System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Customer Management Tab -> Customer Contact -> Competitors
This table can be useful to track any important competitors and their strategies, and to associate those competitors with specific customers, using Customer Contact Information for reporting purposes.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Customer Management - Competitors in order to access this table.
Customers associated with specific competitors can then be retrieved into a list using the By Competitor tab on the Selection Criteria utility.
The list of customers can then be edited in Select Customer Records and various lists produced.
Refer to Customer Contact Management Overview for further details on this module.
The prompts to setup a list of the competitors are:
Accept the sequence number automatically assigned for this record.
Enter up to a 4 alpha-numeric characters to represent this competitor.
Enter the company name of the competitor.
A window is provided to record a relevant comment line for this competitor.
This comment is information only, that can be viewed in the Competitor Information window of Customer Contact Information.
Click ACCEPT to accept and close the window, or CANCEL to abort.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Competitor screen include:
•Delete a Competitor Record:
Click the DELETE button to delete a Competitor.
A message is triggered to warn that if any other changes have been just made to the Competitor screen that have not been saved, they may be lost.
Confirmation is required to continue.
Select the Competitor to be deleted from the drop-down box as outlined in Delete A Competitor.
When a Competitor is deleted from this table, all reference will also be removed from the customer.
Topic Keyword: CMCL01 (4082)