Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Customer First Tier Rental Rates

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Information -> Customer Codes -> Special Pricing window -> Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing -> "First Tier Rates" window ->

This window can be used to define the specific rental Groups with special rate structures that take priority over other rates for this customer, as follows:


The sequence number tracks the records in the pricing table.


Enter the Group or select one from the Group Search window.


The Group description is displayed.


Enter the date on which this special rates no longer applies.
 This date is checked against the document date, not the actual system date when the document was entered.


Check this box to allow Trade Discounts to be given to this customer on Tier 1 Rates for this product Group.
 Uncheck this box to prevent Trade Discounts from being given to this customer on Tier 1 Rates for this product Group.

Refer to the explanation in Trade Discounts for more details how this type of discount feature.

Note: Rental items from kits do not respect this flag, as items bundled in a kit often have specific pricing.


Check this box to allow standard Discounts to be given to this customer on Tier 1 Rates for this product Group.
 Uncheck this box to prevent standard Discounts from being given to this customer on Tier 1 Rates for this product Group.

Note: Rental items from kits do not respect this flag, as items bundled in a kit often have specific pricing.


A window is provided to setup the special rates that apply to this customer by rate code for each Group.
 Only the as follows:


The sequence number tracks the records in the pricing table.


Enter the Rate Code or select one from the drop-down list.
 Only Rate Codes assigned to this directly Group in Rate Structures can be selected.


The description is displayed.
e.g. Hourly, 4 Hrs, Daily, Weekly, Weekend, 28 Days, Monthly, Event etc.


The To Hours value that determines the cut-off point after which this rental rate no longer applies, displays.
 e.g. If 1 day = 24 hours, and the To Hours is 96 hours, then the Daily rate applies up to 4 days before the next rate WEEKLY applies.


The Rate Hours that determines the number of hours per time period, displays.

 1 Day = 24 hours, so the rate hours in this time period is 24.
 1 Week = 168 hours (7 days * 24 hrs), so rate hours is 168.
 4 Weeks = 672 hours (7 days * 24 hrs * 4), so rate hours is 672.


Enter the dollar amount which applies for this rate code, for this customer.


Enter the optional Base Rates for applicable Rate codes.
 Refer to the notes on Base Rate Processing in the Rate Structures for a detailed explanation of this feature.


Enter the Base Hours for applicable Rate codes.

Expanded Rate Record

Click the EXP/CON button to access the Meter rate and New Rate information:


This field only applies to metered or blade-type non-bulk rental products.

Enter the number of meter or blade units included with the rental rate.
 If the meter units at Rental Return are less that this meter allowance, there is no meter charge.


Enter the over-time rate per meter or blade unit, if the included meter units is exceeded for this rate code.


This field only applies if Base Rate processing is being used.
 This amount is the additional amount required in the calculation to equal the Base Rate.
 This is an information field only.


Optional maintenance provision postings can be generated to reflect a maintenance expense in the G/L as a portion of the rental revenue.

Leave this field blank if NO maintenance provision postings are required for this rate code, or enter an hourly rate to be charged at this rate code level for maintenance.


New rates for each rate code can be setup in advance.

Enter the effective date when these new rates should be applied.
 Any Contracts, Quotations, Reservations, etc., entered with a date out that is later than this date will be billed at the new rate.
 At this effective date, the new rates replace the expired rates in the product rate file.

The fields include:


Enter the new rate to apply as of the effective date just set.


Enter the Base Rate for the code to be applied as of this New Rate effective date.


Enter the Base Hours for the Rate code, to be used as of this New Rate effective date.


Enter the over-time rate per meter or blade unit to be used as of this New Rate effective date.


This amount is the additional amount required in the calculation to equal the Base Rate.
 This is an information field only.


Click ACCEPT to accept the list of products and exit, or CANCEL to abort.


Click ACCEPT to accept the list of products and exit, or CANCEL to abort.

The Tier 1 Pricing Report can be used to output all the first tier rates and pricing assigned to selected customers, to a report or to a spreadsheet.
 Tier 1 Groups and rates can also be updated using the Customer Pricing Management utility or Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag and the rate cards can be printed from Customer Rate Card.

Topic Keyword: ARPOR01 (4063)