Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Competitor Reason Codes

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Customer Management Tab -> Customer Contact -> Competitor Reason Codes

This table can be useful to define important reason notes related to competitors and their strategies, and to associate those reasons with specific customers, in the Competitor Information window of Customer Contact Information.
 These reason codes are information only and are not used in reporting.
 An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Customer Management - Competitor Reasons in order to access this table.

The prompts to setup a list of the reasons are:


Accept the sequence number automatically assigned for this record.


Enter up to a 3 alpha-numeric characters to represent this reason.


Enter the phrase of comment related to this reason.
 When Competitor Reason Codes are assigned to a customer, multiple codes can be appended within a comment in the Reason fields in the Competitor Information window.


Click ACCEPT to accept and close the window, or CANCEL to abort.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Competitor Reason Code screen include:

Delete a Competitor Reason:
 Click on the sequence number for the Competitor Reason to be deleted and then click the DELETE button.
 Confirmation is required.

Topic Keyword: CMCR01 (4083)