing is NOT applicable to this specific customer.

When Smart Billing is activated company wide, the note Active For All Customers displays regardless of the check box for the customer.

When Smart Billing is not utilized for the company, the note: Disabled displays.


A Rental Cap dollar amount can be assigned to individual rental products in Add Rental Products and Rental Inventory, to be used as a maximum amount to be charged for the rental of the product.
 This cap feature must first be activated in the Company Rate Parameters and then this field can be updated manually or updated by the Customer Export/Import utility.

Check this box if the maximum rental caps should apply for this customer.
Sites for the customer will also respect the rental caps unless specifically set to NO in the Additional Info window of Customer Site Information.

Uncheck this box if rental capping does NOT apply to this customer.
 The Rental Cap field in all sites for this customer will be disabled.


Prorating provides the ability to bill partial rental periods.
 Standard prorating rules are setup for each class in Rental Product Classes, but an Alternate prorating calculation can also be assigned to give preferred customers or job sites an even better deal.
 The Alternate prorating is setup company wide in Default Product Classes, and can be flagged to over-ride the Product Class prorating formula for specific customers.

Note: Prorating does not apply to equipment out for less than one day.
 It applies to time out past a day, and also partial days past the weekly or past the monthly period.

Select one of the following prorate options for this customer:

Select Class Default to ignore alternate prorating for the customer but to allow standard Product Class prorating to be used when applicable.

Select Disable to never use the any prorating for this customer. This deactivates both standard Product Class and Customer alternate prorating.

Select Enable to always use the alternate prorating for this customer, over-riding any Product Class prorating.

Select Prompt User to prompt the operator in the counter documents whether to apply the Alternate prorating, or to use the Standard Product Class prorating, as outlined in Document Alternate Prorating.

Note: The Alternate prorating to be used on a document can also be respected by site, as controlled by the flag in the Customer Site Information.


This field does not apply when Alternate Prorating is disabled.
 A minimum number of days can be set, that rental items must be out before the alternate prorating calculation applies. This is an optional field.


Invoices for a customer can be put on Hold to delay posting in Daily Close 1 until the invoices are approved for billing, and the Hold flag is released using Hold/Release Current Invoices or Daily Close Invoice Approval, or the hold period expires and the invoice is automatically released.
 This is a useful feature that allows invoicing of V.I.P. customers to be personally monitored before posting.

Until the invoice is approved, no prices or rates print on the invoice and a comment triggered by the Approval Code can be printed.
 The final invoice is printed after it is release during the Daily Close posting.

Enter an approval code or select it from the drop-down list as setup in the Daily Close 1 Approval Codes table.


Click OK to accept the information and close the window returning to the Additional Information screen.

Topic Keyword: ARCF01 (4039)