Competitor Information
Customer Contact Menu -> Customer Contact Information -> Competitor Information
This window can be used to track competitor strategy information relating to this customer.
Customers associated with specific competitors can then be retrieved into a list using the By Competitor tab on the Selection Criteria utility.
The list of customers can then be edited in Select Customer Records and various lists produced.
Refer to Customer Contact Management Overview for further details on this module.
The prompts to capture the competitor information include:
Accept the next available sequence number to track records in this file.
Enter the competitor code or select it from the drop-down list as setup in Competitors.
The competitor's name is displayed.
A window is provided to view the Competitor strategy as outlined in Competitor Strategies.
A window is provided to view the list of all Profile Classes and Codes and check the ones this customer uses.
This could be useful if Profile Classes/Codes are setup to define equipment types in Profile Classes and Profile Codes.
This is information only and is not used in reporting.
Enter the volume dollar amount estimated for this customer.
This value can be used in the Selection Criteria utility to filter the resulting customer list using the By Competitor tab.
Multiple reason comments associated with competitor business can be setup in the Competitor Reasons table.
Two lines are supplied to select reason comments and a Reason Code Search window is provided.
Comments can be appended on the end of existing comments by clicking at the end of a comment on a Reason line and then clicking the search button to select an additional comment description.
These reason comments are information only and are not used in reporting.
Click ACCEPT to accept the information and exit the window.
Note: When a competitor record is deleted from Delete A Competitor, all reference to that competitor is also removed from any associated customer profiles.
Topic Keyword: CMCF01J (4089)